that they should trust Him even when His sayings were hard. And these demands produced the limitations. The Pharisees preferred the glory of men to the glory which came from God; the masses in Galilee cared only for the bread that perisheth; many of the disciples turned back; and so He could not commit Himself unto them, because He knew what was in man. Not to them, not to any chance person, but to the Twelve, to those who had stood these tests, to those who had, in spite of all perplexity, seen in Him the Son of the Living God, to them He could commit Himself; they could share His secrets; they could be taught clearly the certainty and the meaning of His coming death, for they had begun to learn what self-sacrifice meant; they could do His work and organize His Church; they could bind and loose in His name; they could represent Him when He was gone. These are the elect; they who had the will to listen to the call; they who were 'magnanimous to correspond with heaven'; to them He gave at Pentecost the full conscious gift of the Holy Spirit, and so at last formed them into the Church, the Church which was to continue His work, which was to convey His grace, which was to go into the whole world, holding this life as a treasure for the sake of the whole world, praying and giving thanks for all men, because the unity of God and the unity of the mediation of Christ inspires them with hope that all may be one in Him." - Lux Mundi, pp. 372, 373. INDEX Abbott, Lyman, Christian Thought, 410 note; The Absolutism, difficulties of, 263. 250. Acts, The, of the Apostles, 62. Adam, a new, 286. Adams, Professor, 12. Aiden, 312. Altruism, 37, 38. Ambrose of Milan, 101. Balfour, Hon. A. J., A De- of Science on the Faith, 68, Baudelaire, Charles, 18, 29. Beauchamp, Henry, Thoughts of an Automaton, 210. America, the new crusade in, Berthelot, M., 13. Ananias, 100. Antoninus Pius, 104. Aquinas, Thomas, 50, 141. Arius, 110. Armstrong, Prof. A. C., Jr., 34. Bettelheim, Anton, Cosmоро- lis, 334 note. Beyschlags, New Testament Theology, 62, 359, 396, 399, Bible: bending the Bible to fit Biblical scholarship (modern), Boniface, 312. Atonement, the value of the, Bourget, Paul, Psychologie 162. Authority is what the age de- Contemporaine, 5 note, 17, Bradford, Amory H., Hered- 221. Brainerd, David, 79. for Trinity Sunday, 112. Bruce, Prof. A. B., St. Paul's Bushnell, Horace, The Divin- Calvary is victory, 278. Candlish, Dr. James S., King- dom of God, 176. Carlyle, Thomas, 16; Heroes, 86 note. Catacombs, pictures of Christ Cayley, Professor, 12. Charity, the new, 170; true, Chillingworth, William, 50. the personal power of Christ 193; doctrine never fails, ❘ Creed, The, of Christ, 200; of to His teaching, 197; the su- necessity, 212. Cross: power of the cross of Crusade against scepticism, 37. Darwin, the testimony of a Christhood, what is meant by Deity of Christ, the strength the, 92. Christian leadership, need of, 38; belief, the new line Christianity and Christ, 59; Christians despised for wor- Christless man can never Christology, modern examples Clarke, Samuel, 50. Columba, 312. of the Gospel, 122. 12. Disciple, The, must be as his Divine, The, Orderliness, 255; Divinity of Jesus Christ, The, Doctrine of Christ, the basis of Dogmas darken the view of Dogmatic theology and mod- Conscience, the indomitable, Dorner, History of Protestant 35. Couperus, Louis, Destiny, 213. Theology, 378 note. Doubt not a crime but a |