IN N The Life Radiant, Miss Whiting aims to portray a practical ideal for daily living that shall embody the sweetness and exaltation and faith that lend enchantment to life. It is, in a measure, a logical sequence of The World Beautiful, leading into still diviner harmonies. The Life Radiant is characterized by the same essential qualities and method of speculative thought that have marked The World Beautiful series and The Spiritual Significance. Its five chapters are entitled, respectively, The Golden Age Lies Onward; Discerning the Future; The Ethereal World; The Power of the Exalted Moment; and The Nectar of the Hour. Other Books by Lilian Whiting THE WORLD BEAUTIFUL. First, Second and Third Series. 3 vols. 16 mo. $1.00 per volume. Decorated cloth, $1.25 per volume. AFTER HER DEATH. The Story of a Summer. 16 mo. $1.00. Decorated cloth, $1.25. FROM DREAMLAND SENT. Verses with additional poems. 16 mo. A STUDY OF ELIZABETH BARRETT KATE FIELD: A Record. With sever- THE SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE; or THE WORLD BEAUTIFUL IN BOOKS. Ideals, Concord and Its Famous Au- Little, Brown & Co., Publishers, 254 Washington Street, BOSTON. 1903 (Date). The Alliance Publishing Company 569 Fifth Ave., New York City, N. Y. Herewith is enclosed Annual Subscriptions as below: Dollars, for THE ARENA, to be sent for One Year, beginning with issue for... ($2.50) MIND, to be sent for One Year, beginning with issue for ($2.00)* *After Dec. 31, 1903, the price will be $2.50 for Subscriptions as follows, to be forwarded by me to The Alliance Publishing Co., 559 Fifth Ave., New York City, N. Y., (or to The American News Company): THE ARENA, to be sent for One Year, beginning with issue for ($2.50) MIND, to be sent for One Year, beginning with issue for... *After Dec. 31, 1903, the price will be $2.50 Newsdealer's Name ($2.00)* Address In the Heart of Christmas-Tide (Elise Traut)-Blessing (Poem: IMMEDIATELY B. O. FLOWER'S HOW ENGLAND AVERTED A REVOLUTION OF FORCE This work is a fascinating analysis of the causes which forced England dangerously close to the brink of revolution in 1848, that memorable year when the continent of Europe became a vast battle-field of political as well as social revolution. In view of the social unrest of today, this work is very apropos. An extensive appendix gives the social and reformative poetry of the period. 288 pages. $1.25 net. Postage 10 cents. ELEGIES: ANCIENT AND MODERN By Mary Lloyd. A critical and historical study of the Elegiac poetry of the world, together with an anthology containing the choicest specimens of this noble form of verse selected from the literatures of all peoples and of all ages. Two volumes. Vol. I., ready immediately. $1.50 net, each volume. Postage 12 cents. MOONBLIGHT. By Dan Beard. A brilliant, analytical and intensely dramatic story illustrative of a great strike in the Pennsylvania coal regions, with especial reference to the problem of human rights, and an idealist's attempt to rectify the wrongs consequent on the private ownership of natural monopolies. With an introductory study by Mr. Louis F. Post, editor of The Public, Chicago. Fifty pictures by the author. $1.25 net. Postage 10 cents. Ready in January. OTHER BRANDT BOOKS: THE GATE BEAUTIFUL: Being Principles and Methods in Vital Art Education. By Prof. John Ward Stimson. Cloth, $7.50 net. Postage 43 cents. Paper-covered $3.50 net. Postage 26 cents. It is to American art what Ruskin's Modern Painters,' was to the art of England."R. Heber Newton. A Short History of MONKS AND MONASTERIES. By Alfred Wesley Wishart. 8vo.. illustrated, $3.50 net. Postage 18 cents. New edition, 12mo, $1.50 net. Postage 12 cents. "One of the most important historical contributions to our literature." -ARENA, New York. IN NATURE'S REALM. By Dr. C. C. Abbott. Illustrated, $2.50 net. Postage 18 cents. "A book to be treasured-a real triumph of literature."-Dial, Chicago. CAPE COD BALLADS and Other Verse. By Joe Lincoln. Pictures by E. W. Kemble. $1.25 net. Postage 8 cents. "The verse is of the highest type. There is nothing in current literature dealing with Yankee characteristics that is better than this."-Spy, Worcester, Mass. Order of your Bookseller ALBERT BRANDT, Publisher, Trenton, N Please mention THE ARENA in writing to advertisers. |