Imágenes de páginas


Departure from Boston-The Gulf-Stream-A storm-The Western Islands-African Coast-Lesser incidents of the voyageSea Stores-Condition of Seamen-Arrival at Gibraltar.


At sea, N. L. 40° 51′. w. L. 35°.
October 4, 1826.


THE Atlantic I have expected to find like Israel's "waste howling wilderness," spread out as a trial of patience, before entering the promised land. Short be our passage, is the prayer of the voyager, and shorter still you may add, be the story of it. Yet since you have requested to share in the benefits of my pilgrimage, think not to stand with me on Mount Zion, without first learning something of the inconveniencies and trials encountered by the way.

I wrote you from Boston, Saturday Sept. 16, that we (Rev. Elnathan Gridley and myself,) were already embarked for Gibraltar, in the brig Glide, Capt. Richardson. We hoped to have unmoored during the night, but the Sabbath sun rose upon us while we still lay at anchor. The owner came on board to give his final instructions; and I had opportunity of exchanging a farewell gaze with the friend, who, so much in the spirit of that hastening era, has sung "the Age of Benevolence,"* The church-going bell, sent also its soften

* Rev. Carlos Wilcox. ica, that I learned the loss of his great argument, had Vol. I.

It was not until my return to Amerwhich sacred poesy and the cause sustained in his death.


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