| John Kettlewell - 1696 - 200 páginas
...our Saviour, to Hebl fire, Matt. 5. ^^. Render to\no. wan evil for evil, fays our Religion, lut love your enemies ; blefs them that curfe you*, do good to them that hate you ; and fray for them^ that defpitefufly ufe you ; that Jo you may be perfeft, and the true Children... | |
| John Milner - 1702 - 522 páginas
...they had all of them been reveal'd only, and none of them alfo Precepts of the Law of Nature. So Love your Enemies, Blefs them that curfe you, Do good to them that hate you, Fray for them that f erfecute you, and Blejfed are ye when men Jhall reproach and perfecute you,... | |
| Anthony Horneck - 1706 - 470 páginas
...Unity, Come, Amen, evtnft .-: -. SEfc SERMON XXXV. St. Matth. Ch. V. Ver. 44. But I fay unto you. Love your Enemies, blefs them that curfe you, do good to them that hate y OH , and- pray for them which defyitefully ufe yout and perfecnte you. MArcellinw writing to St.^///?*«... | |
| William Assheton - 1706 - 430 páginas
...liimfelf towards them. Whether he hath obferved the Command of our BlefTed Saviour ? / fay mto-your Love your Enemies , Blefs them that Curfe you , Do good to them that bate you, and Tray for them that Jeff itefully ufeyou and Perfecuteyou, Matth. 5. 44. , And though... | |
| James Gardiner - 1720 - 448 páginas
...it hath been faid, Thou Jhalt love thy neighbour ', and hate thine enemy. But I fay unto you. Love your enemies, blefs them that curfe you , do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which dejpitefullj ufe you, and perfecute you. That ye may be the children of... | |
| Confucius - 1724 - 192 páginas
...himfelf, which our Saviour propofes for our Imitation. For, after h<? ving faid, Matth . £. 44, 4? . Love your Enemies; Blefs them that Curfe you ; do Good to them that Hate you ?and Pray for them that Defpitefully pfe you, and perfecute you ; (for theje are all as fo may... | |
| William Law - 1726 - 552 páginas
...if e T o thefe I (hall only add a third, which is given us by Chrift himfelf, I fay unto you, love your Enemies, blefs them that curfe you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which defpightfully ufe you, and perfecute you, that you may be the Children... | |
| Joseph Butler - 1726 - 340 páginas
...that it hath been faid, Thou fhalt love thy Neighbour, and hate thine Enemy: But I fay unto you, Love your Enemies, blefs them that curfe you, do good to them that hate you, and fray fort hem which diffitefully ufe you and perfecute you, 137^ *S5 SER MX Upon Self-Deceit.... | |
| George England - 1735 - 388 páginas
...Jewijh Law,) Thou Jbalt love thy Neighbour •, and hate thine Enemy \ — But I fay unto you, love your Enemies ; blefs them that curfe you ; do good to them that hate you, and fray for them which dejpite fully ufe you and perfecute you And 3 1 8 Of tie Morals of the... | |
| Samuel Clarke - 1736 - 376 páginas
...hath been faid, Thou flialt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy : 44 But I fay unto you, Love your enemies, blefs them that curfe you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which delpitefully ufe you, and perfecute you: 45 That ye may be the children... | |
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