I KNOW there is nothing you dislike so much as personal observations NORTH. On myself to myself not at all on others. BULLER. Yet I cannot help telling you to your face, sir, that you are one of the finest-looking old men NORTH. Elderly gentlemen, if you please, sir. BULLER. In Britain, in Europe, in the World. I am perfectly serious, sir. You are. NORTH. You needed not to say you were perfectly serious; for I suffer no man to be ironical on Me, Mr Buller. I am. BULLER. Such a change since we came to Cladich! Seward was equally shocked, with myself, at your looks on board the Steamer. So lean-so bent-so sallow-so haggard-in a word-so aged! Were you shocked, Seward? NORTH. SEWARD. Buller has such a blunt way with him that he often makes me blush. I was not shocked, my dear sir, but I was affected. BULLER. Turning to me, he said in a whisper, "What a wreck!" VOL. LXVI. NO. CCCCV. A |