Fine dressing is a foul house swept before the doors. Discontent is a man's worst evil. Thou art to me the Efcurial. eye. He that hath little is the less dirty. Good counsel breaks no man's head. Fly the pleasure that will bite to-mor row. Woe be to the house where there is no chiding. The greatest ftep is that out of doors. Wealth, like rheum, falls on the weakest parts. If all fools wore white caps, we should Icok like a flock of geefe. Living well is the best revenge we can take on our enemies. Fair words make me look to my purse. The shortest answer is doing the thing. He who would have what he hath not, hould do what he doth not. He who hath horns in his bosom, needs not put them upon his head. Good and quickly feldom meet. God is at the end when we think he is farthest off. He who contemplates hath a day without night. Time is the rider that breaks youth. Better fuffer a great evil than do a little one. Talk much, and err much. The perfuafion of the fortunate sways the doubtful. True praise takes root, and spreads. Happy is the body which is bleft with a mind not needing. Foolish tongues talk by the dozen. Shew a good man his error, and he turns it into a virtue; a bad man doubles his fault. Profperity lets go the bridle. Take care to be what thou wouldst feem. Great businesses turn on a little pin. He that will not have peace, God gives him war. None is so wife but the fool overtakes him. That is the best gown that goes most up and down the house. Silks and fattins put out the fire in the kitchen. The first dish pleaseth all. He who fears death lives not. He who pitieth another thinks on him felf. Night is the mother of counsels. The faulty stands always on his guard. He goes not out of his way who goes to a good inn. It is an ill air where we gain nothing. Every one hath a fool in his fleeve. Too much taking heed is sometimes lofs. 'Tis easier to build two chimnies than to maintain one. He hath no leifure who useth it not. When either fide grows warm in argu- it is to live. ing, the wifest man gives over first. Wife men with pity do behold Fools worship mules that carry gold. In the husband wisdom, in the wife gen tleness. A wife man cares not much for what he cannot have. Pardon others but not thyfelf. Wine is a turn-coat; first a friend, then an enemy. Wine ever pays for his lodging. Time undermines us all. The dainties of the great are the tears Lawyers houses are built on the heads of fools. Among good men two fuffice. The best bred have the best portion. To live peaceably with all breeds good blood. He who hath the charge of fouls tranfports them not in bundles. Pains to get, care to keep, fear to lofe. When a lackey comes to hell, the devil locks the gates. He that tells his wife news is but newly married. He who will make a door of gold, must knock in a nail every day. If the brain sows not corn, it plants thistles. A woman conceals what she knows not. God deals his wrath by weight, but without weight his mercy. Follow not truth too near at the heels, left it dash out your teeth. Say to pleasure, gentle Eve, I will have none of ycur apple. Marry your daughters betimes, left they marry themselves. Every man's cenfure is usually first moulded in his own nature. Sufpicion is the virtue of a coward. Stay a while, that we may make an end the fooner. Let us ride fair and softly that we may get home the fooner. Debtors are liers. Knowledge (or cunning) is no burthen. Dearths foreseen come not. A penny spared is twice got. Penfion never enriched young men. If things were to be done twice, all would be wife. If the mother had never been in the oven, she would not have looked for her daughter there. The body is fooner well dressed than the foul. Every one is a master, and a fervant. No profit to honour, no honour to virtue or religion. Every fin brings its punishment along with it. The devil divides the world between atheism and fuperftition. Good husbandry is good divinity. Be reasonable and you will be happy. It is better to please a fool than to anger him. A fool, if he faith he will have a crab, he will not have an apple. Take heed you find not what you do not seek. The highway is never about. He lives long enough who hath lived well. Metal is dangerous in a blind horfe. Winter never rots in the sky. God help the rich, the poor can beg. He that speaks me fair, and loves me not, I will speak him fair, and trust him not. He who preaches war is the devil's chapla'n. The truest wealth is contentment with a little. A man's best fortune, or his worst, is a wife. Marry in haste, and repent at leisure. knight. Like blood, like good, and like age, Every ass thinks himself worthy to ftand with the king's horfes. A good beginning makes a good ending. One ounce of discretion, or of wisdom, is worth two pounds of wit. The devil is good, or kind, when he is pleased. A fair face is half a portion. Man doth what he can, God doth what he pleases. Gold goes in at any gate except that of heaven. Knaves and fools divide the world. No great loss but may bring some little profit. When poverty comes in at the door, love leaps out at the window. That fuit is best that best fits me. There is no coward to an ill confcience. wit, had need be afraid of their memories. Riches are but the baggage of virtue. He who defers his charities till his death, is rather liberal of another man's than of his own. A wife man hath more ballast than fail. Great men's promises, courtiers' oaths, and dead men's shoes, a man may look for, but not truft to. Be wife on this fide heaven. The devil tempts others, an idle man tempts the devil. Good looks buy nothing in the market. He who will be his own master often hath a fool for his scholar. That man is well bought who costs you but a compliment. The greatest king must at last go to bed with a shovel or spade. He only truly lives who lives in peace. If wife men never erred, it would go hard with the fool. Great virtue seldom descends. One wife (in marriage) and two happy. Almsgiving never made any man poor, nor robbery rich, nor profperity wife. A fool and his money are foon parted. Fear of hell is the true valour of a chriftian. For ill do well, then fear not hell. The best thing in this world is to live a ove it. Happy is he who knows his follies in his youth. A thousand pounds and a bottle of hay, Will be all one at Doomidav. One pair of heels is fometimes worth two pair of hands. 'Tis good fleeping in a whole skin. Ever drink, ever dry. He who hath an ill name is half-hanged. A friend's frown is better than a fool's fmile. The-cafiest work and way is, To beware, If the best man's faults were written in his forehead, it would make him pull his hat over his eyes. A man may be great by chance; but never wife, or good, without taking pains for it. When flatterers meet, the devil goes to dinner. 'Tis a small family that hath neither a thief nor an harlot in it. To give and to keep there is need of wit. A man never furfeits of too much honesty. Honour and ease are feldom bedfellows. Those husbands are in heaven whose wives do not chide. He can want nothing who hath God for his friend. Young men's knocks old men feel. He who is poor when he is married, shall be rich when he is buried. Of all tame beasts, I hate fluts. Giving much to the poor doth increase a man's ftore. That is my good that doth me good. An idle brain is the devil's shop. God fend us somewhat of our own when rich men go to dinner. Let your purse still be your master. Young men think old men fools; but old men know that young men are fools. Wit once bought is worth twice taught. A wife head makes a close mouth. All foolish fancies are bought much too dear. Women's and children's wishes are the aim and happiness of the more weak men. Ignorance is better than pride with greater knowledge. The charitable man gives out at the door, and God puts in at the window. Every man is a fool where he hath not confidered or thought. He who angers others is not himself at eafe. He dies like a beast who hath done no good while he lived. Heaven is not to be had by men's bare. ly wishing for it. Patch and long fit, build and foon flit. One hour's fleep before midnight is worth two hours fleep after it. Wranglers never want words. War is death's feaft. Idle lazy folks have most labour. Knavery may serve a turn, but honefly is beft at the long-run. A quick landlord makes a careful tenant Will is the cause of woe. Welcome is the best chear. I will keep no more cats than what will catch mice. Reprove others, but correct thyself.. Once a knave and ever a knave. Planting Planting of trees is England's old thrift. It is more painful to do nothing than fomething. Any thing for a quiet life. 'Tis great folly to want when we have it, and when we have it not too. Fly pleasure, and it will follow thee. God's Providence is the surest and best inheritance. That is not good language which all understand not. Much better lose a jest than a friend. He that hath some land must have fome labour. Shew me a lier, and I will shew you a thief. We must wink at small faults. Keep your shop and your shop will keep you. Every one should sweep before his own door. Much coin usually much care. Good take-heed doth always speed. He who gets doth much, but he who keeps doth more. A pound of gold is better than an ounce of honour. We think lawyers to be wife men, and they know us to be fools. Eaten bread is foon forgotten. whither goest thou? and, Penny, when wilt thou come again? 'Tis worse to be an ill man than to be thought to be one. A fool comes always short of his reckoning. A young faint an old faint; and a young devil an old devil. Wit is folly unless a wife man hath the keeping of it. Knowledge of God and of ourselves is the mother of true devotion, and the perfection of wisdom. Aflictions are sent us from God for our good. Confeffion of a fault makes halfamends. Every man can tame a shrew but he who hath her. 'Tis better to die poor than to live poor. Plain dealing is a jewel; but he who useth it will die a beggar. Honour bought is temporal fimony. Live, and let live, i. e. be a kind landlord. Children are certain cares, but very uncertain comforts. Giving begets love, lending usually lefsens it. He is the wife, who is the honeft man. Take part with reason against thy own When you fee your friend, trust to your will or humour. felf. Wit is a fine thing in a wise man's hand. Speak not of my debts except you mean to pay them. Words instruct, but examples perfuade effectually. He who lives in hopes dies a fool. Live so as you do mean to die. All earthly joys are empty bubbles, and do make men boys. Better unborn than untaught. If thou do ill, the joy fades, not the pains: if well, the pains do fade, the joy remains. Always refuse the advice which paffion gives. Nor fay nor do that thing which anger prompts you to. Bear and forbear is short and good philofophy. Set out wisely at first; custom will make every virtue more easy and pleasan: to you than any vice can be. The best and noblest conquest is that of 3 U2 a man's a man's own reason over his paflions and follies. Religion hath true lasting joys; weigh all, and fo If any thing have more, or fuch, let heaven go. Whatever good thou doft, give God the praise; Who both the power and will first gave to thee. § 152. Old Iralian Proverbs. He who serves God hath the best mafter in the world. Where God is there nothing is wanting. No man is greater in truth than he is in God's esteem. He hath a good judgment who doth not rely on his own. Wealth is not his who gets it, but his who enjoys it. He who converfes with nobody, is either a brute or an angel. Go not over the water where you cannot fee the bottom. He who lives disorderly one year, doth not enjoy himself for five years after. Friendships are cheap, when they are to be bought with pulling off your hat. Speak well of your friend, of your enemy neither well nor ill. The friendship of a great man is a lion at the next door. The money you refuse will never do you good. A beggar's wallet is a mile to the bottom. I once had, is a poor man. There are a great many affes without longears. Aniron anvil should have a hammer of feathers. He keeps his road well enough who gets rid of bad company. You are in debt, and run in farther; if you are not a lier yet, you will be one. The best throw upon the dice is to throw them away. 'Tis horribly dangerous to fleep near the gates of hell. He who thinks to cheat another, cheats himself moft. Giving is going a fishing. Too much profperity makes molt men fools. Dead men open the eyes of the living. No man's head aches while he comforts another. Bold and shameless men are mafters of half the world. Every one hatlt enough to do to govern himself well. He who is an afs, and takes himself to be a stag, when he comes to leap the ditch finds his mistake. Praise doth a wife man good, but a fool harm. No fooner is a law made but an eva. fion of it is found out. He who gives fair words, feeds you with an empty spoon. Three things cost dear; the carefiles of a dog, the love of a miss, and the invitation of an host. Hunger never fails of a good cook. A man is valued as he makes himself valuable. Three littles make a man rich on a sudden; little wit, little shame, and little honesty. He who hath good health is a rich man, and doth not know it. Give a wise man a hint, and he will do the business well enough. A bad agreement is better than a good law-fuit. The best watering is that which comes from heaven. When your neighbour's house is on fire carry water to your own. Spare diet and no trouble keep a man in good health. He that will have no trouble in this world must not be born in it. The maid is such as the is bred, and tow as it is spun. He that would believe he hath a great many friends, must try but few of them. Love bemires young men, and drowns the old. Once in every ten years every man needs his neighbour. Aristotle faith, When you can have any good thing take it: and Plato faith, if you do not take it, you are a great coxcomb. From an ass you can get nothing but kicks and stench. Either fay nothing of the absent, or speak like a friend. One man forewarned (or apprifed of a thing) is worth two. He is truly happy who can make others happy too. A fair woman without virtue is like palled wine. Tell a woman she is wondrous fair, and the will foon turn fool. Paint and patches give offence to the husband, hopes to her gallant. He that would be well spoken of himself, must not speak ill of others. He that doth the kindness hath the nobleft pleasure of the two. He who doth a kindneis to a good man, doth a greater to himfelf. A man's hat in his hand never did him harm. One cap or hat more or lefs, and one quire of paper in a year, cost but little, and will make you many friends. He who blames grandees endangers his head, and he who praises them must tell many a lie. A wife man goes not on board without due provision. Keep your mouth shut, and your eyes open. He who will stop every man's mouth muft have a great deal of meal. Wife men have their mouth in their hearts, fools their heart in their mouth. Shew not to all the bottom either of your purse or of your mind. I heard one say so, is half a lie. Lies have very short legs. One lie draws ten more after it. Keep company with good men, and you'll increase their number. He is a good man who is good for himself, but he is good indeed who is fo for others too. When you meet with a virtuous man, draw his picture. He who keeps good men company may very well bear their charges. He begins to grow bad * |