Then learn to revel ; but by slow degrees : By slow degrees the liberal arts are won; And Hercules grew strong. But when you smooth The brows of care, indulge your festive vein In cups by well inform'd experience found The least your bane : and only with... A Trip to Paris: In Verse - Página 100por Thomas Sewell Allen - 1831 - 113 páginasVista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | 1802 - 302 páginas
...revel ; but by slow degrees : By slow degrees the liberal arts are won ; And Hercules grew strong. But when you smooth The brows of care, indulge your festive vein 4f$ In cups by well-inform'd experience found The least your bane ; and only with your friends. There... | |
 | Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - 652 páginas
...revel ; but by slow degrees : By slow degrees the liberal arts are won ; And Hercules grew strong. But when you smooth The brows of care, indulge your...The least your bane : and only with your friends. There are sweet follies ; frailties to be seen By friends alone, and men of generous minds. Oh ! seldom... | |
 | John Aikin - 1821 - 314 páginas revel; but by slow degrees: By slow degrees the liberal arts are won; And Hercules grew strong. But when you smooth The brows of care, indulge your...found The least your bane; and only with your friends. There are sweet follies; frailties to be seen By friends alone, and men of generous minds. Oh! seldom... | |
 | British poets - 1822 - 322 páginas revel ; but by slow degrees : By slow degrees the liberal arts are won; And Hercules grew strong. But when you smooth The brows of care, indulge your festive vein In cups by well inform'd experience found The least your bane : and only with your friends. There are sweet follies... | |
 | William Hazlitt - 1824 - 1064 páginas revel ; but by slow degrees: By slow degrees the liberal arts are won; And Hercules grew strong. ;/ There are sweet follies; frailties to be seen By friends alone, and men of generous minds. Oh! seldom... | |
 | British anthology - 1825 - 464 páginas
...slow degrees : By slow degrees the liberal arts are won ; 5 See Book iv. And Hercules grew strong. But when you smooth--. The brows of care, indulge your festive vein In cups by well-infonn'd experience found The least your bane ; and ouly with your friends. There are sweet follies... | |
 | Robert Chambers - 1830 - 844 páginas
...philosopher. His motto is, ' Take the good the gods provide you,' but take it in moderation. When yon smooth The brows of care, indulge your festive vein In cups by well-informed experience found The least your bane, and only with your friends. The effects of over-indulgence... | |
 | Robert Chambers - 1844 - 746 páginas
...ascetic philosopher. His motto is, ' take the good the gods provide you,' but take it in moderation. The varnished clock that clicked behind the door; The chest, contrived well-informed experience found The least your bane, and only with your friend». The effects of over-indulgence... | |
 | Robert Chambers - 1844 - 738 páginas
...ascetic philosopher. His motto is. ' take the good the gods provide you,' but take it in moderation. all thy ba well-informed experience found The least your bane, and only with your friends. The effects of over-indulgence... | |
 | Joseph William Jenks - 1856 - 574 páginas
...revel ; but by slow degrees : By slow degrees the liberal arts are won ; And Hercules grew strong. , Indulging all to love : or on the bank Thrown, amid drooping lilies, swel well-informed experience found The least your bane ; and only with your friends. There are sweet follies... | |
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