Exercises Attending the Unveiling of the Statuary of the Pediment of the House Wing of the United States Capitol Building, Wednesday, August 2, 1916 ...U.S. Government Printing Office, 1916 - 27 páginas |
Términos y frases comunes
A. M. AUGUST 30 ADDRESS artist background the olive BARTLETT SCULPTOR beauty breastplate and coat CAPITOL BUILDING WEDNESDAY carved in marble centurion Chairman CHAMP CLARK chief captain composition is completed D. D. Chaplain earth Elliott Woods exalted and carved EXERCISES ATTENDING figure of Genius gesture of protection groups the symbol HARVARD COLLEGE helpmate hides her breastplate HOUSE DOCUMENT 1354 House of Representatives House pediment House Wing illustrations WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT JAMES L James Monroe laborers can find LADIES AND GENTLEMEN legislative body Library live Louis Napoleon MARINE BAND McCall ment Monroe doctrine Paul pedi PEDIMENT STATUARY Prettyman Rhode Island Roman citizen Samuel W scourge sea can discover SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS SLAYDEN sources of wealth-Agriculture Speaker talk temple of democracy terminates the sculpture thing tinsel imperial toiling factory girl torch of Immortality tree of peace United States Capitol UNITED STATES MARINE Venezuela wave terminates wealth-Agriculture and Industry youthful and winged
Pasajes populares
Página 18 - Here comes his body, mourned by Mark Antony : who, though he had no hand in his death, shall receive the benefit of his dying, a place in the commonwealth ; as which of you shall not? With this I depart; that, as I slew my best lover for the good of Rome, I have the same dagger for myself, when it shall please my country to need my death.
Página 25 - THE peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord : and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be amongst you and remain with you always.
Página 14 - The printer, the iron and steel worker, the founder, may do the same, and enjoy the same profound satisfaction. The toiling factory girl, spinner or weaver of textiles, will observe that she has not been forgotten, and those who are devoted to the sea can discover a group which will remind them of the joys of their vocation. A wave terminates the sculpture at either end of the pediment, and is meant to indicate that all this humanity, all its power and energy are comprised between the shores of two...
Página 14 - ... Genius," fills the center of the pediment. "Peace," an armed "Peace," stands erect, draped in a mantle which almost completely hides her breastplate and coat of mail; her left arm rests on her buckler, which is supported by the altar at her side; in the background the "olive tree of peace.
Página 13 - ... and study. The preliminary negotiations concerning this undertaking brought me in contact with Senators George Peabody Wetmore and the Hon. Samuel W. McCall, chairmen, at that time, of the Senate and House Committees on the Library. When we came to discuss the subject or theme to be represented on the pediment, I was told that there was a vague feeling in the committee that the subject should be taken from the history of the United States. We came, however, to the conclusion that the theme should...
Página 9 - Augustus O. Bacon, of Georgia. Edmund W. Pettus, of Alabama. Charles A. Culberson, of Texas. Joseph CS Blackburn, of Kentucky. Thomas M. Patterson, of Colorado. Library. George P. Wetmore, of Rhode Island. Henry C. Hansbrough, of North Dakota. John F. Dryden, of New Jersey. William A. Clark, of Montana. Arthur P. Gorman, of Maryland. Manufactures. Weldon B. Heyburn, of Idaho. Porter J. McCumber, of North Dakota. Jacob H. Gallinger, of New Hampshire. J. Frank Allce, of Delaware.
Página 14 - The most modest of our farmers and laborers can find in these groups the symbol of his own self and of his endeavors. He may even find his own resemblance there, and he will see that his helpmate, his children, his cattle, and the harvest of his fields have been exalted and carved in marble forms on the Capitol of the United States. The printer, the iron and steel worker, the founder may do the same and enjoy the same pro found satisfaction.
Página 9 - The original members of the commission for procuring statuary for the pediment of the House wing of the Capitol were the then Speaker, JOSEPH G. CANNON, of Illinois; Senators George P. Wetmore, of Rhode Island; Henry C. Hansbrough, of North Dakota; Frank O. Briggs, of New Jersey; John W. Daniel, of Virginia; FRANCIS G. NEWLANDS, of Nevada; and Representatives Samuel W. McCall, of Massachusetts; James P. Connor, of Iowa; EDWARD L. HAMILTON, of Michigan; William M. Howard, of Georgia; and Charles R....
Página 20 - There it all is. That is our chart and our creed. What courtship is to marriage, what the flower is to the fruit, what youth is to manhood, that is what the Declaration of Independence is to the Constitution of the United States. [Applause.] Since Washington on Yorktown's blood-stained heights made good Jefferson's declaration thrones have been crumbling, crowns have been tumbling, and dynasties have been fleeing for their lives. [Applause...