Imágenes de páginas

SLAVE TRADE, its continuance prohibited, 144, 263, 267, 277.

its extension opposed, 267.

SOUTH AMERICAN Provinces, 257.

republics proposed to recognize, 257, 260.

President Monroe against, 264, 271, 276, 286, 316, 317, 345, 346, 418.

Trade with, 394, 418.

SOUTH CAROLINA, opposes Tariff act, 406, 407.

threatens to use force, 407.

SPAIN, disputes with, 71, 72, 73, 128.

Louisiana purchased of, 128.

negotiations with, 240, 241, 250.

disputes with, as to bounds, 251.

SMITH Mr., Senator of Ohio, accused of being an accomplice of Burr, 162.

report for banishing him the Senate, 164.

STAMPS, tax, unpopular, 95.

STATE RIGHTS, 145, 380, 384.

powers of federal government over, 381, 383, 396, 399, 406.

STATES UNITED, not consolidated, 14.

suability of, 66.

their sovereignty, 66, 67.

debtor and creditor, 70.

STRONG Governor, of Massachusetts, opinion of State rights and of Militia,


TAXES internal, 95.

direct, to bear extra expenses in 1798, 95, 100, 104,

unpopular, 111.

increased in 1813, 201, 222.

diminished in 1816, 233.

TERRITORY NORTH WEST, organized, 26.

to have a delegate, 245.

THANKSGIVING recommended, 25.

TONNAGE of United States, 46.

TRADE with foreign nations proposed on terms of reciprocity, 300, 301, 354.

evils of restriction on, 278, 279, 280.

TREASURY DEPARTMENT regulated, 245, 269.

monies to be promptly paid into, 245, 269.

notes, objections to issuing, 265, 389.

should be under direction of Congress, 390, 410, 424.

TREATY of 1778 with France abrogated, 97.

TREASURY-SUB, plan of, 424.

TREATY signed with the Sublime Porte, by an agent appointed by President

without knowledge of Senate, 386.

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WASHINGTON GEORGE, first President of the United States, 15.

his inaugural address, 15.

his impartiality, 51, 64.

complaints against, by a few, 52, 57.

large majority approve his conduct and policy, 52

division in his cabinet, 53.

persuaded to serve a second term, 56.

re-elected President, 57, 59.

ill-treatment of, by French agents, 59.

his neutral policy towards France and England, 59, 60, 72.

complained of by some, 61, 85, 86.

firmness of, on the occasion, 62, 63, 64, 69.

appoints Judge Jay, Envoy to England, 65, 71.
suppresses insurrection in Pennsylvania, 76.

advises to provide for reducing public debt, 77, 89.

WASHINGTON GEORGE, his measures censured by Jacobin Clubs, 78.

his treaty with England opposed, 81, 82.

advice to increase Navy, 89.

his resignation, 90.

his eulogy by Mr. Adams, 92.

Commander-in-Chief, 101.

death of, universally lamented, 106.

WASHINGTON CITY, first Session of Congress in, 114.

invaded and plundered by British troops, 219.

WAR with England, 181, 183.

reasons for, 181, 182.

unnecessary, 183.

charged to partiality for France, 183.

nation unprepared for, 184.

treasury notes issued, to support, 185.

much opposition to, 187, 188.

Resolutions in New York, disapproving of, 188.

menaces of dominant party after it was declared, 190.
early misfortunes and defeats in, 191, 192.

prosecuted with vigor, 194, 201.

army increased in second year of, 201, 216.
continued for seamen's rights, 196, 197, 199.
great expenses of, 201, 216.
people patient, though not approving it, 203.
depredations of, by British ships, 206, 211.
correspondence which preceded it, 207.

division in Congress on, 208.

new instruction to Envoys to close it, 216, 217.

closed, without obtaining what it was declared for, 217, 221.

too expensive and unpopular to be continued, 221.
great expenses of, 230.

WARD ARTEMAS, his views of the rights of the Militia, 225.
WOOLLEN GOODS imported, duties on, raised, 340.

to protect manufactures opposition to, 340, 341.
great importations of, 352.
increase of duty on, 352.

[blocks in formation]
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