Let them learn to be wise by easier means : let them observe the hind of the forest, and the linnet of the grove : let them consider the life of animals, whose motions are regulated, by instinct ; they obey their guide and are happy. The Prince of Abissinia: A Tale - Página 138por Samuel Johnson - 1790 - 304 páginasVista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | SEVERAL HANDS - 1759 - 636 páginas
...linnet of the grove : let them confider the life of animals, whole motions are regulated by inftinfl ; they obey their guide and are happy. Let us thereFore,...carry with us this fimple and intelligible maxim, That dcvLiioa from nature is deviation from happinefs." * When he had fpoken, he looked round him with a... | |
 | Ralph Griffiths, G. E. Griffiths - 1759 - 636 páginas
...of the grove : let them confider the life of animals, whofe motions are regulated by in It inert ; they obey their guide and are happy. Let us therefore, at length, ceafe to dilpute, and learn to live; throw away the incumbrance of precepts, which they who utter them with... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1783 - 324 páginas
...motions are regulated by' inftinctv they obey their guide and are; happy. Let us therefore, at lengih, ceafe to difpute, and learn to live; throw away the...of precepts, which they who utter them with fo much prider and pomp do not underftand, and carry with us this fimple and intelligible maxim, That deviation... | |
 | Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 534 páginas
...the grove : let them confider the life of animals, whofe motions are regulated lated by inftindt ; they obey their guide and are happy. Let us therefore,...throw away the incumbrance of precepts, which they who utcer them with fo much pride and pomp do not underftand, and carry with us this fimple and intelligible... | |
 | Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 548 páginas
...confider the life of animals, whofe motions are regulated PRINCE OF ABISSINIA. fs latcd by infiinft; they obey their guide and are happy. Let us therefore, at length, ceafe 10 difpute, and learn to live 5 throw away the incumbrance of precepts, which they who utter them with... | |
 | 1788 - 778 páginas
...linnet of the grove: let them capfider the life of animals, whoic motion» are regulated by mftinft ; they obey their guide and are happy. Let us therefore, at length, ceaie to difpute, and learn to live ; throw away the incumbrance of precepts, which they who utter... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1801 - 462 páginas
...let them obferve the hind of the foreft, and the linnet of the grove : let them confider the life of animals, whofe motions are regulated by inftinct ;...not underftand, and carry with us this fimple and in* teljigible maxim, That deviation from nature is deviation from happinefs." When he had fpoken,... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1801 - 458 páginas
...and the linnet of the grove : let them con£der the life of animals, whole motions are regulated bf inftinct ; they obey their guide and are happy. Let...not underftand, and carry with us this fimple and in^ teHigible maxim, That deviation from nature is devia-, tion from happinefs." '/ When he had fpoken,... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1804 - 162 páginas
...they obey their Guide, and are happy. Let us,therefore, at length, cease to dispute, and learn how to live: throw away the incumbrance of precepts, which they who utter them with so much pride and pomp, do not understand, and carry with us this simple and intelligible maxim, That... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1806 - 376 páginas
...linnet of the grove: let them consider the life of animals, whose motions are regulated by instinct; they obey their guide, and are happy. Let us therefore, at length, cease to dispute, and learn to live ; throw away the incumbrance of precepts, which they who utter... | |
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