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" And in regard his Majesty's plantations beyond the seas are inhabited and peopled by his subjects of this his kingdom of England; for the maintaining a greater correspondence and kindness between them... "
A Short Tariff History of the United States, from the Earliest to the ... - Página 112
por David Hastings Mason - 1884 - 167 páginas
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The Statutes at Large: From Magna Charta to ... 1869 ...

Great Britain - 1763 - 524 páginas
...of this his kingdom of England ; beyond the for the maintaining a greater correfpondence andkindnefs Between them, and keeping them in a firmer dependence upon it, and rendring them yet more beneficial and advantagious unta it in the further implement and increafe of...
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The Controversy Between Great Britain and Her Colonies Reviewed: The Several ...

William Knox, Thomas Whately, John Mein - 1769 - 278 páginas
...that his ma" jefty's plantations, &c. beyond the feas, are * ' inhabited and peopled by Ms jubjefis of this his " kingdom of England, for the maintaining a <£ greater correspondence and kindnefs be* « t we en th em , and keeping them in a firmer de" pendence upon if, and rendering them...
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The Supremacy of the British Legislature Over the Colonies, Candidly Discussed

1775 - 50 páginas
...fubjeSis of this his king" dom of England y for the maintaining " a greater correfpondence and kindnefs " between them, and keeping them in a " firmer dependence upon it, and rendering 2 " them *' them yet more beneficial and advantageous *' unto it in the further employment and '' increafe...
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The Political Writings of John Dickinson, Esquire: The speech of John ...

John Dickinson - 1801 - 468 páginas
...assigns these reasons for it. " In regard his majesty's plantations, beyond the seas, are inha" bitcd and peopled by his subjects of this his kingdom of England ; for t!ss " maintaining a greater correspondence and kindness hetween them, and keeping them " in a firmer...
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Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates, During the ... Session of the ..., Volumen9

Great Britain. Parliament - 1812 - 722 páginas
...remarkable words : ' And in regard his majesty's plan* ations beyond the seas are inhabited and >eopled by his subjects of this his kingdom of England; for...between them, and keeping them in a firmer dependence ipon it, and rendering them yet mote beiveicial and advantageous unto it, in the further employment...
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Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates, During the ... Session of the ..., Volumen9

Great Britain. Parliament - 1812 - 732 páginas
...remarkable' words : ' And in regard his majesty's plan-' talions beyond the seas are inhabited abd! ieopled by his subjects of this his kingdom! of England; for the maintaining a gfeatel* correspondence and .kindness between them, and keeping them in a firmer dependence upon it,...
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A Statistical View of the Commerce of the United States of America: Its ...

Timothy Pitkin - 1816 - 458 páginas
...which then prevailed in Europe, respecting distant Colonies. It is in the following words. — " And in regard his Majesty's Plantations beyond the seas, are inhabited and peopled by his subjects of tins his Kingdom of England, for the maintaining a greater correspondence and kindness between them,...
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A Statistical View of the Commerce of the United States of America: Its ...

Timothy Pitkin - 1817 - 480 páginas
...which then prevailed in Europe, respecting distant Colonies. It is in the following words :— " And in regard his Majesty's Plantations beyond the seas...rendering them yet more beneficial and advantageous unto it, in the further employment and increase of English shipping and seamen, vent of English woolens,...
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A Treatise on the Laws of Commerce and Manufactures, and the ..., Volumen1

Joseph Chitty - 1824 - 1090 páginas
...those of Great Britain: ^1] thus the stat. 15 Car. 2. c. 7. s. 5. recites, " that in regard his and Te Majesty's plantations beyond the seas are inhabited and peopled by his subjects of his kingdom of England, for the maintaining a greater correspondence and kindness between them, and...
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A Political and Civil History of the United States of America ..., Volumen1

Timothy Pitkin - 1828 - 542 páginas
...the policy of England, as well as the rest of Europe, in relation to colonial trade. " And whereas his majesty's plantations beyond the seas, are a. firmer dependence upon it, and rendering them more beneficial and advantageous unto it, in the further employment and increase of English shipping...
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