OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, FOR FIFTY YEARS: FROM MARCH 1789, TO MARCH, 1839. BY ALDEN BRADFORD, LL. D. "The unity of government, which constitutes you one people, is now dear to you. It is "The State governments are an essential part of the federal system. Consolidation is an "By enlarging the basis of our system, and increasing the number of States, the system BOSTON: SAMUEL G. SIMPKINS. FIRST OF JULY: 1840. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1840, By ALDEN BRADFORD, In the Clerk's office of the District Court of Massachusetts. TORREY & BLAIR, Printers. PRITISH TO WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON, OF CINCINNΑΤΙ, STATE OF OHIO : SIR:-My limited personal intercourse with you would not fully justify me, perhaps, in the liberty I assume, by this public address to you; and by thus seeking, at least by implication, your patronage of a work intended for general circulation in all parts of the United States. And yet it has been my lot to witness your patriotic and honorable exertions, in the highest branch of the national councils, in favor as well of individuals, whose services, in the struggle for liberty and independence, so justly entitled them to the remuneration of the government, as of the welfare, honor, and prosperity of the nation. In the measure of a generous allowance to those worthy veterans, you took a conspicuous part, which neither they, nor their children, nor the country, can ever forget. I perceive, in this act, your gratitude and sympathy towards those truly patriotic citizens; and, in your retirement, after a brilliant career in public life, to the duties and labors of a private station, your approbation of their exemplary conduct, "in laying down in peace, arms taken up in defence of the republic and its liberties." But my respect and admiration for your character are |