| John Flavel - 1671 - 576 páginas
...for glory, the fruit and reward of them, " I have set" (or, as the apostle varies it, " I foresaw) the Lord always before me ; because he is at my right...Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth." Psa 16:8-11. Here is faith exercised by Christ for strength to carry him through. And then it follows,... | |
 | 1729 - 320 páginas
...future and prophetick Senfe. I have fttthe Lord always before me: Becaufe he is at my right Hand I/hall not be moved. Therefore my Heart is glad, and my Glory rejoiceth : my Flejh alfo (hall refl in hope. Per than wilt not leave my Soul in Hell, neither tviit thtu fuffer thine... | |
 | Samuel Clarke - 1730 - 438 páginas
...my Text are a part. I have fet the Lord always before me$ becaufe he is jai my right hand, I jhall not be • moved, Therefore my Heart is glad, and my Glory rejoiceth ; my Flejh alfo jhall reft in Hope. For thou wilt not leave my Soul in Hell, neither wilt thoufuffer thine... | |
 | United Brethren in Christ - 1754 - 828 páginas
...cxxxix. 13. Rev. ii, 23* I have fet the Lord always before me : becaufe he is at my right hand, I fliall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth : my flefli alfo Hi. ill reft in hope. .For thou wilt not leave my foul in hell : neither wilt thou fuiFer... | |
 | John Tillotson - 1757 - 508 páginas
...Pfal. xvi. 8,9, n. " I have let the LORD " always before me : becaufe he is at my right " hand, I lhall not be moved. Therefore my heart " is glad, and my glory rejoiceth : my flefh alfo " fhall reft in hope." For " thou wilt fhew me the " path of life ; in thy prefence is fulnefs... | |
 | John Leland - 1769 - 472 páginas
...uncomfortable Afpect, / havefet the Lord always before me ; kcaufe he is at my right Hand, I fiall not be moved; therefore my Heart is glad, and my Glory rejoiceth, &cc. Pf. xvi. 8. D 3 38 DISCOURSE IF. From the fcveral Confiderations which have been mentioned, it... | |
 | John Flavel - 1770 - 520 páginas
...apeftle varies it) " I forefaw the " Lord always before me ; becaufe he is at my right-hand I " fhall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory " rejoiceth." There's faith acted by Chrift, for ftrength to carry him thVough. And then it follows, " Mytfefh alfo... | |
 | Joseph Priestley - 1782 - 478 páginas
...Pf. xvi. 8. &c. "I have fet the Lord always " before me : becaufe he is at my right " hand, I fhall not be moved. Therefore " my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: " my flefh alfo fhall reft in hope. For " thou wilt not leave my foul in hell : nei" ther wilt thou fuffer... | |
 | 1786 - 670 páginas
...prophetic fenfe. • I have fet the Lord always before me : becaufe he is at my right-hand I (hall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth : my flem alio (hall reit in hope. For thou wilt not leave my foul in hell, neither wilt thou luff« thine... | |
 | David Hume - 1799 - 142 páginas
...and prophetic fenfe. " I have fet the Lord always before me : becaufe he is at my right hand I fliall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad , and my glory rejoiceth : my flefli alfo fliall reft iu hope. For thou wilt not leave my foul in hell , neither wilt thou fuffer... | |
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