| William Shakespeare, Nicholas Rowe - 1709 - 620 páginas
...bring you to your Father Neft. A Woman of quick Senfe. [Diomedes leadi out Creflida, then return. Vljf* Fie, fie upon her : . . There's Language in her Eye,...her Cheek, her Lip: Nay, her Foot fpeaks, her wanton Spirits look out At every joint, and motive of her Body : Oh thefe Encounters, are fo glib of Tongue,... | |
| William Shakespeare, Nicholas Rowe - 1709 - 562 páginas
...to your Father— ~ Neft, A Woman of quick Senfe. [Diomedes leads out Creffida, then return;, Viyf. Fie, fie upon her : There's Language in her Eye, her Cheek, her Lip i Nay, her Foot (peaks, her wanton Spirits look out At every joint, and motive of her Body: Oh thefe... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1733 - 520 páginas
...of quick fenfe ! DID. Lady, a word I'll bring you to your Father, (Diomede leads out Creflida. Ulyf. Fie, fie upon her ! There's language in her eye, her...cheek, her lip : Nay, her foot fpeaks ; her wanton fpirics look out At every joint, and motive of her body : Oh, thefe Encounferers ! So glib of tongue,... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1745 - 574 páginas
...anf^er;. Dio. Lady, a word— —I'll bring you to your father. [Diomedes leads out Creffida. Ulyf. Fie, fie upon her : There's language in her eye, her cheek, her lip : Nay, her foot fpeaks j her wanton fpirits look out At every joint and motive of her body : Oh thefe Encounterers ! * 'tho*... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1747 - 348 páginas
...kiftlngonce. , \ Die. Lady, a word I'll bring you to your father. £Diomedes leadi out Crefliij, t/Jr/. Fie, fie upon her : There's language in her eye, her cheek, her lip : Nay, her foot Ipeaks ; her wanton fpirits look out At every joint and motive of her body : Oh thefe Encounterers... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1750 - 336 páginas
...Ulyf. Fie, fie upon her s . There's language in her eye, her cheek, her lip i Nay, -her foot lpeaks; her wanton fpirits look out At every joint and motive of her body i Oh thefe Encounterers ! tho' glib of tongue They give a coafting welcome ere it comes ; And wide... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1752 - 268 páginas
...earth. " .. Dtferiprian of Creffida. (7) Thare's language in her eye, her cheek,; hw Up i . •, • Nay her foot fpeaks ; her wanton fpirits look out At every joint, and motive of Her body i Oh, thefe,encounterers ! So glib of tongue, , They give a coalting welcome ere it comes ;. And wide... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1752 - 450 páginas
...Creilida. Vlyf. Fie, fie upon her t There's language in her eye, her cheek, her lip : Nay, her (oot fpeaks ; her wanton fpirits look out At every joint, and motive of her body : Ob, thefe Encounterers ! So glib of tongue, Tney give a Coafting welcome ere it comes ; And wideunclafp... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1762 - 440 páginas
...fenfe ! * Dio. Lady, a word I'll bring you to your father. [Diomedes leads out Crcifid.i. Ulyf. Fy, fy, upon her ! There's language in her eye, her cheek,...fpirits look out At every joint, .and motive of her body : Oh, thefe encounterers ! fo glib of tongue, They give a coafting welcome ere it comes ; And wide... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1765 - 566 páginas
...cut Creffida. Neft. A woman of quick fenie ! Ulyf. Fy, fy, upon her ! There's language in her eyes, her cheek, her lip: Nay, her foot fpeaks ; her wanton fpirits look out At every joint, and 9 motive of her body. Oh, thefe Encounterers ! So glib of tongue, < They give ' a coafting welcome... | |
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