| William Burnet - 1724 - 190 páginas
...K Heaven, and behold, a great Red Drdgon, Xll• * ^ having fcvcn Heads and ten Horns, and fevcn ^< Crowns upon his Heads. "And his Tail drew the third part of the * Stars of Heaven, and did caft them to the ** ^ Earth. — Here is a Wonder in Heaven, Reprefenting... | |
| Jacob Ilive - 1733 - 132 páginas
...The Intrigue of Lucifer follows in Chap. xi. « And there " appeared another Wonder in Heaven, and behold a great red ." Dragon, having feven Heads,...Heads. And his Tail drew the third Part «' of the Stars of Heaven, and did caft them to the Earth." And I think I am juftified from the Words recited... | |
| Francis Fox - 1748 - 602 páginas
...behold a great b red dragon, having c feven heads, and ten horns, and A feven crowns upon his heads. 4. And his ' tail drew the third part of the { ftars of heaven, and did E caft them to the earth : and the dragon ftoxl before 19. h 4- Rev. 1 5. y, 8. And after' ing feven... | |
| Callimachus - 1755 - 266 páginas
...travelling in birth, and pained to be delivered. And there appeared another wonder in heaven : and behold a great red dragon, having feven heads and ten horns and feven crowns upon his head. And his tail drew the third part of the ftars of heaven, and did caft them to the earth : and... | |
| Callimachus - 1755 - 262 páginas
...birth, and pained to be delivered. And there appeared another wonder in heaven: and behold a gnat' red dragon, having feven heads and ten horns and feven crowns upon his head. And his tail drew the third part of the ftars of heaven, and did cart them to the earth : and... | |
| Thomas Newton (bp. of Bristol.) - 1766 - 518 páginas
...traveling in birth, and pained to be delivered. 3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven, and behold, a great red dragon, . having feven heads, and ten horns, and ieven crowns upon his heads. 4 And his tail drew the third part of the flars of heaven, and did caft... | |
| Richard Clarke (curate of Cheshunt.) - 1770 - 330 páginas
...in the moft inflamed fenfe of that word. He is fhewn in Rev. xii. 3. as the great red dragon, with feven heads, and ten horns, and feven crowns upon his heads: and allowing ten horns, or the decad to every head with a crown, the number will be feventy, fo famous... | |
| José Francisco de Isla - 1772 - 580 páginas
...the poetical world the perverfe fect of rhimes, which, like the dragon in the Revelation, with its tail drew the third part of the ftars of Heaven, and did caft them to the earth, I mean, which has deftroyed fo many noble geniufes who might have enriched pofterity with... | |
| José Francisco de Isla - 1772 - 600 páginas
...the poetical world the perverfe fect of rhimes, which, like the dragon in the Revelation, with its tail drew the third part of the ftars of Heaven, and did caft them to the earth, I mean, which has deftroyed fo many noble geniufes who might have enriched pofterity with... | |
| James Bicheno - 1794 - 176 páginas
...chapter, but of many others which follow. Chap. xii. 3. And there appeared another wonder in heaven, and behold a great red dragon, having feven heads and...his heads. And his tail drew the third part of the jtars of heaven, and did cajl them to the earth, &c. Moft of the authors whom 1 have confulted, though... | |
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