A Companion to MiltonThomas N. Corns John Wiley & Sons, 2003 M09 11 - 544 páginas The diverse and controversial world of contemporary Milton studies is brought alive in this stimulating Companion.
The Cultural Context 1 | 3 |
The Classical Literary Tradition | 22 |
Milton on the Bible | 37 |
Literary Baroque and Literary Neoclassicism | 55 |
Milton and English Poetry | 72 |
Miltons English | 90 |
The Legacy of the Late Jacobean Period | 109 |
Milton and Puritanism | 124 |
Republicanism | 294 |
Late Political Prose | 309 |
Paradise Lost in Intellectual History | 329 |
The Radical Religious Politics of Paradise Lost | 348 |
Obedience and Autonomy in Paradise Lost | 363 |
Paradise Lost and the Multiplicity of Time | 380 |
SelfContradicting Puns in Paradise Lost | 393 |
Samson Agonistes | 411 |
Milton and Ecology | 157 |
The English and Other Peoples | 174 |
The Literature of Controversy | 191 |
On the Morning of Christs Nativity Upon | 215 |
John Miltons Comus | 232 |
Lycidas | 246 |
Early Political Prose | 263 |
Milton Marriage and Divorce | 279 |
Paradise Regained | 429 |
Reading Milton 16741800 | 447 |
The Romantics and After | 463 |
The Life Records | 483 |
Consolidated Bibliography | 499 |
521 | |
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