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" Three kingdoms' wonder, and three kingdoms' fear. While single he stood forth, and seem'd, although Each had an army, as an equal foe ; Such was his force of eloquence to make The hearers more concern'd than he that spake : Each seem'd to act that part... "
The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser: With the Life of the Author and the ... - Página 12
por Edmund Spenser - 1807
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Poems and Translations: With the Sophy, a Tragedy

Sir John Denham - 1709 - 354 páginas
...Three Kingdoms Wonder, and three Kingdoms Fear; Whilft fingle he ftood forth, and feem'd, although Each had an Army, as an equal Foe. Such was his force...Eloquence, to make The Hearers more concern'd than he that fpake » Each feem'd to ad: that part he came to fee. And none was more a Looker on than he ; So did...
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Poems and Translations;: With The Sophy, a Tragedy

Sir John Denham - 1719 - 258 páginas
...flood forth, and feem'd, although, Eacb had an Aimy, a* an equal Foe. Peems upon feveral Occafieits. yj Such was his Force of Eloquence, to make The Hearers more concern'd than he that fpake ;, Each fecm'd to aft that Fart he came to fee, And none was more a Looker-on than he; So did...
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preface biograpical and critical, to the works of the english poets

samuel johnson - 1779 - 342 páginas
...kingdoms wonder, and three «' kingdoms fear; " Whilft fingle he flood forth, and " feem'd, although " Each had an army, as an equal " foe. *' Such was make " The hearers more concern'd than " he that fpake ; *' Each feem'd to act that part he " came to fee, " And none was more a looker-on " than he;...
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Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, to the Works of the English Poets ...

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 328 páginas
...kingdoms fear ; « Whilft " Whilft fingle he flood forth, and " feem'd, although " Each had an armyr as an. equal " foe. " Such was his force of eloquence, " to make " The hearers more conccrn'd than, " he that fpake ; " Each feem'd to. a<Et that part1 he " came to fee, M And none was...
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The Works of the English Poets: Denham and Spratt

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 486 páginas
...Three kingdoms wonder, and three kingdoms fear ; Whilft fingle he flood forth, and feem'd, although Each had an army, as an equal foe. Such was his force pf eloquence, to make The hearers more concern'd than he that fpake 5 Each feem'd to aft that part...
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The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets;: Cowley. Denham. Milton. Butler ...

Samuel Johnson - 1781 - 498 páginas
...kingdoms wonder, an,d three kingdoms " fear; ** Whilft fmgle he ftood forth, and feem'd, " although fc Each had an army, as an, equal foe. " Such was make " The hearers more concern'd than he that fpake; .•«* Each feem'd to act that part he came to fee^ " And none was more a looker-on than he...
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The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets;: Cowley. Denham. Milton. Butler ...

Samuel Johnson - 1781 - 494 páginas
...wonder, and three kingdom's " fear ; Sl Whilft fingle he flood forth, and feem'd, ** although . ** Each had an army, as an equal foe. " Such was his force, ot eloquence, to make f The hearers more concern'd than he that fpake; " Each feem'd to a<ft that part...
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The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets;: With Critical ..., Volumen1

Samuel Johnson - 1783 - 478 páginas
...kingdoms wonder, and three kingdoms " fear ; " While fingle he ftood forth, and feem*d, " although " Each had an army, as an equal foe. ** Such was his force of eloquence, to make " The hearers more concern 'd than he that fpake; *c Each feem'd to act that part he came to fee, ** And none was more...
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The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets,: With Critical ..., Volumen1

Samuel Johnson - 1790 - 508 páginas
...kingdoms' wonder, and three king.i " doms' fear. " While fingle he flood forth, and feem'd, f although '* Each had an army, as an equal foe, " Such was his...eloquence, to make " The hearers more concern'd than hethatfpake: V Each feem'd to act that part he came to fee, " And none was more a looker-on than he;...
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The Works of Samuel Johnson.LL.D..: The lives of the English poets

Samuel Johnson - 1792 - 478 páginas
...kingdoms' wonder, and three kingdoms* " fear. " While fingle he flood forth, and feem'd, although " Each had an army, as an equal foe, " Such was make " The hearers more concern'd than he that fpake ; " Each feem'd to ad that part he came to fee, "" And none was more a looker-on than he; :'i...
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