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" Into one place, and let dry land appear. Immediately the mountains huge appear Emergent, and their broad bare backs upheave Into the clouds, their tops ascend the sky. So high as... "
Paradise Lost: A Poem, in Twelve Books - Página 24
por John Milton - 1750
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The Art of English Poetry Containing: Rules for making verses. A collection ...

Edward Bysshe - 1710 - 624 páginas
...the great Mother to conceive, . Satiate with genial Moifture. Immediately the Mountains huge appear Emergent, and their broad bare Backs up-heave Into the Clouds, their Tops afcend the Sky. Sm and Rivert. So high as heav'd the tumid Hills, fo low Down funk a hollow Bottom, broad and deep,...
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Paradise Lost: A Poem, in Twelve Books, Volúmenes1-2

John Milton - 1711 - 464 páginas conceive, Satiate with genial moifture, when God faid Be gather'd now ye Waters under Heav'n Into one place, and let dry Land appear. Immediately the Mountains huge appear its Emergent, and their broad bare backs upheave Into the Clouds, their tops afcend the Sky; So high...
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The Spectator, Volumen5

1726 - 330 páginas
...the Mountains were brought forth, and the Peep was made. 79. Immediately the Mountains huge appear Emergent, and their broad bare Backs up-heave Into...afcend the Sky: So high as hea-v'd the tumid Hills, fo lore Down funk a hollow Bottom, broad and Jeep, Capacious Bed of Waters WE have alfo the rifing of...
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The Spectator, Volumen5

1739 - 312 páginas
...when the Mountains were brought forth, and the Deep was made. Immediately the Mountains huge appear Emergent, and their broad bare Backs up-heave . Into...the Clouds, their Tops afcend the Sky : So high as beaifd the tumid Hills, fo low Down funk a holhiu Bottom broad and deep, Cap acinus Bed of WE have...
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Paradise lost, a poem. 2nd Scots ed

John Milton - 1746 - 464 páginas
...with genial rhoifture : when GOD faid, Be gath'er'd now ye waters under heav'n... i- 02 Ime • Into one place, and let dry land appear ! Immediately the mountains huge appear a85 Emergent, and their broad bare backs up-heave Into the clouds, their tops afcend the Iky. So high...
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Paradise Lost: A Poem, in Twelve Books. The Last Edition. The Author John Milton

John Milton - 1754 - 342 páginas
...conceive, Satiate with genial moifture : when God fiid , Be gatber'd now ye waters under heav'n Into one place , and let dry land appear !.-... Immediately the mountains huge appear Emergent , and their broad bare backs up-heave Into the clouds , their tops afecnd the sky . So high...
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Paradise Lost: A Poem, in Twelve Books. The Author John Milton. From the ...

John Milton - 1759 - 608 páginas conceive, Satiate with genial moifture? when God faid Be gather'd now ye waters under Heaven Into one place, and let dry land appear. Immediately the...backs upheave Into the clouds, their tops afcend the fky: So high as heav'd the tumid hills, fo low Down funk a hollow bottom, broad and deep, Capacious...
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Paradise Lost: A Poem in Twelve Books. The Author John Milton. According to ...

John Milton - 1767 - 376 páginas
...waters under heav'n Into one place, and let dry land appeer. Immediately the -mounftins huge appeer Emergent, and their broad bare backs upheave Into the clouds, their tops afcend the fltie : So high as heav'd the tumid hHls, fo low Down funk a hollow bottom broad and deep, Capacious...
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Milton's Paradise lost, a poem. With prefatory characters of the several ...

John Milton - 1767 - 448 páginas
...conceive, Satiate with genial moifture ; when God faid, Be gather'd now ye waters under heaven Into one place, and let dry land appear. Immediately the mountains huge appear 73 e Emergent, and their broad bare backs upheave Into the clouds, their tops afcsnd the fky : So high...
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Bell's Edition: The Poets of Great Britain Complete from Chaucer to ...

1776 - 476 páginas
...face of earth Main ocean flow'd, not idle, but with warm Prolific humour soft'ning all her globe, 280 Emergent, and their broad bare backs upheave Into the clouds, their tops ascend the aky : Ho high as heav'd the tumid hills, so low Down sunk a hollow bottom broad and deep,...
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