Imágenes de páginas

Primus ego Aonios illo præeunte recessus
Lustrabam, et bifidi sacra vireta jugi,
Pieriosque hausi latices, Clioque favente,
Castalio sparsi læta ter ora mero.
Flammeus at signum ter viderat arietis Æthon,
Induxitque auro lanea terga novo,
Bisque novo terram sparsisti, Chlori, senilem
Gramine, bisque tuas abstulit Auster opes:
Necdum ejus licuit mihi lumina pascere vultu,
Aut linguæ dulces aure bibisse sonos.
Vade igitur, cursuque Eurum præverte sonorum,
Quam sit opus monitis res docet, ipsa vides.

Invenies dulci cum conjuge forte sedentem,
Mulcentem gremio pignora chara suo,
Forsitan aut veterum prælarga volumina patrum

Versantem, aut veri biblia sacra Dei,
Cœlestive animas saturantem rore tenellas,
Grande salutiferæ religionis opus.
Utque solet, multam sit dicere cura salutem,





Dicere quam decuit, si modo adesset, herum. Hæc quoque, paulum oculos in humum defixa mo

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Hæc tibi, si teneris vacat inter prælia Musis,
Mittit ab Angliaco littore fida manus.

Accipe sinceram, quamvis sit sera, salutem;
Fiat et hoc ipso gratior illa tibi.
Sera quidem, sed vera fuit, quam casta recepit
Icaris a lento Penelopeia viro.

Ast ego quid volui manifestum tollere crimen,
Ipse quod ex omni parte levare nequit ?
Arguitur tardus merito, noxamque fatetur,
Et pudet officium deseruisse suum.
Tu modo da veniam fasso, veniamque roganti,
Crimina diminui, quæ patuere, solent.
Non ferus in pavidos rictus diducit hiantes,
Vulnifico pronos nec rapit ungue leo.
Sæpe sarissiferi crudelia pectora Thracis
Supplicis ad mæstas delicuere preces :
Extensæque manus avertunt fulminis ictus,
Placat et iratos hostia parva Deos.
Jamque diu scripsisse tibi fuit impetus illi,

Neve moras ultra ducere passus Amor;
Nam vaga Fama refert, heu nuntia vera malorum!

In tibi finitimis bella tumere locis,
Teque tuamque urbem truculento milite cingi,
Et jam Saxonicos arma parasse duces.

55. The allusion is to a wellknown Epistle of Ovid.

61. Tu modo da veniam fasso,] Ovid, Epist. ex Pont. iv. ii. 23. "Tu modo da veniam fasso." The same combination occurs in Ovid repeatedly.

65. Ovid, Metam. xii. 466. "Macedoniaque sarissa."

74. Et jam Saxonicos arma parasse duces.] About the year





1626, when this Elegy was written, the imperialists under General Tilly, were often encountered by Christian, Duke of Brunswick, and the Dukes of Saxony, particularly Duke William of Saxon Wiemar, and the Duke of Saxon Lawenburgh, in Lower Saxony, of which Hamburgh, where Young resided, is the capital. See v. 77. Germany,

Te circum late campos populatur Enyo,


Et sata carne virum jam cruor arva rigat;
Germanisque suum concessit Thracia Martem,
Illuc Odrysios Mars pater egit equos;
Perpetuoque comans jam deflorescit oliva,
Fugit et ærisonam Diva perosa tubam,
Fugit io terris, et jam non ultima virgo
Creditur ad superas justa volasse domos.
Te tamen interea belli circumsonat horror,
Vivis et ignoto solus inopsque solo ;
Et, tibi quam patrii non exhibuere penates,
Sede peregrina quæris egenus opem.
Patria dura parens, et saxis sævior albis
Spumea quæ pulsat littoris unda tui,
Siccine te decet innocuos exponere fœtus,
Siccine in externam ferrea cogis humum,
Et sinis ut terris quærant alimenta remotis




Quos tibi prospiciens miserat ipse Deus,

in general, either by invasion, or interior commotions, was a scene of the most bloody war from the year 1618, till later than 1640. Gustavus Adolphus conquered the greater part of Germany about 1631. See note on El. iii. supr. v. 9.

84. Vivis et ignoto solus inopsque solo ;] Ovid, of Achæmenides, Metam. xiv. 217.

Solus, inops, exspes.

These circumstances, added to others, leave us strongly to suspect, that Young was a nonconformist, and probably compelled to quit England on account of his religious opinions and practice. He seems to have been driven back to England, by the

war in the Netherlands, not long after this Elegy was written. See v. 71. seq. and the first note.

86. Sede peregrina quæris egenus opem.] Before and after 1630, many English ministers, puritanically affected, left their cures, and settled in Holland, where they became pastors of separate congregations: when matters took another turn in England, they returned, and were rewarded for their unconforming obstinacy, in the new presbyterian establishment. Among these were Nye, Burroughs, Thomas Goodwin, Simpson, and Bridge, eminent members of the Assembly of Divines. See Wood, Ath. Oxon. ii. 504. Neale's Hist. Pur. iii. 376.

Et qui læta ferunt de cœlo nuntia, quique
Quæ via post cineres ducat ad astra, docent?
Digna quidem Stygiis quæ vivas clausa tenebris,
Æternaque animæ digna perire fame !
Haud aliter vates terræ Thesbitidis olim

Pressit inassueto devia tesqua pede,
Desertasque Arabum salebras, dum regis Achabi
Effugit, atque tuas, Sidoni dira, manus :

100.-Sidoni dira,] Jezebel, the wife of Ahab, was the daughter of Ethbaal king of the Sidonians. Sidoni is a vocative, from Sidonis, often applied by Ovid to Europa the daughter of of Agenor king of Sidon or Syria. Fast. b. v. 610. Sidoni, sic fueras accipienda Jovi.

Some of these scriptural allusions are highly poetical, and much in Milton's manner. His friend, who bears a sacred character, forced abroad for his piety and religious constancy by the persecutions of a tyrannic tribunal, and distressed by war and want in a foreign country, is compared to Elijah the Tishbite wandering alone over the Arabian deserts, to avoid the menaces of Ahab, and the violence of Jezebel. See 1 Kings xix. 3. seq. He then selects a most striking miracle, under which the power of the Deity is displayed in Scripture as a protection in battle, with reference to his friend's situation, from the surrounding dangers of war. "You are safe under the radiant "shield of him, who in the dead " of night suddenly dispersed the "Assyrians, while the sound of an unseen trumpet was clearly "heard in the empty air, and "the noises of invisible horses

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" and chariots rushing to battle, " and the distant hum of clashing arms and groaning men, "terrified their numerous army."

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Terruit et densas pavido cum rege cohortes, &c.

See 2 Kings vii. 5. "For the "Lord had made the host of "the Syrians to hear a noise of "chariots and a noise of horses, " even the noise of a great host, " &c." Sionea arx is the city of Samaria, now besieged by the Syrians, and where the king of Israel now resided. It was the capital of Samaria. Prisca Damascus was the capital of Syria. Pavido cum rege is Benhadad, the king of Syria. In the sequel of the narrative of this wonderful consternation and flight of the Syrians, the solitude of their vast deserted camp affords a most affecting image, even without any poetical enlargement. "We came "to the camp of the Syrians, "and behold there was no man "there, neither voice of man; " but horses tied, and asses tied, " and the tents as they were.' Ibid. vii. 10. This is like a scene of inchantment in romance.


100. Mr. Warton properly refers to 2 Kings vii. for the miracle alluded to in ver. 115-122. But Milton had another miracle

Talis et horrisono laceratus membra flagello,
Paulus ab Emathia pellitur urbe Cilix,
Piscosæque ipsum Gergessæ civis Iësum
Finibus ingratus jussit abire suis.

At tu sume animos, nec spes cadat anxia curis,
Nec tua concutiat decolor ossa metus.
Sis etenim quamvis fulgentibus obsitus armis,
Intententque tibi millia tela necem,
At nullis vel inerme latus violabitur armis,
Deque tuo cuspis nulla cruore bibet.
Namque eris ipse Dei radiante sub ægide tutus,
Ille tibi custos, et pugil ille tibi;
Ille Sionææ qui tot sub mænibus arcis
Assyrios fudit nocte silente viros;
Inque fugam vertit quos in Samaritidas oras
Misit ab antiquis prisca Damascus agris,
Terruit et densas pavido cum rege cohortes,
Aere dum vacuo buccina clara sonat,
Cornea pulvereum dum verberat ungula campum,
Currus arenosam dum quatit actus humum,
Auditurque hinnitus equorum ad bella ruentum,
Et strepitus ferri, murmuraque alta virum.
Et tu (quod superest miseris) sperare memento,

Et tua magnanimo pectore vince mala ;

also in view, v. 113. the deliverance of Jerusalem, Sionea arx, from Sennacherib, king of Assyria; see 2 Kings xix. 35. "that night, the angel of the "Lord went out and smote in "the camp of the Assyrians, an "hundred fourscore and five "thousand." E.

101. Talis et horrisono laceratus membra flagello, &c.] Whip





ping and imprisonment were among the punishments of the arbitrary Star-chamber, the threats Regis Achabi, which Young fled to avoid.

109. At nullis vel inerme latus, &c.] See the same philosophy in Comus, v. 421.

123. Et tu (quod superest, &c.] For many obvious reasons, at is likely to be the true reading.

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