LITANY FOR ALL SAINTS' DAY. GOD the FATHER, Creator of the world, Ο Have mercy upon me. O GOD the SON, Redeemer of mankind, Have mercy upon me. Have mercy upon me. O GOD the HOLY GHOST, Sanctifier of the elect, O Holy Trinity, three Persons and one God, Have mercy upon me. For all the graces Thou hast made manifest in Thy Saints, who have pleased Thee from the beginning, and chiefly in the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of our LORD and GOD JESUS CHRIST, I yield Thee thanks and praise. For the holy lives and triumphant deaths of Thine Apostles, through whom the sound of the Gospel has gone forth unto all the world, I yield Thee thanks and praise. For those who have followed Thee through the Red Sea of blood, and of whom the world was not worthy, I yield Thee thanks and praise. For those who have been master builders in Zion, the Bishops and Doctors of Thy Church, for the purity of Virgins, the zeal of Thy Priests, I yield Thee thanks and praise. For all that great multitude which no man can number, of all nations and people and tongues, who have come out of great tribulation, and washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb, I yield Thee thanks and praise. I beseech Thee, hear me : That Thou wilt grant me grace to follow these Thy Blessed Saints in all virtuous and godly living, so that while I venerate their memory, I may imitate their example, I beseech Thee, hear me. That, seeing I am encompassed with so great a cloud of witnesses, I may lay aside every weight, and the sin that doth so easily beset me, looking unto JESUs, the Author and Finisher of my faith, I beseech Thee, hear me. That so I may at last gain that eternal shore, where there are no tears, neither sorrow nor crying, where Thou dost wipe away all tears from the eyes of Thy people, I beseech Thee, hear me. O Lamb of GOD, That takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy upon me. O Lamb of GOD, That takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy upon me. O Lamb of GOD, That takest away the sins of the world, UR FATHER, etc. Grant me Thy peace. V. The path of the just is as the shining light. ALMIGHTY GOD, Who hast knit together Thine elect in one communion and fellowship, in the mystical body of Thy Son Christ our Lord, grant us grace so to follow Thy blessed saints in all virtuous and godly living, that we may come to those unspeakable joys which Thou hast prepared for them that unfeignedly love Thee; through JESUS CHRIST our Lord. Amen. H Commemorations OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY. February 2, March 25, July 2, December 8. AIL, thou that art highly favoured; the LORD is with thee; blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. V. The Word was made Flesh, Ο BLESSED LORD JESUS CHRIST, Who in taking upon Thee our flesh wast pleased to be conceived of a pure and holy Virgin, grant that, venerating her memory, we may imitate her purity, and may with her enjoy that everlasting blessing which Thou hast pronounced upon the pure in heart, Who livest and reignest with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, ever One God, world without end. Amen. B OF AN APOSTLE. UILT upon the foundation of the Apostles and Corner-stone. V. Their sound is gone forth into all lands; ALMIGHTY GOD, Who hast built Thy Church upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, JESUS CHRIST Himself being the head Corner-stone, grant us so to be joined together in unity of spirit by their doctrine, that we may be made an holy temple acceptable unto Thee: through the same JESUS CHRIST our LORD. Amen. T OF A MARTYR. HESE are they who came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes and made them white in the Blood of the Lamb. V. Be thou faithful unto death, ALMIGHTY GOD, Who hast ordained earthly suffering as the path to eternal glory, grant that, following in the steps of Thy blessed Martyr S.-, we may bear patiently whatsoever trials Thou art pleased to send us here, and may with him enjoy that eternal rest which remaineth to the people of GOD: through JESUS CHRIST our LORD. Amen. OF ANY SAINT. HOW glorious is the kingdom where all the saints rejoice with CHRIST; they are arrayed in white robes, and follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth. V. The voice of joy and health ALMIGHTY GOD, Who hast knit together Thine elect in one communion and fellowship, in the mystical body of Thy SON Christ our Lord; Grant us grace so to follow Thy blessed Saints in all virtuous and godly living, that we may come to those unspeakable joys which Thou hast prepared for them that unfeignedly love Thee; through JESUS CHRIST our Lord. Amen. ON THURSDAY, OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT. SACRED Feast, wherein CHRIST is received; the memory of His Passion is renewed ; our souls are fulfilled with grace; and the pledge of eternal glory is given unto us. Alleluia. V. Thou feddest Thine own people with angels' food R. And didst give them Bread from heaven. GOD, Who unto us, in the Blessed Sacrament, hast left a memorial of Thy Passion, grant that we may so venerate the sacred Mysteries of Thy Body and Blood here on earth, that we may evermore perceive in ourselves the fruit of Thy Redemption, Who livest and reignest with the FATHER and the HOLY GHOST, One GOD, world without end. Amen. GO ON FRIDAY OF THE HOLY CROSS, And on May 3 and September 14. Antiphon. OD forbid that I should glory, save in the Cross of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, by Whom the world is crucified unto me and I unto the world. V. CHRIST was made obedient unto death, R. Even the death of the Cross. |