Imágenes de páginas

below." Such memories are a deeper reward than any mere earthly success could convey.

This adaptation has been executed by the sister of the author, who has for many years been associated with the sisters of St. Thomas in the work at St. Ann's School, Oxford, the school so long and affectionately known as "Rewley," and her long experience in religious education, which dates from a very early period, gives the author the fullest confidence in entrusting the work to her care. His share in the adaptation is simply the Preface.

May God grant that from the seed thus sown an abundant harvest may be reaped in heaven.


A. D. C.

[blocks in formation]

The Calendar.





6. THE EPIPHANY, or Manifestation of Christ to the


8. S. Lucian, Priest and Martyr, A. D. 290.

13. S. Hilary, Bishop of Poictiers, A.D. 368.

18. S. Prisca, Virgin and Martyr, A.D. 270.

20. S. Fabian, Bishop of Rome, and Martyr, A.D. 250.

21. S. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr at Rome, A.D. 304.

22. S. Vincent, Deacon and Martyr at Valencia, A.D. 304.

25. CONVERSION of S. PAUL, A.D. 34.

1. Vigil. Fast.


2. PURIFICATION of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

3. S. Blasius, Bishop of Sebaste, in Cappadocia,

A.D. 316.

5. S. Agatha, Virgin and Martyr in Sicily, A.D. 251..

14. S. Valentine, Bishop and Martyr at Rome, A.D. 270.

23. Vigil. Fast.

24. S. MATTHIAS, Apostle and Martyr.


1. S. David, Archbishop of Wales, A. D. 544.

2. S. Chad, Bishop of Lichfield, A. D. 673.

7. S. Perpetua, Martyr at Carthage, A. D. 203.

12. S. Gregory, Bishop of Rome, A.D. 604.

18. S. Edward, King of the West Saxons, A.D. 978.

21. S. Benedict, Abbot, A.D. 543.

24. Vigil. Fast.

25. ANNUNCIATION of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


3. S. Richard, Bishop of Chichester, A.D. 1253.

4. S. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, A.D. 397.

19. S. Alphege, Archbishop of Canterbury, A.D. 1012.

23. S. George, Martyr at Nicomedia, A.D. 303.

25. S. MARK, Evangelist and Martyr.


I. S. PHILIP and S. JAMES, Apostles and Martyrs. 3. The Finding of the Holy Cross, A.D. 326.

6. S. John, before the Latin Gate of Rome, A.D. 95. 19. S. Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury, A.D. 988. 26. S. Augustine, Archbishop of Canterbury, A.D. 604. 27. The Venerable Bede, Monk, A.D. 735.


1. S. Nicomede, Bishop and Martyr at Rome, A.D. 90.

5. S. Boniface, Bishop of Mayence, and Martyr,

A.D. 775.

11. S. BARNABAS, Apostle and Martyr at Cyprus.

17. S. Alban, First Martyr of Britain, A.D. 303.

20. Translation of the Body of S. Edward the Martyr,

A.D. 982.

23. Vigil. Fast.


28. Vigil. Fast.

29. S. PETER, Apostle and Martyr, A.D. 69.


2. Visit of the Blessed Virgin Mary to S. Elisabeth. 4. Translation of the Body of S. Martin, A. D. 473. 15. Translation of the Body of S. Swithin, A.D. 971. 20. S. Margaret, Virgin and Martyr at Antioch, A.D. 278. 22. S. Mary Magdalene.

24. Vigil. Fast.

25. S. JAMES, Ap. and Martyr (the Brother of S. John),

A.D. 43.

26. S. Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

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