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" But what would be the security of the good if the bad could at pleasure invade them from the sky? Against an army sailing through the clouds, neither walls nor mountains nor seas could afford any security. A flight of northern savages might hover in the... "
The Prince of Abissinia: A Tale - Página 42
por Samuel Johnson - 1790 - 304 páginas
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The prince of Abissinia [by S. Johnson].

Samuel Johnson - 1783 - 324 páginas
...feas, could afford any fecurity. A flight of northern favages might hover in the wind, and light at once with irrefiftible violence upon the capital of...of the naked nations that fwarm on the coaft of the fouthern.fea." The prince promifed fccrecy, and waited for the performance, not wholly hopelefs of...
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The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL. D.: Tales and visions: The history of ...

Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 548 páginas
...leas, could afford any fecurity. A flight of northern favages might hover in the wind, and light at once with irrefiftible violence upon the capital of...the fudden defcent of fome of the naked nations that iwarm on the coaft of the fouthern fea." The prince promifed fecrecy, and waited for the performance,...
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The history of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia. The vision of Theodore. The ...

Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 560 páginas
...feas, could afford any fecurity. A flight of northern favages might hover in the wind, and light at once with irrefiftible violence upon the capital of...the fudden defcent of fome of the naked nations that /warm on the coaft of the fouthern fea." The prince promifed fecrecy, and waited for the performance,...
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The Novelist's Magazine, Volumen23

1788 - 778 páginas
...once with irreliftiblc violcnceupon the capital of a fruitful region that was rolling under them. Evun this valley, the retreat of princes, the abode of happinefs, might be violated by the В г RASSELAS, PRINCE OF ABIS5INIA. ' fudden dcfcent of fome of the naked the wiM beads and the tame...
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The Works of Samuel Johnson.LL.D..: A dissertation upon the Greek comedy ...

Samuel Johnson - 1792 - 584 páginas
...feas, could afford any fecurity. A flight of northern favages might hover in the wind, and light at once with irrefiftible violence upon the capital of...this valley, the retreat of princes, the abode of happineis, might be violated by the fudden defcent of foine of the naked nations that fwarm on the...
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Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy: Considered in It ..., Volumen3

George Adams - 1794 - 540 páginas
...fcas could afford any fecurity ; a flight of northern favages might hover in the wind, and light at once with irrefiftible violence upon the capital of a fruitful region that was rolling under them.' " The prince promifed fecrecy, and waited for the performance, not wholly hopelefs of fuccefs; he vilitedthe...
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Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy: Considered in It ..., Volumen3

George Adams - 1794 - 604 páginas
...any fecurity ; a flight of northern favages might hover in the wind, and light at once with irreMible violence upon the capital of a fruitful region that was rolling under them.' " The prince promifed fecrecy, and waited for the performance, not wholly hopekfs of fuccefs; he vifited...
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The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.

Samuel Johnson - 1806 - 376 páginas A flight of northern savages might hover in the wind, and light at once with irresistible violence upon the capital of a fruitful region that...this valley, the retreat of princes, the abode of happiness, might be violated by the sudden descent of some of the naked nations that swarm on the coast...
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Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia: A Tale

Samuel Johnson - 1810 - 230 páginas A flight qf northern savages might hover in the wind, and light at once with irresistible violence upon the capital of, a fruitful region that...this valley, the retreat of princes, the abode of happiness, might be violated by the sudden descent of some of the naked nations that swarm on the coast...
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Works, Volumen3

Samuel Johnson - 1811 - 428 páginas A flight of northern savages might hover in the wind, and light at once with irresistible violence upon the capital of a fruitful region that...this valley, the retreat of princes, the abode of happiness, might be violated by the sudden descent of some of the naked nations that swarm on the coast...
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