Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Volumen14

Metcalf and Company, 1879
Vol. 12 (from May 1876 to May 1877) includes: Researches in telephony / by A. Graham Bell.

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Página 357 - ... charms of person and mind were decked in the beauty of youth : the self-possession, the repose, and the grace of this expounder of physical science alone remained to tell of his short-lived eccentricity. Those readers, who allow the mythical apple to divide with Newton the glory of a great discovery, will listen eagerly to the statement that the theatrical career of young Henry was suddenly arrested by his accidental encounter, during a brief illness, with Dr. Gregory's popular lectures. The...
Página 343 - At that time, Ou-yang recommended him to the throne as one "rich in both talent and judgment," whereupon he was given another advanced examination at the Imperial Library. He passed it with flying colors. As a result, he was appointed one of the Associate Judges of the Supreme Court and later transferred to Fenghsiangm.5^8 as one of the prefect's principal assistants.
Página 244 - P. cmgustifolium, canaliculatum, pubescens, multiflorum and hirtum, Pursh. Canada (New Brunswick to Winnipeg Valley) to Florida; wooded hillsides. 2. P. GIGANTEUM, Dietr. Glabrous throughout : stem somewhat curved, 2 to 7 feet high : leaves broadly ovate to lanceolate, usually clasping by a broad base, 3 to 8 inches long : pedicels jointed below...
Página 295 - Perennial, in muddy or dry places, often 2 or 3 feet high, scabrous with short appressed or glandular hairs, especially upon the leaves and upper...
Página 266 - ... sepals shorter, obtusish ; petals as in the last, usually slightly hairy or dotted around the brown or orange gland: anthers obtuse, 1J to 3 lines long: capsule oblong, an inch long. — Baker, 1. c. 306. S. Utah. 22. C. PALMERI. Stem very slender, lax and flexuons, a foot or two high, 1-7-flowered, bulbiferous near the base : sepals with narrowly acuminate recurved tips, spotted; petals 6 to 12 lines long, white (or yellowish below) with a brownish claw, and with scattered hairs around the ill-defined...
Página 253 - Leaves straight, very stiff and pointed, usually 1 to 3 feet long by 3 to 6 lines wide, smooth : raceme usually simple, nearly sessile, 1 to 4 feet long: flowers greenish white or tinged with brown ; segments broadly ovate, an inch or two long : stigmas green, shorter than the ovary : capsule 6-sided, 3 inches long, half as wide : seeds broadly margined, 5 or 6 lines broad. — Sims, Bot. Mag. t. 2236 ; Engelm. 1. c. 50. Dakota to New Mexico. Var. ELATA, Engelm. 1. c. Caudex 3 to 5 feet high, with...
Página 173 - ... will be not far from ±.03". The probable error of a single difference between myself and my assistant, Mr. Joseph F. MacCormick, is for a single reading of four microscopes ±.125". The probable error of a single complete observation in declination is, in my own case, about ±.36", and of the mean of 10 observations is ±.11". The probable error of a single complete observation in right ascension is, for an equational star, ±.026*- and for the mean of 10 observations ±.008'-. If, therefore,...
Página 245 - Leaves (7 to 12) sessile : raceme sessile or nearly so : berry blue-black. 3. S. STELLATA, Desf. 1. c. Glabrous or pubescent : stem a foot high or less : leaves lanceolate, acutish, sessile and closely clasping, usually ascending and folded : raceme about an inch long : perianth-segments 2 or 3 lines long, exceeding the pedicels : berry 3 lines broad : seeds brown.
Página 256 - ... tips : capsule narrowly oblong. — Proc. Davenport Acad. 2. 188, t. 5, 6. California (San Gorgonio Pass, San Bernardino County). * » Segments oblanceolate, yellow or orange, coarsely spotted with brown. Flowers erect or horizontal, small. — Species of Atlantic States. [See page 801.] 6. L.
Página 266 - Dougl. Like the last, but the petals clear lilac, paler below (the claw somewhat darker), with scattered white hairs below the middle, and with or without a round densely hairy gland : anthers purple, obtuse or acute, 3 to 6 lines long. — Benth. 1. c., t. 15, f. 1 ; Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1676; Baker, 1. c.

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