AN AGE OF DOUBT BY HENRY VAN DYKE D.D. (PRINCETON, HARVARD, YALE), LL.D. (UNION) SIXTH EDITION REVISED WITH A NEW PREFACE "But if any speak not concerning Jesus Christ, ST. IGNATIUS, Epist. ad Phil. New York THE MACMILLAN COMPANY LONDON: MACMILLAN & CO., LTD. 1902 All rights reserved COPYRIGHT, 1896, BY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. Set up and electrotyped September, 1896. Reprinted December, PREFACE TO THE SIXTH EDITION Two years have passed since this book was first printed. A new edition is now prepared for popular use by leaving out the appendix and making the volume smaller. In writing a new preface, I am glad of the opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to the many friends who have given the book a welcome in different parts of the world, and have translated its message into other languages. I wish to acknowledge also the benefit received from those intelligent critics who have pointed out some of its faults and shortcomings, and to make some brief reply to those other critics who have misconceived its purpose and misrepresented its meaning. But most of all I would like to say a word to make the spirit and aim of the book more clear, and so to bring it into touch with the personal life of those into whose hands it may fall. It was written in the form of a course of lectures on preaching, on the "Lyman Beecher |