Essays, Moral, Philosophical, and Stomachical, on the Important Science of Good-living

G. and W.B. Whittaker, 1823 - 226 páginas

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Página viii - prentice to a brewer, Where this and more it did endure, But...
Página 210 - Why should not conscience have vacation As well as other courts o' th' nation ; Have equal power to adjourn, Appoint appearance and return ; And make as nice distinction serve To split a case as those that carve Invoking cuckolds...
Página 189 - Free-will they one way disavow, Another, nothing else allow. All piety consists therein In them, in other men all sin. Rather than fail, they will defy That which they love most tenderly, Quarrel with minc'd pies, and disparage Their best and dearest friend, plum-porridge; Fat pig and goose itself oppose, And blaspheme custard through the nose. Th...
Página 126 - It would be an insult to the understanding of our readers, to suppose them ignorant of the usual mode of treating common devils -. but we shall make no apology lor giving the most minute instructions for the preparation of a gentler stimulant, which, besides, possesses this advantage — that it may be all done at the table, either by yourself, or at least under your own immediate inspection. " Mix equal parts of fine salt, Cayenne pepper, and...
Página 138 - ... coffee-pot with an upper receptacle made to fit close into it, the bottom of which is perforated with small holes, and containing in its interior two...
Página 127 - ... and powder the whole gently over with the mixture; crush the trail and brains along with the yolk of a hardboiled egg, a small portion of pounded mace, the grated peel of half a lemon, and half a spoonful of soy, until the ingredients be brought to the consistence of a fine paste : then add a...
Página 128 - Seville oranges : throw this sauce, along with the birds, into a silver stew-dish, to be heated with spirits of wine — cover close up — light the lamp— and keep gently simmering, and occasionally stirring, until the flesh has imbibed the greater part of the liquid. When you have reason to suppose it is completely saturated, pour in a small quantity of salad oil, stir...
Página 120 - Now on the shore the fatal swine is found — Wond'rous to tell ! — She lay along the ground : Her well-fed offspring at her udders hung ; She white herself, and white her thirty young.
Página 128 - ... a fine paste : then add a table-spoonful of catsup, a full wine-glass of Madeira, and the juice of two Seville oranges : throw this sauce, along with the birds, into a silver stew-dish to be heated with...
Página 127 - ... it may be all done at the table, either by yourself, or at least under your own immediate inspection. Mix equal parts of fine salt, cayenne pepper, and currie powder, with double the quantity of powder of truffles: dissect, secundum artem, a brace of woodcocks rather under-roasted, split the heads, subdivide the wings, &c. &c...

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