Collective Works ...: To which Have Been Prefixed Some Biographic Particulars

Matchett, 1823

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Página xcv - And all the rule, one empire ; only add Deeds to thy knowledge answerable ; add faith, Add virtue, patience, temperance ; add love, By name to come call'd charity, the soul Of all the rest : then wilt thou not be loth To leave this Paradise, but shalt possess A paradise within thee, happier far...
Página xii - ... the slates in their own words. Each exercise was separately overlooked by her ; the faults of grammar were obliterated, the vulgarisms were chastised, the idle epithets were cancelled, and a distinct reason was always assigned for every correction ; so that the arts of enditing and of criticising were in some degree learnt together.
Página xiv - HARK! from the tombs a doleful sound! My ears attend the cry; " Ye living men, come view the ground, Where you must shortly lie. 2 " Princes, this clay must be your bed, In spite of all your towers; The tall, the wise, the reverend head Must lie as low as ours.
Página xcviii - O dark, dark, dark, amid the blaze of noon, Irrecoverably dark, total eclipse Without all hope of day! O first created beam, and thou great Word, Let there be light, and light was over all; Why am I thus bereaved thy prime decree?
Página xvii - ... spread. It is a fair afloat, where the voice of revelry resounds from every gliding tent. And when the tide begins to fall, and to condense this various fleet into the narrower waters, and the bridge and quays and balconies and windows of Yarmouth are thronged with innumerable spectators, — and boys have climbed the masts and rigging of the moored ships, adding to the crowd on shore a rocking crowd above, — and the gathering boats mingle their separate concerts in one chorus of jollity, —...
Página xxiv - We too, on the contrary, were agreed to contend for Pitt and parliamentary reform : yet in this our sympathy there was not entire concord ; we had entered a common path from different quarters : a zealot of the rights of the people, I was content with any administration which would undertake to carry them into effect ; Sayers was more attached to the crown, and though willing, under its shelter, to welcome every improvement which seemed a natural evolvement of the constitution, he was not friendly...
Página xii - Among the instructions bestowed at Palgrave, Dr. Sayers has repeatedly observed to me, that he most valued the lessons of English composition superintended by Mrs. Barbauld. On Wednesdays and Saturdays the boys were called in separate classes to her apartment : she read a fable, a short story, or a moral essay, to them aloud, and then sent them back into the school-room to write it out on the slates in their own words. Each exercise was separately overlooked by her; the faults of grammar were obliterated,...
Página cxlii - PREFACE. giving to some of his more popular performances both grandeur and novelty. It is certain, however, that the most magnificent features of Scandinavian superstition have hitherto been chiefly concealed in the Eddas and Sagas of the North, or have appeared only in the tragedies of Klopstock and a few other pieces, little known, except among the Germans and Danes, to whom they owe their existence.* This being the case, I am tempted to publish the following Sketches, with a view of giving some...
Página cxlii - Danes,1 to whom they owe their existence. This being the case, I am tempted to publish the following Sketches, with a view of giving some slight idea of the neglected beauties of the Gothic religion, and of recommending a freer introduction of its imagery into the poetry of the English nation.
Página xxxix - ... there remained the pursuit of fame ; and this, his biographer tells us, was now his darling care : he used to repeat Cowley's aspiration after an earthly immortality, and ask, with him, what he should do to make himself for ever known ? His deliberations ended in a resolution to compose some lyrical dramas ; ' a perusal of the Greek tragedians — which he went through with agitated feeling — determined the form of his outline ; Percy's Northern Antiquities supplied the costume and the colouring.

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