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" The intermediate hours are tedious and gloomy; I long again to be hungry that I may again quicken my attention. The birds peck the berries or the corn, and fly away to the groves where they sit in seeming happiness on the branches, and waste their lives... "
The Prince of Abissinia: A Tale - Página 13
por Samuel Johnson - 1790 - 304 páginas
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The Prince of Abissinia: A Tale. In Two Volumes, Volumen1

Samuel Johnson - 1759 - 176 páginas
...not, ' like him, fatiffied with fulnefs. The intermediate' hours are tedious and gloomy; I long again to be hungry that I may again quicken my attention. The birds peck the berries or the corn, and fly away to the proves where they fit in feeming happinefs on the...
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The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and Literature for ...

1762 - 578 páginas
...I long again tobe hungry, that I may again quicken my attention. The birds peck the berries out of the corn, and fly away to the groves, where they fit in feeming happinefs on the branches, and wafte tbeir lives in tuning one unvaried feries of founds. I likewife can call the lutenift and the finger...
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The history of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia. The vision of Theodore. The ...

Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 560 páginas
...not, like him, fatisfied with fulnefs. The intermediate hours are tedious and gloomy 5 I long again to be hungry that I may again quicken my attention. The birds peck the berries or the corn, and fly away to the groves where they fit in feeming happinefs on the...
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The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL. D.: Tales and visions: The history of ...

Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 548 páginas
...not, like him, fatisfied with fulnefs. The intermediate hours are tedious and gloomy; I long again to be hungry that I may again quicken my attention. The birds peck the berries or the corn, and fly away to the groves where they fit in ferming happinefs on the...
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The history of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia. The vision of Theodore. The ...

Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 534 páginas
...rtot, like him, fatisfied with fulnefs. The intermediate hours are tedious and gloomy; I long again to be hungry that I may again quicken my attention. The birds peck the berries or the corn, and fly away to the groves where they fit in feeming happinefs on th,e...
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The Novelist's Magazine, Volumen23

1788 - 778 páginas
...not, like him, fatisfied with fulntfs. The intermediate hours are tedious and gloomy; I long again to be hungry that I may again quicken my attention. The birds peck the berries or the corn, and fly away to the groves where they fit in feeming happincfs on the...
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The Works of Samuel Johnson.LL.D..: A dissertation upon the Greek comedy ...

Samuel Johnson - 1792 - 584 páginas
...not, like him, fatisfied with fiilnefs. The intermediate hours are tedious and gloomy ; I long again to be hungry that I may again quicken my attention. The birds peck the berries or the corn, and fly away to the groves, where they fit in feeming happinefs on the...
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The Scots Magazine, Volumen21

1759 - 760 páginas
...tedious and gloomy; I long again to be hungry, that I may again quicken my attention. Tire birds peck the berries or the corn, and fly away to the groves where they fit in feeming happinefs on the blanches, and v.alic their lives in tuning one unvaried (tries of (bunds. 1 Nkewifc can cell the Imanifr....
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The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.

Samuel Johnson - 1801 - 462 páginas
...not, like him, fatisfied with fulnefs. The intermediate hours are tedious and gloomy ; I long again to be hungry that I may again quicken my attention. The birds peck the berries or the corn, and fly away to the groves, where they fit in feeming happinefs on the...
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Annual Register of World Events, Volumen2

1802 - 522 páginas
...not, like him satisfied with fulness. The intermediate hours are tedious and gloomy ; I long again to be hungry, that I may again quicken my attention. The birds peck the berries out of the corn, and ily' away to the groves, where they sit in seeming happiness...
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