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" God's trophies, and his work pursued, While Darwen stream, with blood of Scots imbrued, And Dunbar field, resounds thy praises loud, And Worcester's laureate wreath. "
An Historical and Critical Account of the Lives and Writings of James I. and ... - Página 38
por William Harris - 1814
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Paradise Regain'd: A Poem, in Four Books. To which is Added Samson Agonistes ...

John Milton - 1753 - 374 páginas
...vain doth valor bleed, While avarice and rapin ifiarc the land. XVI. To the Lord General CROMWELL. Cromwell, our chief of men, who through a cloud Not of war only, but detraftions rude, Guided by faith and matchlefs fortitude, To peace and truth thy glorious way haft...
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Paradise Regain'd: A Poem, in Four Books. To which is Added, Samson ...

John Milton - 1759 - 420 páginas
...In vain doth valor bleed, While avarice and rapin fhare the land. XVI. To the Lord General CROMWELL. Cromwell, our chief of men, who through a cloud Not of war only, but detraclions rude, Guided by faith and matchlefs fortitude, To peace and truth thy glorious way haft...
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An Historical and Critical Account of the Life of Oliver Cromwell, Lord ...

William Harris - 1762 - 544 páginas
...mufes will read here with pleafure, addreffes himfelf to him as the patron of this moft glorious caufe. Cromwell, our chief of men, who through a cloud Not...war only, but detractions rude, Guided by faith and matchlefs fortitude, To peace and truth thy glorious way haft plough 'dj And with honour of thofe who...
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An Historical and Critical Account of the Life of Oliver Cromwell, Lord ...

William Harris - 1762 - 564 páginas •with pleafure, addreiTes himfelf to him as the patron of this moft glorious caufe. Cromivell, our chief of men, who through a cloud Not of war only, but detractions rude, Guided by faith and matchlefs fortitude, To peace and truth thy glorious way haft plough'd, And with honour of thofe who...
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Poems Upon Several Occasions: English, Italian, and Latin

John Milton - 1785 - 698 páginas
...vain doth valour bleed, While avarice and rapin fhare the land. XVI. To the Lord General CROMWELL*. Cromwell, our chief of men, who through a cloud Not...war only, but detractions rude, Guided by faith and matchlefs fortitude, To peace and truth thy glorious way haft plough'd, And on the neck of crowned...
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Bell's Edition, Volúmenes31-32

John Bell - 1788 - 630 páginas
...In vain doth Valor bleed, While Avarice and Rapin fhare the land. XVI. To the LorJ General Cromwell. CROMWELL, our chief of men, who through a cloud Not of war only, but detraftions rude, Guided by faith and matehlefs fortitude, To peace and truth thy glorious way haft...
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The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and ..., Volumen12

English poets - 1790 - 342 páginas
...In vain doth valor bleed, While avarice and rapin fhare the land. XVI. To the Lord General CRoMWELL. Cromwell, our chief of men, who through a cloud Not of war only, but detraclions rude, Guided by faith and matchlefs fortitude, To peace and truth thy glorious way haft...
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The Works of the British Poets, Volumen5

Robert Anderson - 1795 - 738 páginas
...Rapine {hare the land. XVI. To tie L,rd Gncral Crom-wttt. CROMWILL, our chief of men, who through s cloud Not of war only, but detractions rude, Guided by faith, and matchlefs fortitude, To peace and truth thy glorious way had plough'd, And on the nt ck of crowned...
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The Lounger's Common-place Book, Volumen2

Jeremiah Whitaker Newman - 1796 - 298 páginas
...uncouth, yet they bear evident marks of genius and claffic purity. To General CROMWELL. By John Milton. Cromwell, our chief of men, who through a cloud, Not of war only, hut detractions rude, Guided by faith and matchlefs fortitude ; To peace and truth thy glorious way...
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Cowley. Denham. Milton. Butler. Rochester. Roscommon. Otway. Waller. Pomfret ...

Samuel Johnson - 1800 - 842 páginas
...valor bleed, V/hile avarice and rapin fliare the land. XVU To the Lord General Cromwell. ' ANROMWELL, our chief of men, who through >» a cloud Not of war only, but detractions rude, Guided by faith and mauhlefs fortitude, To peace and truth thy glorious way haft plough'd, And on the neck of crowned fortune...
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