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received, may be unto me a protection against my spiritual enemies, may give me strength and support in all my trials, and victory over my besetting sins, that so I may reach that land where is neither hunger nor thirst, through JESUS CHRIST our Lord. Amen.


GOD, Who, through the ministry of Thy holy angels, didst so marvellously refresh Elijah in the desert, that he went in the strength of that meat unto Horeb, the mount of God, grant unto me, whom Thou hast marvellously refreshed with the Body and Blood of Thy dear SON, that I may pass safely through the temptations and trials of this desert, the world, until I come to Thy holy hill and to Thy dwelling, through JESUS CHRIST our Lord. Amen.



BESEECH Thee, O LORD JESUS CHRIST, that this Holy Communion may be to me a guide and provision for my way unto the haven of everlasting salvation. May it be to me a comfort when I am sad at heart, patience in trouble and anguish, and medicine in sickness. And by these Holy Mysteries which I have received grant me right faith, firm hope, and perfect charity, fervent love of Thee, and devout remembrance of Thy Passion, together with grace to show forth Thy praise by giving up my life to Thy service. And grant me, in my last hour, so to receive these Holy Mysteries that I may have Thee for my Guide in the valley of the shadow of death, and may live with Thee for evermore. Amen.

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YIELD Thee thanks, O LORD, Holy FATHER, with the most holy Body and Blood of Thy Son our LORD JESUS CHRIST. And I pray that this Sacrament of our Salvation, which I, an unworthy sinner, have received, may not come into judgment or condemnation against me according to my deserts, but may be for the advancement of my soul and body to eternal life. Amen.



The Child.

DEAR Lord and Master, Thou art here present, and I see Thee not with my bodily eyes, yet my faith perceives Thee veiled in these Holy Mysteries. O that, like S. John, I might recline upon Thy bosom, that I might feel Thine Heart beating with love, that I might ask of Thee grace to be Thine for ever.

The Master. Blessed, My child, are they who have not seen, and who yet believe; many saw Me in the days of My earthly pilgrimage who will never see Me in heaven, who but saw Me to reject Me; but they who see Me by faith, they shall be Mine for ever.

Thou askest for grace; seek and thou shalt find, ask and it shall be given.

The Child. O my Lord God, I seek humility, that I may root out pride and confidence in self.

The Master. Behold, for Thee I lay an Infant in the manger; learn humility from Bethlehem.

The Child. O my Lord God, I seek grace to submit my will to those whom Thou hast set over me.

The Master. Behold, for thee I was subject to My earthly parents; learn obedience from Nazareth.

The Child. O my Lord and GOD, my thoughts wander in prayer; I cannot meditate on Thee.

The Master. Behold, for thee I passed long nights of prayer on the mountains. Lift up thine eyes to the hills from whence cometh thy help.

The Child. O my LORD and my GOD, the flesh weigheth down my spirit: teach me how to subdue it.

The Master. Behold, for thee I fasted forty days and forty nights. I suffered hunger, thirst, and pain; learn self-denial from the wilderness.

The Child. O my LORD and God, I seek submission to Thy heavenly will.

The Master. Behold, for thee I was in agony, and My sweat, like drops of blood, poured to the ground. Learn from Gethsemane to say, Not my will, but Thine be done.

The Child. O LORD, I seek for peace, for rest in Thee; hide me in Thy wounded Side.

The Master. Behold, My child, it is I, be not afraid; in Me there is peace, a peace the world gave not and cannot take away, let thy faith pierce the clouds which in these Holy Mysteries veil Me from thy sight. Dost thou behold these Hands?-see, I have graven thee upon them. Dost thou behold these pierced Feet?-they walked this weary earth, wearied with seeking thee, -thee, the wandering child of My love. Dost thou behold this spearpierced Side?-thence flowed out the water of Baptism to redeem thee, the Blood which in this Sacrament of My Love cleanseth thee. Look upon this Brow: it was wreathed with a crown of thorns for thee, that thou mightest receive a crown of everlasting glory, and mightest gain that peace, that rest, where no foe can come, the Heart of thy SAVIOUR, -speak, My child, is it peace? The Child. It is peace, O LORD, peace,-peace in Thee.

Special Devotions for the Seasons of the Church.

(See also the Meditations for the Seasons, p. 168 to p. 179.)



(Suitable for use in Advent and Lent, etc.)

LORD, have mercy upon me.

Christ, have mercy upon me.

LORD, have mercy upon me.

O GOD the FATHER, of heaven, Creator of the


O GOD the SON, Redeemer of mankind,

O GOD the HOLY GHOST, Sanctifier of the


O Holy Trinity, one God.

JESUS, receive my prayers.
JESUS, grant my petitions.

Thou, Who willest not the death of a sinner,

Thou, Who diast say unto Magdalene, "Thy!

sins be forgiven thee,"

Thou, Who sparedst Peter, though he denied


Thou, Who didst come to seek and save the


Thou, Who didst pardon the penitent thief upon

the Cross,

Thou, Who knowest our infirmities,

Thou, Who knowest our temptations,

Thou, Who sittest at God's right hand.

Good Lord, deliver me.

upon me. Have mercy

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From all the vanity of the world,
From all the lusts of the flesh,

From all the powers of the devil,

I (a most grievous sinner) pray Thee that I may yield my body a willing sacrifice unto Thee;

That I may crucify the flesh with its affections and lusts;

That I may trample under foot every evil


That I may abstain from all evil words;
That I may be delivered from all evil thoughts;
That I may be preserved from all evil deeds;

That I may fight manfully against the world,

the flesh, and the devil;

That I may continue Thy soldier and servant

until my life's end;

That Thou wilt tread down Satan under my


Have mercy upon me.

I beseech Thee, hear me.

O Lamb of God, which takest away the sins of the world,

Have mercy upon me.

O Lamb of GOD, which takest away the sins of the world,

Grant me Thy peace.


V. Create in me a clean heart, O God.

R. And renew a right spirit within me.

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