IN N Troy, there lies the scenes from Iles of Greece With wanton Paris fleeps, and that's the quarrel. And the deep-drawing barks do there difgorge Their warlike fraughtage. Now on Dardan plains, Now Expectation tickling skittish fpirits To tell you (fair bebolders) that our play, Like, or find fault, do as your pleasures are, A 3 DRA Helen, Wife to Menelaus, in Love with Paris. Caffandra, Daughter to Priam, a Prophetess. Creffida, Daughter to Calchas, in Love with Troilus. Alexander, Servant to Creffida. Boy, Page to Troilus. Trojan and Greek Soldiers, with other Attendants. SCENE Troy and the Grecian Camp. The Story originally written by Lollius an old Lombard Author, and fince by Chaucer. Pope. It is alfo found in an old English Story-book of the three deftructions of Troy, from which many of the circumftances in this Play are borrow'd, they being to be found no where else. Theobald. TROILUS 1 'TROILUS and CRESSIDA. A C T I. SCENE I. Priam's Palace within the Walls of Troy, but fuppofed to have a fituation a little diftant from the rest of the City. Enter Pandarus and Troilus. TROILUS. ALL here my varlet, I'll unarm again. A 4 Tamer (a) Before this Play of Troilus and Creffida printed in 1609 is a Bookfeller's preface, fhewing that firft impreffion to have been before. the Play bad been acted, and that it was published without ShakeSpear's knowledge from a copy that had fallen into the Bookfeller's hands. Mr. Dryden thinks this one of the first of our Author's Plays: But on the contrary, it may be judg'd from the foremention'd Preface that it was one of his laft; and the great number of obfervations, both moral and politick, (with which this piece is crowded more than any other of his feems to confirm that opinion. Pope. |