WASHINGTON, March 31, 1826. To the House of Representatives of the United States: In compliance with the resolution of the House of the 21st instant, requesting information whether any, and what, measures have been taken to improve the navigation over the sand bars in the Ohio River according to the provisions of the act of the 24th of May, 1824, to improve the navigation of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, and also whether the experiments mentioned in the proviso to the first section of the said act have been made, and, if so, what success has attended them, I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of War, with documents, containing the information desired by the resolution. To the Senate of the United States: JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. WASHINGTON, March 31, 1826. I communicate to the Senate herewith a supplementary article to the treaty with the chiefs and headmen of the Creek Nation, in behalf of that nation, which was transmitted to the Senate on the 31st of January last, and which I submit, together with and as a part of that treaty, for the constitutional advice of the Senate with regard to its ratification. A report of the Secretary of War accompanies the article, setting forth the reasons for which it has been concluded. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. WASHINGTON, April 3, 1826. To the House of Representatives of the United States: In compliance with the resolution of the House of the 13th ultimo, requesting a statement of all the expenditures incident or relating to internal improvement for the years 1824 and 1825, I transmit reports from the Secretaries of the Treasury and of War, with documents, containing the statement desired. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. WASHINGTON, April 3, 1826. To the House of Representatives of the United States: In compliance with a resolution of the House of the 7th ultimo, requesting information relative to the execution of an act of Congress of the 7th May, 1822, to authorize and empower the corporation of the city of Washington, in the District of Columbia, to drain the low grounds on and near the public reservations, and to improve and ornament certain parts of such reservations, I transmit herewith a report from the commissioners appointed by the corporation of the city to carry into effect the provisions of the said act, together with sundry documents, exhibiting the information desired by the resolution. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. WASHINGTON, April 5, 1826. To the House of Representatives of the United States: In compliance with a resolution of the House of the 30th ultimo, I transmit to the House a report * from the Secretary of State, with the documents desired by the resolution; and also a copy of the letter from the Secretary of State to Mr. Poinsett acknowledging the receipt of his dispatch No. 22, accidentally overlooked in the answer to the resolution of the House of the 27th ultimo. To the Senate of the United States: JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. WASHINGTON, April 11, 1826. On the 16th of January last I sent to the Senate a nomination of Daniel Bissell to be colonel of the Second Regiment of Artillery, and on the 3d of February I received from the Secretary of the Senate an attested copy of their proceedings in relation to that nomination, laid before me by their order, and closing with a resolution in these words: Resolved, That in the opinion of the Senate Daniel Bissell is entitled to the place of colonel in the Army of the United States, taking rank as such from the 15th of August, 1812, with the brevet of brigadier-general from the 9th of March, 1814, and that the President of the United States may arrange him accordingly. In the discharge of my own duties I am under the necessity of stating respectfully to the Senate First. That I can not concur in these opinions. Secondly. That the resolution of the Senate, having on its face no reference either to the nomination or to the office for which it was made, leaves me doubtful whether it was intended by the Senate as their decision upon the nomination or not. If intended as their decision, it imports that the Senate do not advise and consent to the appointment of Daniel Bissell as colonel in the Second Regiment of Artillery. If intended as a mere expression of their opinions, superseding in their judgment the necessity of their immediate decision upon the nomination, it leaves the Senate still in possession of the nomination and free to act upon it when informed of my inability to carry those opinions into effect. In this uncertainty I have thought it most respectful to the Senate to refer the subject again to them for their consideration. The delay in the transmission of this communication is attributable to the earnest desire which I have entertained of acceding to the opinions and complying with the wishes of the Senate, and to the long and repeated reconsideration of my own impressions with the view to make them, if possible, conform to theirs. A still higher duty now constrains me to invite their definitive decision upon the nomination. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. * Relating to the proposed congress of the Spanish American States. WASHINGTON, April 15, 1826. To the House of Representatives of the United States: In compliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 11th instant, I transmit herewith a report* of the Secretary of State, and documents, containing the information desired by the resolution. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. WASHINGTON, April 25, 1826. To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States: I now transmit to both Houses of Congress copies of a treaty with the Creek Nation of Indians, concluded on the 24th day of January last, with a supplementary article, signed on the 31st of last month, which have been, with the advice and consent of the Senate, duly ratified. I send at the same time copies of the treaty superseded by them, signed at the Indian Springs on the 12th of February, 1825. The treaty and supplementary article now ratified will require the aid of the Legislature for carrying them into effect. And I subjoin a letter from the Secretary of War, proposing an additional appropriation for the purpose of facilitating the removal of that portion of the Creek Nation which may be disposed to remove west of the Mississippi, recommending the whole subject to the favorable consideration of Congress. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. WASHINGTON, April 25, 1826. To the House of Representatives of the United States: In compliance with a resolution of the House of the 4th of January last, I now transmit reports from the Secretaries of State, of the Treasury, and of War, and from the Postmaster-General, with the documents containing the list of appointments of members of Congress and other information relating thereto desired by the resolution. To the Senate of the United States: JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. WASHINGTON, April 28, 1826. I transmit herewith to the Senate, for their advice concerning its ratification, a general convention of friendship, commerce, and navigation between the United States and His Majesty the King of Denmark, signed by the Secretary of State and the Danish minister on the 26th instant. A copy of the convention and a note from the Secretary of State, together with Mr. Pedersen's answer, respecting the claims of the citizens of the United States upon the Danish Government, are likewise communicated. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. *Relative to governments to be represented at the congress at Panama. WASHINGTON, April 29, 1826. To the House of Representatives of the United States: In compliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 26th instant, I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of the Treasury, with a copy of the opinion of the Attorney-General* referred to in the resolution. To the Senate of the United States: JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. WASHINGTON, May 9, 1826. In compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 28th ultimo, I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of War, with a copy of the proceedings of the recent court-martial for the trial of Colonel Talbot Chambers, and other documents requested by the resolution or relating to the subject of it. To the Senate of the United States: JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. WASHINGTON, May 15, 1826. In compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 23d of March last, requesting information concerning the official conduct of the collector and other revenue officers of the port of Philadelphia, I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of the Treasury, with documents, containing the information desired by the resolution. 1 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. WASHINGTON, May 16, 1826. To the House of Representatives of the United States: In compliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 9th instant, I communicate herewith a report * from the Secretary of the Treasury, with the documents desired by the resolution. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. WASHINGTON, May 17, 1826. To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States: I communicate to both Houses of Congress copies of treaties with Indian tribes which have been, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, duly ratified during the present session of Congress: (1) With the Great and Little Osage tribes, concluded June 2, 1825; (2) Kansas, June 3, 1825; (3) Poncar, June 9, 1825; (4) Teton, Yancton, and Yanctonies, June 22, 1825; (5) Sioune and Ogallala, July 5 and 12, 1825; (6) Chayenne, July 6, 1825; (7) Hunkpapas, July 16, 1825; (8) Ricara, July 18, 1825; (9) Mandan, July 30, 1825; (10) BelantseEtoa, or Minnetaree, July 30, 1825; (11) Crow, August 4, 1825; (12) Great and Little Osage, August 10, 1825; (13) Kansas, August 16, 1825; (14) Sioux, Chippewa, Sac and Fox, Menomenee, Ioway, Sioux, Winnebago, and a portion of the Ottawa, Chippewa, and Pottawatomie tribes, August 19, 1825; (15) Ottoe and Missouri, September 26, 1825; (16) Pawnee, September 30, 1825; (17) Maha, October 6, 1825; (18) Shawnee, November 7, 1825. * Respecting the right of a foreign minister to retain money advanced by the President as an outfit beyond the sum appropriated by law. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. WASHINGTON, May 19, 1826. To the House of Representatives of the United States: In compliance with a resolution of the House of the 16th instant, I transmit a report * from the Secretary of State, containing the information thereby requested. To the Senate of the United States: JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. WASHINGTON, May 20, 1826. In compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 5th of March, 1824, requesting copies of the several instructions to the ministers of the United States to the Government of France and of the correspondence between the said ministers and Government having reference to the spoliations committed by that power on the commerce of the United States anterior to the 30th of September, 1800, or so much thereof as can be communicated without prejudice to the public interest; also how far, if at all, the claim of indemnity from the Government of France for the spoliations aforesaid was affected by the convention entered into between the United States and France on the said 30th of September, 1800, I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of State, with the documents desired by the resolution. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. EXECUTIVE ORDER. ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, July 11, 1826. GENERAL ORDERS. The General in Chief has received from the Department of War the following orders: The President with deep regret announces to the Army that it has pleased the Disposer of All Human Events, in whose hands are the issues *Relating to the negotiations with Great Britain for a cession of certain keys on the Bahama Banks. |