Let not Ambition mock their useful toil, Their homely joys, and destiny obscure ; Nor Grandeur hear with a disdainful smile The short and simple annals of the Poor. The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power, And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave... Poetical Works of Thomson and Gray - Página 366por James Thomson - 1861 - 425 páginasVista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | Thomas Gray - 1799 - 270 páginas
...useful toil, Their homely joys, and destiny obscure ; Nor Grandeur hear with a disdainful smile The short and simple annals of the poor. The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power, And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave, Await alike th' inevitable hour. The paths of... | |
 | Thomas Gray - 1800 - 302 páginas
...useful toil, Their homely joys, and destiny obscure; Nor Grandeur hear with a disdainful smile The short and simple annals of the poor. The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power, And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave, Await alike th' inevitable hour. The paths of... | |
 | 1800 - 322 páginas
...useful toil, Their homely joys, and destiny obscure; Nor grandeur hear with a disdainful smile, The short and simple annals of the poor. The boast of heraldry, the pomp of pow'r, : : And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gaves Await alike th' inevitable hour, The paths... | |
 | Thomas Gray - 1804 - 222 páginas
...useful toil, Their homely joys, and destiny obscure ; Nor Grandeur hear with a disdainful smile The short and simple annals of the poor. The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power, And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave, Await alike th' inevitable hour. The paths of... | |
 | William Enfield - 1804 - 418 páginas
...useful toil , Their homely joys , and destiny obscure ; Nor grandeur hear, with a disdainful smile, The short and simple annals of the poor. The boast of heraldry, the pomp of pow'r, And all that beauty , all that wealth e'er gave, Await alike th' inevitable hour; The paths... | |
 | 1806 - 408 páginas
...useful toil, Their homely joys and destiny obscure ; Nor Grandeur hear with a disdainful smile, The short and simple annals of the poor. The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power, And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave, Await alike th' inevitable hour : The paths... | |
 | Albin-Joseph-Ulpien Hennet - 1806 - 456 páginas
...useful toil, Their homely joys, and destiny obscure ; Nor grandeur hear with a disdainful smile, The short and simple annals of the poor. The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power, And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave. Await alike th' inevitable hour : ' .M The paths... | |
 | E Tomkins - 1806 - 280 páginas
...useful toil, Their homely joys, and desliny ohscure; Nor Grandeur hear with a disdainful smile The short and simple annals of the poor. The boast of heraldry, the pomp of pow'r, And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave, Await alike th'inevitable hour; The paths of... | |
 | Thomas Gray - 1807 - 728 páginas
...useful toil, Their homely joys', and destiny obscure; Nor Grandeur hear with a disdainful smile, The short and simple annals of the poor. The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power, And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave, Await alike th' inevitable hour. The paths of... | |
 | William Enfield - 1808 - 434 páginas
...usual toil, Their homely joys, and destiny obscure; Nor grandeur hear, with a disdainful smile, . The short and simple annals of the poor. The boast of heraldry, the pomp Cf pow'r, And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave, ' Await alike th' inevitable hour, The paths... | |
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