Knowledge reveals God to the soul, as it is written :"And this is life eternal, to know Thee the only true GOD, and JESUS CHRIST, Whom Thou hast sent; Whom to know is everlasting life." True Godliness consists of the perfect fulfilment of our duty towards God and our neighbours, as set forth in the Commandments. The Holy Fear of the Lord gives us that reverential awe of His name and His word of which it is written :"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom." The Twelve Fruits of the Holy Ghost. I, Love; 2, Joy; 3, Peace; 4, Longsuffering; 5, Gentleness; 6, Goodness; 7, Faith; 8, Meekness; 9, Patience; 10, Modesty; 11, Temperance; 12, Purity. The Three Theological Airtues. Faith. A gift of GOD whereby we firmly acknowledge all that God has revealed, in His Word, or through His Church, and put our whole trust in JESUS CHRIST for our Salvation. Hope. A second gift of God, whereby we grasp His promises, until Hope be lost in fruition; and whereby we live as heirs of life everlasting. Charity. A third gift of GOD, which is the greatest of the three, whereby we love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and our neighbour as ourself. I Cor. xiii. Duatuor Povissima. Death. Judgment. First Form of Morning Prayer. I. When you are dressed, kneel down very reverently, compose your thoughts, and say In the Name of the FATHER, and of the SON, and of the HOLY GHOST. Amen. Ο MOST loving SAVIOUR JESus Christ, Who didst suffer little children to come unto Thee, and didst lay Thy holy Hands upon them, and bless them, look upon me also Thy child, and bless me, and keep me this day from all evil, both in body and soul. II. I thank Thee that Thou hast kept me in safety through the night, and brought me once more to the light of another day; and especially, O my God, I thank Thee for having given to me my kind friends, my daily food, my clothing, and all that I have, for making me Thy child in Baptism, and keeping me from harm by night and by day; make me very grateful for Thy love. III. I am sorry with all my heart that I have ever sinned against Thee. I desire to hate all sin, because it grieves Thee. By Thy help, I will never do wrong any more. O good GOD, forgive me the past, and help me to do better for the time to come. IV. O sweet JESUS, Son of Mary, hear me, and make me pure and holy in thought, word, and deed; keep me from being unkind or cross to those around me; make me diligent in my work, and help me to do my duty to my dear father and mother, and to obey all whom Thou hast set over me; make me truthful and honest; keep me from being greedy or covetous; teach me always to remember that I am Thy child whom Thou hast redeemed by Thy precious Blood, that I may be a good child for Thy sake. V. Bless my dear father and mother, brothers and sisters, and all my friends; bless my teachers and schoolfellows, and grant that we may all love and serve Thee more and more. Grant that I may live to be a comfort to my parents, and, as I grow in years, may grow in Thy grace and favour, and may be made fit to come to heaven when I die, and to be happy with Thee for ever. Amen. (If you wish to add any other prayers, do so here.) VI. Our FATHER, Which art in heaven, etc. VII. May GOD Almighty, the FATHER, the SON, and the HOLY GHOST, bless, preserve, and keep me now and for evermore. Amen. First Form of Evening Prayer. + In the Name of the FATHER, and of the Son, and of I. the HOLY GHOST. Ο Amen. MOST loving SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST, Who didst suffer little children to come unto Thee, and didst lay Thy holy Hands upon them and bless them, look upon me also Thy child, and bless me, and keep me this night from all evil, both of body and soul. II. I thank Thee that Thou hast kept me in safety through the day, and brought me once more to rest in peace. I thank Thee for having given to me my kind friends, my daily food, my clothing, and all that I have. I thank Thee for sending Thy dear Son to die for me; for having made me Thy child when I was baptized; and for making me an heir of Thy heavenly kingdom. O my GOD, make me grateful for Thy love! III. And now add one more blessing, that I may see and know all the faults I have fallen into to-day, and give me sorrow for them. O Holy Spirit, pour Thy light into my heart, that I may see all that I have done amiss to-day. Ask yourself these Questions— 1. Did I say my morning prayers properly? 2. Have I tried to attend during divine service ? 3. Have I been disobedient or idle ? 4. Have I quarrelled with any one? 5. Have I told untruths? 6. Have I been greedy or covetous ? 7. Have I had any wicked thoughts, or done any bad or wicked thing? Then say O GOD, my Heavenly FATHER, I grieve over all the sins I have done, through my own fault, especially and over all those of my past life. Forgive me, for Thy dear SON's sake, all that is past, and grant that I may sin no more. Wash me in the Blood of Thy dear SON, and I shall be clean. LORD, hear my prayer, for His sake. Amen. IV. O LORD JESUS CHRIST, Who wast obedient to Thy parents, Mary and Joseph upon earth, look, in Thy mercy, upon my dear father and mother, and make me a good child; give me grace to love them, and give them grace to love Thee more and more all the days of their lives. Bless my brothers and sisters, my teachers and schoolfellows, and all my friends. Grant that we may grow daily in Thy love. V. O LORD, Who never slumberest nor sleepest, be pleased to watch over me this night; let my guardian angel stand by me, to watch over me and keep me from harm; and grant that I may awake in the morning pure and sinless in Thine holy eyes. Amen. (If you wish to add any other prayers, do so here.) VI. Our FATHER, etc. VII. May GOD Almighty, the FATHER, the SON, and the HOLY GHOST, bless, preserve, and keep me this night, and for evermore. Amen. |