| Mrs. Manley (Mary de la Rivière) - 1720 - 686 páginas
...inftance in feveral others or them, * Who ufed curious Arts, brought their ' Books together and burn'd them before all ' Men, and they counted the Price of them, * and found them fifty pieces of Silver. An Angel came evidently to Cornelius, a Centurion of the Italian Band... | |
| John Trenchard, Thomas Gordon - 1732 - 324 páginas
...undeceived. AND AND many alfb of them which ufed curious rts , brought their Books together and burnt them before all Men; and they counted the Price of them, and found it Fifty Thoufand Pieces of Silver, v. 19. How fertile muft the World then have been in myfterious and conjuring... | |
| Edward Harley - 1735 - 798 páginas
...And many that believed came, and confefled, and /hewed their Deeds. 19. Many alfo of them which ufed curious Arts, brought their Books together, and burned...they counted the Price of them, and found it fifty thoufand Pieces of Silver. 21. After thefe Things were ended, 'Paul purpofed in the Spirit, when he... | |
| 1737 - 502 páginas
...And many that believed came, and confefled, and fhewed their deeds. 19. Many alfo of them which ufed curious arts, brought their books together, and burned...they counted the price of them, and found it fifty fifty thoufand pieces ing Words, Spells, and Charms, and burned them publickly ; of filver. 20. So... | |
| John Toland - 1747 - 580 páginas
...that many of them which oelieiffa-* And us'd curious arts, brought their books together, and burnt them before all men ; and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thoufand pieces ofjiher, or about three hundred pounds fterling. This was the firft inftance of burning... | |
| John Hutchinson - 1749 - 454 páginas
...Ufe of Writing to thefe bafe Ends, we find at Ephefus, Acts xix. 19. Many of theto alfo which iifed curious Arts, brought their Books together, and burned...Men ; and they counted the Price of them, and found ttfjfty thoufandPiECES of Silver: And no doubt others burn'd moft of their Books, and were afhamed... | |
| John Trenchard, Thomas Gordon - 1751 - 432 páginas
...undeceived. And many alfo of them ^which ufed curious Arts, brought their Books together, and burnt them before all Men ; and they counted the Price of them, and found it ffty thouf and Pieces of Silver, v. 1 9. How fertile mud the World then have been in myfterious and... | |
| William Leechman - 1763 - 76 páginas
...believed came, and confeffed, and Jhewed their deeds. Many alfo of them which ufed curious arts, trought their books together^ and burned them before all men...and they counted the price of them, and, found it fiff%P'eces °f Jilver. That thefe curious books contained, the rules to be obferved for the acceptable... | |
| Thomas Sharp - 1763 - 410 páginas
...many who ufed curious and enchanting Arts confejjed and Jhew'd their Deeds, and brought their magical Books together, and burned them before all Men -, and they counted the Price of them, and found itffty thoufand Piefes of Silver. So mightily encreafed the Word of God and prevailed, ver. 18, 19,... | |
| Assembly of divines confess. and catech - 1765 - 626 páginas
...many that believed, came and confeííed and fhewed their deeds, v. 19. Many alio of them which ufed curious arts, brought their books together, and burned...they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thoufand pieces of íil ver, v. 20. So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed. d Afts xix. IO.... | |
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