W. A., No. 2, Yarmouth Street Mr. Tindale, Cock Hill, Ratcliffe.-Donation for the Madagascar Mission.... Savings of a poor Blind Young Woman at Newington.. A Friend; per Rev. Edw Davies, for the support of a Native Teacher in South Travancore, to be called. "Edward Lewis Davies" Produce of a Missionary Box in the shop of Mr. Fortune, Portugal Street, Lincoln's Inn, being the fifth Contribution Rev. T. Harper and Congregation, London Road... Proportion of Assets on a Legacy, under the Will of Mrs. Rebecca Tomkins, late of Moorfields, of 3007. Navy 5 per Cents. Messrs. Hammond, Tomkins, and Fletcher, Executors. Per the Estate of Jane Saunders, Johnstreet, Tottenham-court-road.-Rev. J. Morison, Executor Friends, Penny-a-week Society The Boys, at the Orphan School, City-road 100 0 0 21 0 0 3 0 0* 20 0 Newport-Rev. J. Bruce, Penny-a-Week Society Teachers and Children of Sunday School 8.5 6 406 12 Middlesex.-Uxbridge.-Rev. G. 4 6 110 16 1 0 4 5 0 14 5 0 48 15 4 5 14 2 20 0 0 4 2 6 Oxfordshire.-Witney.-Rev. I. Figgs.Weekly Subscriptions CONTRIBUTIONS FROM VARIOUS PARTS OF Pembrokeshire.-D.-Donation.. THE UNITED KINGDOM. Packs.-Beaconsfield-Rev. Mr. Harsant and Friends.. Dorset. Beaminster. Mrs. Gale.Penny-a-Week Subscription; per Mrs. Hunter Durham.-Darlington. Rev. Charles Gollop.-Missionary Association.... Essex.-Bungay and Denton United Congregation for the support of a Native Teacher in India, to be called " John Owen."-By S. Ray, Treasurer Gloucester.-Legacy under the Will of the late Rev. Ebenezer Cornell, being a Moiety of 1001. 5 per Cent. stock. Per Rev. W. Bishop, Executor.. 53 15 0 27 1 0 50 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 730 0 0 614 0 16 0 0 500 10 0 0 15.0 0 10 0 Q Borrowstownes Bible Society Fund.Per Rev. Dr. Rennie. Denny Auxiliary Missionary Society.Rev. J. Harrower 33 12 9 3 17 2 12 2 77 15 1 20 13 3 11.6 2 9 10 0 ERRATUM. Greenock.-Per Mr. Turbitt.-Female Association Leith Juvenile Missionary Society; per Rev. G. Payne. In the May Chronicle Collection from Holt, Wilts, for Rev. S. Lowell, read Rev. J. Hamlyn. The Thanks of the Directors are presented to the following: To Mrs. Tappy, for Guthrie's Grammar, &c.-Rev. J. Davison, Chudleigh, for Burkitt on the New Testamenti Hervey's Theron and Aspasio; Bevan's Life of Paul; Wilcox's Sermons, &c.-Mr. Orchard, for Byfield on the Colossians.-Mrs. Kingdon, for Life of Martyn.-Miss Jones, for Paley's Evidences, Hervey's Meditations, &c.-Mr. Efford, for Watts's Hymns, &c.-Mr. Pethricke, for four pieces of Worsted Binding.-Messrs. Taperill, Wil is, T. Pulling, and G. Pulling, Underhay, &c. for sundry Books.-Mr. Joseph Shaw, for Turretini Theologia, Christian Guardian, Jewish Expositor, Paley's Natural Theology, and 12 Williams's Catechism. -Miss Moore, for Dr. Bogue's Discourse.-Rev. E. Lake, Worcester, for 200 of Hints for a general Union of Christians for Prayer.-A Friend, per Rev. J. N. Goulty, Henley, for Boston's Fourfold State; and nine Artisans' Knives.-Mrs. West, of Northampton Square, for 1 dozen and 9 Penknives.-Rev. J. Kirby and Friends, Lewes, for Kirby's Funeral Sermons for George the 3d; 1 dozen of Mason's History of Jesus; 1 dozen of Campbell's Worlds Displayed.-Mr. Holdgate, Mulberry Gardens, for 37 Sunday School Spelling BooksMrs. Pelah, for five Reports of Bible Society, &c.-Mrs. Cox, Mile End Road, for 16 old Books.-Mr. Dimmock, per Rev. Richard Newland, Hanley, for Usher's Body of Divinity, &c.-Mrs. Owen, Carnarvon, for seven Black Lead Pencils, &c.--Miss Clark, Hackney, a quantity of Pearl Buttons.-Mr. James Rusher, for 500 Watts's First Catechism.-Mr. Corker, of Yarm, for Dr. Bates's Works, Bishop Hall's Works, Keach's Metaphors, Luther on the Galatians, Flavel's Catechism, &c.-A Friend, for 3 dozen of Thoughts on Secret Prayer, &c.Rev. T Morell, St. Neots', for his Studies in History, for the Anglo-Chinese College, 4 vols. handsomely bound-I. G. of E. H. for 1 vol. Christian Guardian.-Mrs. Tappy; a Friend at Fulham; I. G. of E.H.; Joseph Shaw; a Friend, per Rev. Mr. Hillyard; Two unknown Friends; a Friend at Berk well, per Rev. J. Sibrie; a few Friends at Hull, per Captain Forster; M. P.; M. B.; and F. M.; Mrs. Pelch; Mrs. Cox; a Friend to Missions; Mr. Dimmock, per Rev. Rich. Newland; Mrs. Owen; and Miss Clark ;-for 26 volumes, and 820 Nos. of Evangelical Magazines, &c. Donations in Aid of the Anglo-Chinese College at Malacca. Mr. Benjamin King, Stowmarket, Suffolk, ditto For the Education of Native Females in India. Miss Walker, Ponders End.-Annual.. A few Female Friends at Shrewsbury POETRY. HYMN COMPOSED FOR A MISSIONARY MEETING, By the Rev. Reginald Heber. FROM Greenland's icy mountains, Roll down their golden sand; Their land from Error's chain. What tho' the spicy breezes The gifts of God are strewn; Bows down to wood and stone. A MISSIONARY WHILE gazing upward, from afar Shall we, whose souls are lighted With wisdom from on high, The joyful sound proclaim, Has learnt Messiah's name! Waft, waft, ye winds, His story, It spreads from pole to pole; HYMN. Oh, soon shall that resplendent ray Where'er the foot of man hath trod, PETER. THE EVANGELICAL MAGAZINE AND MISSIONARY CHRONICLE. AUGUST 1821. A BRIEF MEMOIR OF THE LATE ROBERT SPEAR, ESQ. OF MANCHESTER. (Abridged from the First Number of the Investigator.) was so sincere About the same period, Mr. S. MR.SPER rend to evangeli- appears to have joined the church of cal religion, and to the active means of late years adopted to support it, that we feel it our duty to preserve a memorial of his character; and not having received an original Memoir, adopt with pleasure the following particulars from the above respectable publication, which we have been some time waiting for an opportunity to insert. Mr. Robert Spear was born in Manchester, November 27th, 1762. His father was a respectable linen draper, and a native of Scotland. Both his parents were dissenters, and the former for many years an active member and deacon of the Independent Church in Cannon Street, Manchester. Young Mr. Spear received his education in part at the public grammar school of that populous town, and finished it at a private seminary near Liverpool. He was a youth of great promise, and from the age of 15 gave evidence of decided piety. By an alarming illness at this period his mind was much inclined toward the ministry; but his talents appearing to his friends more suitable to trade, he was persuaded to relinquish that idea, and was bound apprentice to Messrs. Clegg and Kirkham, who were among the first cotton-dealers in Manchester. XXIX. which his father was a deacon, and from that time took a deep interest in its concerns. His conduct in business was also so highly satisfactory to his employers, that, in the last year of his apprenticeship, he was intrusted by them, in conjunction with two other houses, with an important mission to Lisbon to purchase Brazil cotton, and made a very successful and advantageous speculation. But what is more pertinent to our subject, and will be far more interesting to our readers is, that though he visited a place so devoted to superstition, and was compelled to mix in the high and fashionable circles, he preserved both his conduct and principles uncontaminated; though, as might naturally be supposed, he suffered much ridicule from his companions, on account of his religious scruples, particularly in his strict observation of the sabbath. On Mr. S's return from Lisbon, and the expiration of his indentures, he entered into business on his own account, and with good success. After about two years, he engaged in partnership (so far as regarded the cotton trade only) with Mr. R. Arkwright (son of Sir R. A-) which, owing to the circumstances of the times, was but of short duration, 2 A |