N That draw the litter of close-curtain'd sleep; And as Mr. Thyer farther ob- and wicked dreams abuse 553. But he makes the horses of Night headlong in their course, In Quint. Novembr. v. 70. Præcipitesque impellit equos. It must be allowed, that drowsy- All-drowsie Night, who in a carre of 555 Sleep. And so has Claudian, Humentes jam Noctis equos; Lethe aque somnus Frena regens, tacito volvebat sydera cursu. And Statius, Theb. ii. 59. T. Warton. 555. At last a soft and solemn breathing sound &c.] No doubt but that our poet in these charming lines imitated his favourite Shakespeare, Twelfth Night at the beginning. That strain again, it had a dying fall; south, Thyer. 555. The idea is strongly implied in these lines of Jonson's Vision of Delight, a Masque presented at Court in the Christmas of 1617, vol. vi. 21. Yet let it like an odour rise And Silvester, of Sleep, Du Bart. where it is.exquisitely expressed, p. 316. edit. fol. ut supr. And in a noysless coach, all darkly Takes with him silence, drousinesse, Mr. Bowle conjectures drowsie. We are to recollect, that Mil- VOL. IV. But the thought appeared before, in Bacon's Essays. "And because "the breath of flowers is farre "sweeter in the aire, where it "comes and goes like the warbling " of musicke." Of Gardens, Ess. xlvi. Milton means the gradual increase and diffusion of odour in the process of distilling perfumes; for he had at first written "slow-distill'd." In the edition of 1673, we G Rose like a steam of rich distill'd perfumes, And stole upon the air, that even Silence Was took ere she was ware, and wish'd she might Deny her nature, and be never more Still to be so displac'd. I was all ear, And took in strains that might create a soul have stream for steam. A manifest oversight of the compositor. Solemn is used to characterize the music of the nightingale, Par. L. iv. 648. "Night's solemn " bird." And she is called " the "solemn nightingale," vii. 435. T. Warton. Before these two lines were corrected as they are at present, the author had written them thus, At last a sweet and solemn breathing 557.-that even Silence &c.] We see in these three lines the luxuriancy of a juvenile poet's fancy; there is something more correct and manly in three words upon a like occasion in the Paradise Lost, iv. 604. Silence was pleas'd But in a young genius there should carm. xiii. 13. Quod tu cum olfacies, deos rogabis There is the same thought, in 560 And in Shakespeare, but differently expressed. Winter's Tale, act iv. s. 3. Of hearing a song. "All their other senses "stuck in their ears." And in the Tempest, Prospero says, "No tongues, all eyes." Compare also Herrick's Hesperides, p. 21. edit. 1648. 8vo. 66 When I thy singing next shall heare Ile wish I might turne ALL to eare. This thought, and expression, occurs first in Drummond's Sonnets, 1616. Signat. D. 2. To the nightingale. Such sad lamenting straines, that T. Warton. 561.-that might create a soul Under the ribs of death :] The general image of creating a soul by harmony is again from Shakespeare. But the particular one of a soul under the ribs of death, which is extremely grotesque, is taken from a picture in Alciat's emblems, where a soul in the figure of an infant is represented within the ribs of a skeleton, as in its prison. This curious picture is presented by Quarles. Warburton. That might create a soul, that is,✓ says Mr. Sympson, recreate, αναψευχειν : and Mr. Theobald proposed to read recreate, And took in strains might recreate a soul: Under the ribs of death: but O ere long 570 Already, ere my best speed could prevent, But further know I not. 575 How are ye join'd with hell in triple knot, but I presume they knew not of the allusion just mentioned. 563. Too well I did perceive] In the Manuscript it is Too well I might perceive. 565. -harrow'd with grief and fear,] So in Shakespeare, Hamlet, act i. s. 1. Horatio of the Ghost, _it harrows me with fear and wonder. And s. 8. the Ghost to Hamlet, word I could a tale unfold, whose lightest 574. The aidless innocent Lady] At first he had written helpless, but altered it, that word occurring again within a few lines afterwards. Alone, and helpless! Is this the confidence You gave me, Brother? ELDER BROTHER. Yes, and keep it still, Lean on it safely; not a period 585 Of malice or of sorcery, or that power Which erring men call Chance, this I hold firm, Virtue may be assail'd, but never hurt, • Surpris'd by unjust force, but not inthrall'd; 590 Yea even that which mischief meant most harm, Shall in the happy trial prove most glory: But evil on itself shall back recoil, 595 It shall be in eternal restless change 584. Yes, and keep it still, &c.] This confidence of the Elder Brother in favour of the final efficacy of virtue holds forth a very high strain of philosophy, delivered in as high strains of eloquence and poetry. T. War ton. 589. Virtue may be assail'd, but never hurt,] Milton seems in this line to allude to the famous answer of the philosopher to a tyrant, who threatened him with death, Thou may'st kill me, but thou canst not hurt me. And it may be observed, that not only in this speech, but also in many others of this poem, our author has made great use of the noble and exalted sentiments of the Stoics concerning the power of virtue. Thyer. 597. Self-fed, and self-consum'd:] This image is wonderfully fine. It is taken from the conjectures of astronomers concerning the dark spots, which from time to time appear on the surface of the sun's body, and after a while disappear again, which they suppose to be the scum of that fiery matter, which first breeds it, and then breaks thro' and consumes it. Warburton. 598. The pillar'd firmament] See Paradise Regained, iv. 455. and the note there. And earth's base built on stubble. But come let's on. Against th' opposing will and arm of heaven 600 May never this just sword be lifted up; Under the sooty flag of Acheron, Harpies and Hydras, or all the monstrous forms 602. But for that damn'd magician, let him be girt, &c.] Compare P. R. iv. 626. et seq. T. Warton. 605. Harpies and hydras, or all the monstrous forms.] Or spoils the metre. Yet an anapæst may be admitted in the third part, see v. 636. 682. Although this last is not an anapæst. But any foot of three syllables may be admitted in this place of an iambic verse, if the licence be not taken too frequently. Hurd. Harpies and hydras are a combination in an enumeration of monsters, in Sylvester's Du Bartas, p. 206. fol. ut supr. And th' ugly Gorgons, and the Sphinxes fell, -or all the monstrous forms] In Milton's Manuscript, and the edition of 1637 it is, or all the monstrous bugs; which word was in more familiar use formerly, and hence bugbear. 605. -all the monstrous forms 'Twixt Africa and Ind,] 605 Down to the hips : 605. Down cloven to the waist, with shatter'd arms And uncouth pain fled bellowing: and no wonder he was led to it by his favourite romances, and his favourite plays. Jonson has سا |