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What seem'd both spear, and shield. Now dreadful deeds Might have ensu'd: not only Paradise

In this commotion, but the starry cope

Of heav'n perhaps, or all the elements,


At least had gone to wreck, disturb'd, and torn
With violence of this conflict, had not foon 995
Th' Eternal, to prevent fuch horrid fray,
Hung forth in heav'n his golden scales, yet seen
Betwixt Aftrea, and the Scorpion Sign,
(Wherein all things created first he weigh'd,
The pendulous round earth, with balanc'd air 1000
In counterpoise: now, ponders all events,
Battels, and realms :) in these he put two weights,
The sequel each of parting, and of fight;
The latter quick up flew, and kick'd the beam:
Which Gabriel spying, thus bespake the fiend. 1005

Satan! I know thy strength, and thou know'st mine:
Neither our own, but giv'n: what folly then
To boast what arms can do? fince thine no more
Than heav'n permits; nor mine, tho' doubled now
To trample thee as mire: for proof look up, 1010
And read thy lot in yon cæleftial Sign;
Where thou art weigh'd, and shown how light, how
If thou refift. - The fiend look'd up, and knew
His mounted scale aloft: nor more; but filed 1014
Murm'ring, and with him fied the shades of night.

The end of the fourth Book,

Lib. V.




Morning approach'd, Eve relates to Adam her troublesome dream; he likes it not, yet comforts her: they come forth to their daily labors: their morning hymn at the door of their bower. God, to render Man inexcufable, fends Raphael to admonish him of his obedience, of his free estate, of his enemy near at hand, who he is, and why his enemy, and whatever elfe may avail Adam to know. Raphael comes down to Paradise; his appearance defcrib'd, his coming difcern'd by Adam afar-off, fitting at the door of his bower; he goes out to meet him, brings him to his lodge, entertains him with the choiceft fruits of Paradife got together by Eve; their discourse at table: Raphael performs his message, minds Adam of his state, and of his enemy; relates, at Adam's request, who that enemy is, and how he came to be fo; beginning from his first revolt in heaven, and the occasion thereof; how he drew his legions after him to the parts of the north, and there incited them to rebel with him; persuading all but only Abdiel, a Seraph, who in argument diffuades and opposes him, then forfakes him.

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