An Essay on the Principles of Philosophical Criticism, Applied to Poetry, Volumen13Law and Gilbert, 1810 - 293 páginas |
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An Essay on the Principles of Philosophical Criticism, Applied to Poetry Joseph Harpur Sin vista previa disponible - 2016 |
Términos y frases comunes
abstract action æther allegory animal appears Arist Aristotle atque attributes beauty cause character Cicero common consequently considered consists consonant constitute contrary Demogorgon dignity divine doctrine effect emotions energies Epic Epic poetry essence essential eternal excellence exhibit existence fable faculty fiction formal cause genus harmony Hence hexameter human mind ideas Iliad imagery imagination imitation immutable individuals infinite intel magnitude manners matter metaphors moral motion multitude nature necessarily necessity observed particular passions perception Phædo phænomena philosophical Plato poem poet poetical poetry predicament produce pure intellect quæ racter rational reason recognized relation sensation senses sensible images sensible objects sentiments species spondee style subjects sublime substances things tion truth universal genera versal verse versification Virgil words ἀεὶ ἀλλὰ ἂν γὰρ δὲ διὰ ἔιναι ἐκ ἐν καὶ μὲν μὴ ὅτι περὶ τὰ τε τὴν τὸ τὸν τῶ τῶν
Pasajes populares
Página 111 - Less than arch-angel ruin'd, and the excess Of glory obscur'd: as when the sun, new risen, looks through the horizontal misty air Shorn of his beams; or from behind the moon, In dim eclipse, disastrous twilight sheds On half the nations, and with fear of change Perplexes monarchs.
Página 125 - His godlike guest, walks forth, without more train Accompanied than with his own complete Perfections ; in himself was all his state, More solemn than the tedious pomp that waits On princes, when their rich retinue long Of horses led and grooms besmeared with gold Dazzles the crowd and sets them all agape. Nearer his presence, Adam, though not awed, Yet with submiss approach and reverence meek, As to...
Página 215 - Th' infernal doors, and on their hinges grate Harsh thunder, that the lowest bottom shook Of Erebus.
Página 105 - Seest thou yon dreary plain, forlorn and wild, The seat of desolation, void of light, Save what the glimmering of these livid flames Casts pale and dreadful...
Página 115 - The shining armies sweep along the ground; Swift as a flood of fire, when storms arise, Floats the wide field, and blazes to the skies.
Página 164 - Esse apibus partem divinae mentis et haustus Aetherios dixere: deum namque ire per omnes Terrasque tractusque maris caelumque profundum ; Hinc pecudes, armenta, viros, genus omne ferarum. Quemque sibi tenues nascentem arcessere vitas; Scilicet hue reddi deinde ac resoluta referri Omnia, nee morti esse locum, sed viva volare Sideris in numerum atque alto succedere cáelo.
Página 21 - At poeta & naturam alteram & fortunas plures etiam ac demum sese isthoc ipso perinde ac Deum alterum efficit. Nam quae omnium opifex condidit, eorum reliquae scientiae tanquam actores sunt. Poetica vero, quum & speciosius quae sunt, & quae non sunt, eorum speciem ponit : videtur sane res ipsas, non ut aliae, quasi histrio, narrare, sed velut alter deus condere : vnde cum eo commune nomen ipsi non a consensu hominum, sed a naturae prouidentia inditum videatur.
Página 272 - ... belong more properly to the divine than the historian. In fact, we are not fond of building up an edifice merely for the sake of pulling it down, or of arranging the opinions of men only to...
Página 115 - As torrents roll, increas'd by numerous rills, With rage impetuous down their echoing hills ; Rush to the vales, and, pour'd along the plain, Roar through a thousand channels to the main ; The distant shepherd trembling hears the sound : So mix both hosts, and so their cries rebound.
Página 50 - Ita notatio naturae et animadversio peperit artem. Sed in versibus res est apertior, quanquam etiam a modis quibusdam cantu remoto soluta esse videatur oratio...