By this fo ficken'd their eftates, that never Buck. O, many Have broke their backs with laying manors on them A moft poor iffue? Nor. Grievingly I think, The peace between the French and us not values Buck. Every man, After the hideous ftorm that follow'd, was 7 5 Have broke their backs with laying manors on them A thing For this great journey.] In the ancient Interlude of Nature, bl. I. no date, but apparently printed in the reign of king Henry VIII. there feems to have been a similar stroke aimed at this expensive expedition : "Pryde. I am unhappy, I fe it well,➡ "For thexpence of myne apparell Towardys this vyage, "What in horfes and other aray, "Hath compelled me for to lay "All my land to mortgage." STEEVENS, So, in King John: "Rafh inconfiderate firy voluntaries, "Have fold their fortunes at their native homes, "Bearing their birth-rights proudly on their backs, "To make a hazard of new fortunes here." We meet with a fimilar expreffion in Marlowe's King Edward II. 1598 + While foldiers mutiny for want of pay, "He wears a lord's revenue on his back." Again, in Camden's Remains, 1605: "There was a nobleman merrily conceited, and riotously given, that having lately fold a mannor of an hundred tenements, came ruffling into the court, faying, am not I a mighty man that beare an hundred houses on my backe. ?" MALONE. See alfo Dodfley' Collection of Old Plays, edit. 1780, Vol. V. p. 26; Vol. XII. p. 395. REED. What did this vanity But minifter? &c.] What effect had this pompous fhew but the production of a wretched conclufion. JOHNSON. 7 Every man, After the bideous form that follow'd, &c.] From Holinfhed: "Monday the xviii. of June was fuch an bideous forme of wind and weather, that many conjectured it did prognofticate trouble and hatred fhortly A thing inspir'd; and, not confulting, broke Nor. Which is budded out; For France hath flaw'd the league, and hath attach'a Aber. Is it therefore The ambaffador is filenc'd3? Nor. Marry, is't. Aber. A proper title of a peace'; and purchas'd At a fuperfluous rate! Buck. Why, all this business Our reverend cardinal carry'd. Nor. Like it your grace, The state takes notice of the private difference What his high hatred would effect, wants not You'll find it wholefome. Lo, where comes that rock', hortly after to follow between princes."-Dr. Warburton has quoted a fimilar paffage from Hall, whom he calls Shakspeare's author; but Holinfhed, and not Hall, was his author; as is proved here by the words which I have printed in Italicks, which are not found fo combined in Hall's Chronicle. This fact is indeed proved by various cir cumftances. See Vol. V. p. 459, n. 3. MALONE. The ambassador is filenc'd?] The French ambaffador refiding in England, by being refused an audience, may be faid to be filenc'd. JOHNSON. A proper title of a peace ;] A fine name of a peace. Ironically. JOHNSON. comes that rock,] To make the rock come is not very juft. JOHNS. Enter Enter Cardinal WOLSEY, (the purse borne before him,) certain of the guard, and two Secretaries with papers. The Cardinal in his passage fixeth his eye on Buckingham, and Buckingham on him, both full of disdain. Wol. The duke of Buckingham's furveyor? ha? Where's his examination? 1 Secr. Here, fo please you. Wol. Is he in perfon ready? 1 Secr. Ay, please your grace. Wo!. Well, we fhall then know more; and Buckingham Shall leffen this big look. [Exeunt WOLSEY, and train. Back. This butcher's cur2 is venom-mouth'd, and I Have not the power to muzzle him; therefore, best Not wake him in his flumber. A beggar's book Out-worths a noble's blood 3. Nor. What, are you chaf'd? Afk God for temperance; that's the appliance only, Buck. I read in his looks Matter against me; and his eye revil'd Me, as his abject object: at this inftant He bores me with fome trick: He's gone to the king; I'll follow, and out ftare him. Nor. Stay, my lord, And let your reason with your choler queflion 2- butcher's cur-] Wolfey is faid to have been the fon of a butcher for Ipfwich]. JOHNSON. Dr. Grey obferves, that when the death of the duke of Buckingham was reported to the emperor Charles V. he faid, "The first buck of England was worried to ccath by a butcher's dog." Skelton, whofe fatire is of the groffeft kind, in Why come you not to Court, has the fame reflection on the meanness of cardinal Wolfey's birth: "For drede of the boucher's dog, "Wold wirry them like an hog." STEEVENS. 3 Abeggar's book Out-worths a noble blood.] That is, the literary qualifications of a bookish beggar are more prized than the high defcent of hereditary greatness. This is a contemptuous exclamation very naturally put into the mouth of one of the antient, unietter'd, martial nobility. JOHNSON. 4 He bores me with some trick:] He ftabs or wounds me by fome artifice or fiction. JOHNSON. So, in the Life and Death of the Lord Cromwell, 1602: "One that hath gull'd you, that hath bor'd you, fir." STEEV What What 'tis you go about: To climb fteep hills, Buck. I'll to the king; And from a mouth of honour quite cry down Nor. Be advis'd; Heat not a furnace for your foe fo hot 7 More Itronger to direct you than yourself; Buck. Sir, I am thankful to you; and I'll go along A full bot borfe, &c.] So, in our author's Rape of Lucrece "Let paffion work, and, like a bot-rein'd horse, "Twill quickly tire itself." STEEVENS. 6 -from a mouth of honour-] I will crufh this bafeborn fellow, by the due influence of my rank, or fay that all diftinctions of perfons is at an end. JOHNSON. 7 Heat not a furnace, &c.] Might not Shakspeare allude to Dan. iii. 22?" Therefore becaufe the king's commandment was urgent, and the furnace exceeding hot, the flame of fire flew thofe men that took up Shadrach, Mfhac, and Abednego." STEEVENS. • fincere motions,] Honeft indignation; warmth of integrity. Perhaps name not, should be blame not. JOHNSON. Wo We fee each grain of gravel, I do know To be corrupt and treasonous. Nor. Say not, treasonous. Buck. To the king I'll fay't; and make my vouch as ftrong As shore of rock. Attend. This holy fox, Or wolf, or both, (for he is equal ravenous ?, As he is fubtle; and as prone to mischief, As able to perform it: his mind and place Infecting one another', yea, reciprocally,) Only to fhew his pomp as well in France As here at home, fuggefts the king our mafter* To this laft coftly treaty, the interview, That fwallow'd fo much treasure, and like a glass Did break i' the rinfing. Nor. 'Faith, and so it did. Buck. Pray, give me favour, fir. This cunning cardinal The articles o' the combination drew, As himself pleas'd; and they were ratify'd, As he cry'd, Thus let be: to as much end, As give a crutch to the dead: But our count-cardinal* 9-for be is equal ravenous,] Equal for equally. Shakspeare frequently uses adjectives adverbially. See K. John, Vol. IV. p. 565, n. 6. MALONE. - bis mind and place Infecting one another,] This is very fatirical. His mind he reprefents as highly corrupt; and yet he fuppofes the contagion of the place of first minister as adding an infection to it. WARBURTON. 2- fuggefts the king our mafter-] fuggefts, for excites. WARB. our count-cardinal-] Wolfey is afterwards called king-carfinal. Mr. Pope and the fubfequent editors read-court-cardinal. MALONE. Peep'd |