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" Myself and all the angelic host, that stand In sight of God enthroned, our happy state Hold, as you yours, while our obedience holds ; On other surety none ; freely we serve, Because we freely love, as in our will To love or not ; in this we stand or... "
The Poetical Works of John Milton,: With Notes of Various Authors. To which ... - Página 225
por John Milton, Henry John Todd - 1809
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Paradise Lost: A Poem, in Twelve Books, Volúmenes1-2

John Milton - 1711 - 464 páginas
...> My felf and all th' Angelic Hoft that ftand JJf jn fight of God enthron'd, our happy ftate Mold, as you yours, while our obedience holds; On other furety none; freely we fern, Becaufc we freely love, as in out will love or not; in this we ftand or fall: 54* fome aie fall'n,...
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Paradise Lost: A Poem, in Twelve Books. The Author John Milton, Volumen1

John Milton - 1746 - 260 páginas
...can no other chufe ? My felf, and all th' angelic hoft, that ftand 535 In fight of God in-thron'd, our happy ftate Hold, as you yours, while our obedience...we ferve, Becaufe we freely love ; as in our will Bookv. PARADI'SE LOST. 151 To love, or not, in this we ftand, or fall. 34* And fome are f.tll'n, to...
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Paradise lost, a poem. 2nd Scots ed

John Milton - 1746 - 464 páginas
...and can no other chuJe ? My felf, and all th' angelic hoft, that ftand yj5 In light of GOD inthron'd, our happy ftate Hold, as you yours, while our obedience holds ; On other furety none : freely we ferve, Bccaufe we freely love ; as in our will To love, or not, in this we ftand, or .fall. 540 And fome are...
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Paradise Lost: A Poem in Twelve Books, Volumen1

John Milton - 1750 - 672 páginas
...what they mufl By deftiny, and can no other choofe ? Myfelf and alt th' angelic hoft, that ftand 53$ In fight of God enthron'd, our happy ftate Hold, as...we ferve, Becaufe we freely love, as in our will To 546. — tban txln To It loth ivill and detd creattJ Cherubic fangs &c. } Adam had free ;] Nor was...
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Paradise Lost: A Poem, in Twelve Books, Volumen1

John Milton - 1750 - 666 páginas
...what they muft By deftiny, and can no other choofe ? Myfelf and all th' angelic hoft, that ftand f: In fight of God enthron'd, our happy ftate Hold, as...freely we ferve, Becaufe we freely love, as in our will ft 546. —tben'u.'bt* 7o It t,tb Cherubic /tags Sec. ] Adam had free;] Nor was K^" mention'd thefe...
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Paradise Lost: A Poem, in Twelve Books. The Last Edition. The Author John Milton

John Milton - 1754 - 342 páginas
...and can no other chufe ? My felf, and all th' angelic hoft, that ftand In fight of God in-thron'd , our happy ftate Hold , as you yours , while our ; as in our will To love , or not , in this we Hand , or fall. And fome are fall'n , to difobedie;oce fall'n , And fo , from heav'n to deepeft hell...
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Paradise Lost: A Poem, in Twelve Books. The Author John Milton. From the ...

John Milton - 1759 - 608 páginas
...what they muft By deftiny, and can no other choofe? Myfelf and all th'angelic hoft, that fland 535 In fight of God enthron'd, our happy ftate Hold, as...freely love,- as in our will To love or not; in this we fland or fall: 540 And forae are fall'n, to difobedience fall'n, And fo from Heav'n to deepeft Hell;...
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Paradise Lost: A Poem, in Twelve Books. The Author John Milton. The Sixth ...

John Milton - 1763 - 670 páginas
...what they muft By deftiny, and can no other choofe ? Myfelf and all th' angelic hoft, that ftand 535 In fight of God enthron'd, our happy ftate Hold, as...we ferve, Becaufe we freely love, as in our will To ia the preceptive, as it is agreeable For eloquence the foul, fong to Horace's rule, .fo likewife to...
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Milton's Paradise lost, a poem. With prefatory characters of the several ...

John Milton - 1767 - 448 páginas
...what they mud By deftiny, and can no other chufe ? Myfelf, and all th'' angelic hoft, that ftand 535 in fight of God enthron'd, our happy ftate Hold, as...obedience holds ; On other furety none : freely we ferve, Becauf* we freely love, as in 'our will To love or not ; in this we ftand or fall : 548 And fome are...
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Paradise Lost: A Poem in Twelve Books. The Author John Milton. According to ...

John Milton - 1767 - 376 páginas
...other choofe? Myfelf and all tt>' angelic, hoft- that- ftand In fight of God enthron'd, our happie ftate Hold, as you yours, while our obedience-, holds ; On other furety none ; freely we-fervs) Becaufe we freely love, as in our will To love- or not; in this we ftand or fa".- : And fome...
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