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" Now in thy youth, beseech of Him Who giveth, upbraiding' not; That his light in thy heart become not dim, And his love be unforgot ; And thy God, in the darkest of days, will be, Greenness, and beauty, and strength to thee... "
Poems ... Reprinted from the American Octavo Edition - Página 319
por Mrs. Hemans - 1827
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The British review and London critical journal

1820 - 524 páginas
...not the dead ? Now, in thy yowth, beseech of HIM Who giveth, upbraiding not, That his light in thy heart become not dim, And his love be unforgot ; And...will be Greenness, and beauty, and strength to thee ! (P. 133—136.) There is something also in the following lines a little quaint Eerhaps, and adjusted...
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The Youth's magazine, or Evangelical miscellany, Volumen9

1846 - 808 páginas
...Quaker poet : — " Now in thy youth, beseech of Him Who giveth, upbraiding not, That his light in thy heart become not dim, And his love be unforgot ; And...will be Greenness, and beauty, and strength to thee." The meteor-lights of worldly pleasure, will no longer dazzle or lead astray, but will serve as warnings...
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The Literary chronicle and weekly review, Volumen2,Temas33-83

1820 - 856 páginas
...not the dead ) Now, in thy youth, beseech of Him Who giveth, upbraiding not, That his light in thy heart become not dim, And his love be unforgot ; And...will be Greenness, and beauty, and strength to thee !' We are sure we need not say more, or extract more, to make Mr. Barton's poems be eagerly sought...
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The London Literary Gazette and Journal of Belles Lettres, Arts, Sciences, Etc

1820 - 872 páginas
...not the dead .' N'ow, in thy vonth, beseech of HIM W ho giveth, upbraiding not, That his light in thy heart become not dim, And his love be unforgot ; And thy God, in the darkest of days, will be I'tccnness, and beauty, and strength to thee ! In order to show how accurate an observer of nature...
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Spirit of the English Magazines, Volumen7

1820 - 490 páginas
...Who giveth, upbraiding not, That his light in thy heart become not dim, And his love be nnforgot ; And thy God, in the darkest of days, will be, Greenness, and beauty, and strength to thee ? In order to show how accurate an observer of nature in its most captivating forms Mr. B. is, we conclude...
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Bernard Barton - 1821 - 260 páginas
...not the dead ? L Now, in thy youth, beseech of Him Who giveth, upbraiding not, That his light in thy heart become not dim, And his love be unforgot ; And...will be Greenness, and beauty, and strength to thee ! 106 VERSES of $. A CBILD OF summon ENDOWMENTS AND EXTEA.OHMNAIIY PUTT. IT is not length of years...
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Bernard Barton - 1821 - 266 páginas
...thy youth, beseech of Him Who giveth, upbraiding not, That his light in thy heart become not diin, And his love be unforgot; And thy God, in the darkest...will be Greenness, and beauty, and strength to thee ! VERSES Co tfje .jfl&emorp of f&. A CHILD OF SUPZBIOB JUDGEMENTS AND EXTRiOKDIXAnT TtlTT. IT is not...
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Bernard Barton - 1821 - 268 páginas
...Who gireth, upbraidiiig not, That his light in thy heart become not dun, And his lore be unforgtrt ; And thy God, in the darkest of days, will be Greenness, and benty, and strength to thee ! 106 VERSES €0 tfje .fflSemorp of $. A CHILD or supsniun ENDOWMENTS...
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The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and Literature for ...

1822 - 768 páginas
...leaves not ihe dead ? Now in thy youth beseech of HIM Who giveth, upbraiding not, That his light in thy heart become not dim, And his love be unforgot ; — And thy God, in the darkest of days, will be, Greenaess, and beauty, and strength to thee ! TO THE MOON. (By the same.} All hail to thee ! radiant...
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The Youth's instructer [sic] and guardian

Youth's instructor - 1822 - 490 páginas
...Who giveth, upbraiding not, That his light in thy heart become not dim, And his love be nnforgot ; And thy God, in the darkest of days, will be Greenness, and beauty, and strength to thee ! WHAT IS MAN ? BY MRS. CAROLINE FRY. THE bud of this morning, and withered at night, Like a flower,...
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