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" ... accent of Christians, nor the gait of Christian, pagan, nor man, have so strutted, and bellowed, that I have thought some of Nature's journeymen had made men, and not made them well, they imitated humanity so abominably. "
The Works of Shakespeare: Collated with the Oldest Copies, and Corrected - Página 170
por William Shakespeare - 1773
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The Works of Mr. William Shakespear;: In Six Volumes. Adorn'd with ..., Volumen5

William Shakespeare - 1709 - 598 páginas
...or ths gare of Chriftian, Pagan, or Norman, have (<> ftrutted and bellowed, that I have thought fame of Nature's Journey-men had made Men, and not made...hope we have reform'd that indifferently with us, Sir. Ham, O reform it altogether. And Jet thofe tnjt play your Clowns, fpeak no more than is ftt down...
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Romeo and Juliet ; Timon of Athens ; Julius Caesar ; Macbeth ; Hamlet ; King ...

William Shakespeare, Nicholas Rowe - 1709 - 612 páginas
...of Chriftians, nor the gate of Chriftian, Pagan, or Nor" man, have fo ftrutted and bellowed, that I have thought fome of Nature's Journey-men had made...and not made them well, they imitated Humanity fo abomi"ably. Play. I warrant your Honour. Ham. O reform it altogether. And let thofe that play your...
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The Lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq, Volumen1

1710 - 454 páginas
...that neither having the Accent of Chriftian, Pagan, or Norman, have fo dratted and bellowed, that I have thought fome of Nature's Journeymen had made...Men, and not made them well, they imitated Humanity foabominably. This fhould be reformed altogether $ and let thofe that play your Clowns, fpeak no more...
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The Lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff, Volumen1

Sir Richard Steele - 1712 - 398 páginas
...having the Accent of Chrlflian, Pagan, or Norman, haveTo itrutted and bellowed, that I have thoughtfome of Nature's Journeymen had made Men, and not- made them well, they imitated Humanity fo abominably. This 3 (hould be reformed altogether ; and let thole that play your Clowns, (peak no more than is fet...
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The British Muse: Or, A Collection of Thoughts, Moral, Natural, and Sublime ...

Sir Thomas Hayward - 1738 - 324 páginas
...accent of chriftian, Nor the gait of chriftian, pagan, nor man, Have fo ftrutted, and bellow'd, that I have Thought fome of nature's journeymen had made...made them well ; they imitated Humanity fo abominably ! z. I hope, we have reform'd that indiff'rently With us, i . Oh. ! reform it altogether. And let thofe...
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The Quintessence of English Poetry, Or, a Collection of All the Beautiful ...

William Oldys - 1740 - 328 páginas
...of chriftian, Nor Nor the gait of chriftian, pagan, nor man, Have fo ftrutted, and bellow'd, that I have Thought fome of nature's journeymen had made...them well ; they imitated Humanity fo. abominably ! z. I hope, we have reform'd that indiff'rently With us, i . Oh ! reform it altogether. And let thofe...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare in Eight Volumes: With the ..., Volumen8

William Shakespeare - 1765 - 540 páginas
...chriftian, pagan, or man, havfc fo llrutted and bellow'd,- that I have thought fome of nature's journey men had made men, and not made them well ; they imitated...hope, we have reform'd that indifferently with us, ' inexplicalle r/umlr Jbi.'vj'^ I \vcll wOhftrm and frefirr, but believe the meaning is, Jbtiu , *...
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The plays of william shakespeare.

William Shakespeare - 1765 - 540 páginas
...chriftian, pagan, or man, have fo ftrutted and bellow'd, that I have thought fome of nature's journey men had made men, and not made them well; they imitated...hope, we have reform'd that indifferently with us. believe the meaning is, Jbfw<, ill with body. 1 inexplicalh dumb Jhcvj<,~\ I well wi'th^ora and prejftre,...
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Twenty of the Plays of Shakespeare: The most excellent tragedie of Romeo and ...

William Shakespeare - 1766 - 620 páginas
...Chriftian, Pagan, nor man, haue fo ftrutted and bellowed, that 'I haue thought fotne of natures ionrnemen had made men, and not made them well, they imitated humanity fo abominably. Play. I hope we haue reform'd that indifferently with vs. Ha. O reforme it altogether, and let thofe that play your...
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The Works of Shakespeare: in Eight Volumes, Volumen8

William Shakespeare - 1767 - 480 páginas
...accent of chriilian, nor the gait of chriitian, pagan, nor man, have fo {butted and bellow'd, that I have thought fome of nature's journey-men had made men, and not made them well j they imitated humanity fo abominably. Play, 1 hope, we have refbrm'd that indifferently with us....
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