10 A DISSERTATION ON THE PRINCIPLES OF HUMAN ELOQUENCE: WITH Particular Regard to the STYLE and COMPOSITION OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 1 The Obfervations on IN WHICH this SUBJECT by the LORD BISHOP OF GLOUCESTER, in his Discourse on the Doc TRINE OF GRACE, are distinctly confidered. BEING The Substance of several LECTURES read in the ORATORYSCHOOL OF TRINITY-COLLEGE, DUBLIN. By THOMAS LELAND, D. D. 11 LONDON: Printed for W. JOHNSTON, in Ludgate-Street. ADVERTISEMENT. T HE Reader will easily perceive from several illustrations, and other particulars in the following sheets, that they were intended originally for YOUNG Hearers; to whom, (as is intimated in the Title Page) they were at first addressed in another form merely to fulfill the duties of an Academical Office, and without intention of farther publication. If they are now fubmitted to the censure of the world, it is not from any ambition of appearing in a Contest with a Writer of diftinguished Eminence ; but principally from a deference to their Opinions, who thought that the liberties taken with such a Character, and the examination of his Opinions should be strictly public: and that to confine them to a small obfcure Circle, might appear equally disingenuous, with fecret and clandeftine Cenfure, in Common Life. INTRODUCTION. LOQUENCE, STYLE, COMPOSITION, and such like, have already been so frequently and so fully treated by various writers, that it seems scarcely justifiable to refume them, but on some occafion, or for fome purpose of confequence. Nor can I plead any apology for the critical discussions in the following sheets, but that they are connected with a fubject of real moment : I mean an objection which the enemies of our holy religion have made to the Apoftolical writings, which indeed hath oftentimes received answers fuffi a |