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" The internal competition which takes place, soon does away with everything like monopoly, and by degrees reduces the price of the article to the minimum of a reasonable profit on the capital employed. This accords with the reason of the thing, and with... "
The American Protectionist's Manual - Página 51
por Giles Badger Stebbins - 1883 - 192 páginas
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Henry C. Carey and American Economic Development, Tema 3

Rodney J. Morrison - 1986 - 112 páginas
...Heckscher, Mercantilism 1: 178. 40 WD Grampp, "On the Politics of the Classical Economists," 736-39. soon does away with everything like monopoly, and...the minimum of a reasonable profit on the capital invested."42 Similarly, he asked: Does not your own experience prove that the more perfect the security...
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An Historical, Geographical, Commercial, and Philosophical View of ..., Volumen1

William Winterbotham - 1795 - 626 páginas
...for which it is a fubftitute. The internal competition which takes place, foon does away every thing like monopoly, and by degrees reduces the price of the article to the minimum of a reafonable profit on the capital employed. This accords with the reafon of the thing and with experience....
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An Historical, Geographical, Commercial, and Philosophical View of ..., Volumen1

William Winterbotham - 1799 - 616 páginas
...for which it is a fubftitute. The internal competition which takes place, foon does away every thing like monopoly, and by degrees reduces the price of the article to the mir/lmum of a reafonable profit on the capital employed. This accords with the reafon of the thing...
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The Analectic Magazine...: Comprising Original Reviews, Biography ..., Volumen9

1817 - 608 páginas
...substitute. The internal competition, which takes place, soon doe^s away every thing like monopolv, and by degrees reduces the price of the article to the minimum of"a reasonable profit on the capital employed. This accords with the reason of the thing and with...
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Niles' National Register, Volumen16

1819 - 652 páginas
...tor which iti» a substitute. The internal competition, which takes place, soon does away every thing like monopoly, and by degrees reduces the price employed. — This accords with the reason of thething and with experience. Whence it follows, that it is the interest of the commvmity, with a view...
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Niles' National Register, Volumen16

1819 - 660 páginas
...takes place, soon does away every thing like monopoly; and by degrees reduce* the price of the mrtiile to the minimum of a reasonable profit on the capital employed. This accords with the reason of the tiling, and with experience ." — Ifamiltun'a Works, vol. ip 212. • •The ruin resulting from the...
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An Historical, Topographical, and Statistical View of the United ..., Volumen1

William Winterbotham - 1819 - 606 páginas
...for which it is a fubftitute. The internal competition which takes place, foon does away every thing like monopoly, and by degrees reduces the price of the article to the minimum of a reafonablc profit on the capital employed. This accords with the reafon of the thing and witk experience....
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Addresses of the Philadelphia Society for the Promotion of National Industry

Mathew Carey - 1820 - 312 páginas
...The internal competition which takes place, soon does away every thing like monopoly; and by degress REDUCES THE PRICE OF THE ARTICLE TO THE MINIMUM OF A REASONABLE PROFIT ON THE CAPITAL EMPLOYED. Tflis accords with the reason of the thing; and with experience."* The true tests of the excellence...
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The Crisis: A Solemn Appeal to the President, the Senate and House of ...

Mathew Carey - 1823 - 92 páginas
...tvhich takes place, soon " does away every thing like monopoly ; and by degress REDUCES " THE PRICE TO THE MINIMUM OF A REASONABLE PROFIT ON " THE CAPITAL...This accords with the reason of " the thing, and with experience"2 •••..«' - ' .' '. 3 Hamilton's Report. flax, skins, timber, and other raw materials,...
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john k skinner

agriculture horticulture - 1823 - 434 páginas
...foreign article.] "The internal competition which takes place, " soon does away every thing like a monopoly^ " and by degrees reduces the price of the article "to the minimum of a reasonable firojit on thecafii" tal employed." But we are not to depend on theory. We have the most satisfactory...
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