THE CHARACTER of the Speakers-On improving Walk through the Gardens-The beautiful Frame Walk through a Meadow-Doctrine of CHRIST's Satisfaction flated-Confidered as a Redemption-Price, DIALOGUE IV. Park and romantic Mount-CHRIST's Death DIALOGUE V. Elegant Arbour in the Flower-Garden-Imputation of DIALOGUE VI. Gallery of Pictures - Library and its Furniture- DIALOGUE VII. Hay-making-Pleafures of Nature freely enjoyed- DIA- Duelling Animadverfions on the Practice-Spiri- Curious Summer-houfe-No Relaxation of the Di- Theron's laft Effort to demolish the evangelical Scheme of Juftification-Among other Objections, more refined and plaufible than the preceding, He ftrenuously Ruins of Babylon-Fine Paffage from Mr. Howe -Depravity and Ruin of human Nature, as they are DIALOGUE XII. Extremely hot Day-A folemn fhady Bower-True Method of deriving Benefit from the Claffics-The wonderful Structure and Oeconomy of the human Body DIALOGUE XIII. Walk upon the Terrace-Depravity of human Nature, laid open and proved from Experience-Ufes of the Doctrine, and its Subferviency to the grand Point. DIALOGUE XIV. Theron alone in the Fields-His Soliloquy on the Charms of rural Nature-His Reflections on the past Conferences-Afpafio reinforces his Arguments for the Imputation of CHRIST's Righteousness-Recommends Self-Examination, the Keeping of a Diary, and Prayer for the enlightning SPIRIT→Departs, under an Engagement to correfpond by Letter. LETTER I. Afpafio opens the Correfpondence with fome important Articles of Duty; defigned to facilitate Self-Examination, and promote Conviction of Sin. LE T |