Who ripe, and frolic of his full grown age, " Furies his kindred, who chant " a hymn recording the original " crime of this fated family, &c." Την γαρ στεγην, την δ' ουποτ' εκλείπει Συμφθογγος ουκ ευφωνος.- Comus is here the god of riot and intemperance, and he has assumed new boldness from drinking human blood: that is, because Atreus served up his murdered children for a feast, and Agamemnon was killed at the beginning of a banquet. There is a long and laboured description of the figure of Comus in the Icones of Philostratus, Ο δαιμων ὁ ΚΩΜΟΣ εφεστηκεν εν θαλαμου θυραις χρυσαις, &c. Among other circumstances, his crown of roses is mentioned. Also, " Κροταλα, “ και θροος εναυλος, και βοη ατακτος, “ λαμπαδες τε, &c." ΕΙΚΟΝ B. i. p. 733. seq. edit. Paris. 1608. fol. Compare Erycius Puteanus's Comus, a Vision, written 1608. It is remarkable, that Comus makes no figure in the Roman literature. - Peck supposes Milton's Comus to be Chemos," th' obscene dread "of Moab's sons." P.L. i. 406. But, with a sufficient propriety of allegory, he is professedly made the son of Bacchus and of Homer's sorceress Circe. Besides, our author in his early 60 poetry, and he was now only twenty-six years old, is generally more classical and less scriptural, than in pieces written after he had been deeply tinctured with the Bible. It must not, in the mean time, here be omitted, that Comus the "god of cheer," had been before a dramatic personage in one of Jonson's Masques before the Court, 1619. An immense cup is carried before him, and he is crowned with roses and other flowers, &c. vol. vi. 29. His attendants carry javelins wreathed with ivy. He enters, riding in triumph from a grove of ivy, to the wild music of flutes, tabors, and cymbals. At length the grove of ivy is destroyed, p. 35. And the voluptuous Comus, god of cheer, Beat from his grove, and that defac'd, &c. See also Jonson's Forest, b. i. 3. Comus puts in for new delights, &c. T. Warton. 60. -the Celtic and Iberian fields,] France and Spain. Thyer. 61. At last betakes him to this ominous wood.] Ominous is dangerous, inauspicious, full of portents, &c. B. and Fletcher use it in this sense, Sea Voyage, a. i. s. 1. vol. ix. p. 95. Afterwards Comus's wood is called "this "advent'rous glade." v. 79. Т. Warton. 62. And in thick shelter of black shades] In Milton's Manuscript Excels his mother at her mighty art, 65 70 L Or ounce, or tiger, hog, or bearded goat, it is shade: and covert was written 63. Excels his mother at her mighty art,] In the Trinity Manuscript he had first written potent art, which are Shakespeare's words, and better. Warburton. 65. His orient liquor] That is, of an extreme bright and vivid colour. Warburton. See the note, P. L. i. 546. Ε. 67. -through fond] So altered in the Manuscript from through weak intemperate thirst. 68. -their human countnance, The same thought is again very -whose pleasing poison The visage quite transforms of him And the inglorious likeness of a beast mintage Character'd in the face. He gives us much the same idea in his Paradise Lost, where he calls the human face divine, iii. 44. Thyer. 72. All other parts remaining as they were;] It was at first in the Manuscript, as before. There is a remarkable difference in the transformations wrought by Circe and those by her son Comus. In Homer the persons are entirely changed, their mind only remaining as it was before, Odyss. x. 239. Οἱ δε συων μεν εχον κεφαλας, φωνην τε, δεμας τε, Και τρίχας· αυταρ νους ην εμπεδος, ὡς το παρος περ. but here only their head or countenance is changed, All other parts remaining as they were; and for a very good reason, because they were to appear upon the stage, which they might do in masks. In Homer too they are sorry for the exchange, ver. 241. Ως οἱ μεν κλαιοντες εερχατο but here the allegory is finely improved, and they have no notion of their disfigurement, But boast themselves more comely than before, And all their friends and native home forget. And they, so perfect is their misery, 75 Or as Mr. Thyer conceives, it But one above the rest in special, Repined greatly, and did him mis- That had from hoggish form him 75. But boast themselves] He certainly alludes to that fine satire in a dialogue of Plutarch, Opp. tom. ii. Francof. fol. 1620. p. 985. where some of Ulysses's companions, disgusted with the vices and vanities of human life, refuse to be restored by Circe into the shape of men. Dr. J. Warton. Or, perhaps, to J. Baptista Gelli's Italian Dialogues, called Circe, formed on Plutarch's plan. T. Warton. 78. -when any favour'd of high Jove] Virgil, Æn. vi. 129. -Pauci quos æquus amavit 78. The Spirit in Comus is the Satyre in Fletcher's Faithful Shepherdess. He is sent by Pan to guide shepherds passing through a forest by moonlight, and to protect innocence in distress. A. iii. s. 1. vol. iii. p. 145. But to my charge. Here must I stay See also above, v. 18. Where But to my task. T. Warton. Swift as the sparkle of a glancing star I shoot from heav'n, to give him safe convoy, As now I do: but first I must put off These my sky robes spun out of Iris' woof, Thither came Uriel, gliding through the even On a sun-beam, swift, as a shooting star In autumn thwarts the night, when vapours fir'd Impress the air, &c. Where the additional or conse 80 quential circumstances heighten and illustrate the shooting star, and therefore contribute to convey a stronger image of the descent of Uriel. But the poet there speaks: and in this address of the Spirit, any adjunctive digressions of that kind, would have been improper and without effect. I know not, that the idea of the rapid and dazzling descent of a celestial being is intended to be impressed in Homer's comparison of the descent of Minerva, applied by the commentators to this passage of Comus. See Il. iv. 74. The star to which Minerva is compared, emits sparkles, but is stationary; it does not fall from its place. It is a bright portentous meteor, alarming the world. And its sparkles, which are only accompaniments, are not so introduced as to form the ground of a similitude. Shakespeare has the same thought, but with a more complicated allusion, in Venus and Adonis, edit. 1596. Signat. C. iiij. It is where Adonis suddenly starts from Venus in the night. Looke how a bright star shooteth from T. Warton. 83. -spun out of Iris' woof,] See Paradise Lost, xi. 244. -Iris had dipp'd the woof. And take the weeds and likeness of a swain, That to the service of this house belongs, 85 And in this office of his mountain watch, Likeliest, and nearest to the present aid 90 Of this occasion. But I hear the tread Of hateful steps, I must be viewless now. Comus enters with a charming rod in one hand, his glass in the other; with him a rout of monsters, headed like sundry sorts of wild beasts, but otherwise like men and women, their apparel glistering; they come in making a riotous and unruly noise, with torches in their hands. COMUS. The star that bids the shepherd fold, Now the top of heav'n doth hold, 86. Who with his soft pipe, &c.] These three lines were designed as a compliment to Mr. H. Lawes, who acted the attendant Spirit himself. Warburton. See the Preliminary Notes. Lawes himself, no bad poet, in "A pastorall Elegie to the me" morie of his brother William," applies the same compliment to his brother's musical skill. -He could allay the murmures of the wind; He could appease And calme the fury of the winds. See "Choice Psalms put into musick, &c. By H. and W. Lawes, &c. Lond. 1648." To this book is prefixed Milton's Sonnet to H. Lawes. I have mentioned Lawes's verses prefixed to Cartwright's Poems. And he wrote a poem also in praise of Dr. Wilson, King Charles's favourite lutenist, prefixed to Wilson's Psalterium Carolinum, &c. fol. 1657. T. Warton. 90. Likeliest, and nearest to the present aid] In Milton's Manuscript it stands Nearest and likeliest to &c. It was at first, to give present aid; and virgin steps, which was altered to hateful steps. Then follows in the Manuscript Goes out. And the title of the following scene runs thus. Comus enters with a charming rod and glass of liquor, with his rout all headed like some wild beasts, their garments some like men's and some like women's; they come on |