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Various, that the mind of desultory man, studious of change and pleased with novelty, may be indulged-Cowp.

Vol. V.

Philadelphia, Saturday, January 2, 1808.



For The Port Folio.


"See, then, that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, REDEEMING THE TIME."

No. 1.

will be generally predominant in
those visions of Futurity, with
which, we may presume, men of re-
flection as well as sensibility are fa-
voured. They will sorrow for the
negligences and errours of the past
time, but they will exult in pleasing
dreams of better days to come. The
face of every moralizer, at such a
period, is the changeful face of April.
As his emotions are various, their
expressions will be so. Sometimes
there will
appear much joy in
him," but then joy cannot show it-
self without a badge of bitterness.
"He will break out into tears, a
kind overflow of kindness;" but
we hardiy need the authority of
SHAKSPEARE'S affectionate gover-
nour of Messina to assert, that there
are no faces truer, than those that
are so washed.

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IN the calendar of every contemplative man, the arrival of A NEW YEAR will be noted as a memorable epoch. Amid the bustle of business, or the blandishnents of pleasure, he will hear, distinctly, the voice of Time, and, by a natural association, be led to meditate on the past, and to project for the future. As he communes with his own heart, in the recesses of retirement, various powers will hover over his head, in Reflection's hour. Memory will sometimes appear to him with a gay, and sometimes with a ghastly train, and pining Regret and To me, January generally comes corroding Remorse will insert their up with a jocund air, and kind asthorns amid the buds of sanguine surances, like a liberal friend, with Expectation, and the fairest roses of not only brightness in his eye, and Promise. Buthonest Purposes, good a smile on his cheek, but warmth in Resolution, and cheering Hope his heart, and gifts in his hand.


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