He bad who takes himself to be a good man. He is far from a good man who strives not to grow better. Keep good men company, and fall not out with the bad. who throws away his eftate with his hands, goes afterwards to pick it up on his feet. 'Tis a bad house that hath not an old man in it. To crow well and scrape ill is the devil's trade. Be ready with your hat, but flow with your purse. A burthen which one chuses is not felt. The dearer fuch a thing is, the better pennyworth for me. Suppers kill more than the greatest doctor ever cured. All the wit in the world is not in one head, Let us do what we can and ought, and let God do his pleasure. 'Tis better to be condemned by the college of physicians than by one judge, Skill and affurance are an invincible couple. The fool kneels to the distaff. Knowing is worth nothing, unless we do the good we know. A man is half known when you fee him, when you hear him speak you know him all our. Write down the advice of him who loves you, tho' you like it not at present. Be flow to give advice, ready to do any fervice. Both anger and halte hinder good counsel. Give neither counsel nor falt till you are afked for it, The fool never thinks higher than the top of his house. A courtier is a flave in a golden chain. A little kitchen makes a large house. Have money, and you will find kindred enough. He that lends his money hath a double loss. Of money, wit, and virtue, believe one-fourth part of what you hear men say. Money is his fervant who knows how to use it as he Chould, his matter who doth not. 'Tis better to give one shilling than to lend wenty. Wife distrust is the parent of ecurity. Mercy or goodness alone makes 15 like to God. So much only is mine, as { either use myself or give for God's fake, He who is about to speak evil of another, et him first well confider himself. Speak 10t of me unless you know me well; think of yourself ere aught of me you tell. One day of a wife man is worth the whole ife of a fool. What you give shines till, what you eat smells ill next day. Afkng costs no great matter. A woman that oves to be at the window is like a bunch of grapes in the highway. A woman and a glass are never out of danger. A womaa and a cherry are painted for their own harm. The best furniture in the house is a virtuous woman. The first wife is matrimony, the second company, the third herefy. A doctor and a clown a know more than a doctor alone. Hard upon hard never makes a good wall. The example of good men is visible philosophy. One ill example spoils many good laws. Every thing may be, except ditch without a bank. He who throws a stone against God, it falls upon his own head. He who plays me one trick shall not play me a second. Do what you ought, and let what will come on it. By making a fault you may learn to do better. The first faults are theirs who commit them, all the following are his who doth not punish them. He who would be ill served, let him keep good store of servants. To do good ftill make no delay; for life and time slide fast away. A little time will serve to do ill. He who would have trouble in this life, let him get either a ship or a wife. He who will take no pains, will never build a house three stories high. The best of the game is, to do one's business and talk little of it. The Italian is wife before he undertakes a thing, the German while he is doing it, and the Frenchman when it is over. In profperity we need moderation, in adversity patience. Profperous men facrifice not, i. e. they forget God. Great profperity and modesty seldom go together. Women, wine, and horfes, are ware men are often deceived in. Give your friend a fig, and your enemy a peach. He who hath no children doth not know what love means. He who spins hath one shirt, he who spins not hath two. He who confiders the end, restrains all evil inclinations. He who hath the longest sword is always thought to be in the right. There lies no appeal from the decision of fortune. Lucky men need no counsel. Three things only are well done in hatte; flying from the plague, escaping quarrels, and catching fleas, 'Tis better it should be said, Here he ran away, than Here he was flain. The sword from Heaven above falls not down in haste. The best thing in gaming is, that it be but little used. Play, women, and wine, make a man laugh till he dies of it. Play or gaming hath the devil at the bottom. The devil goes shares in gaming. He who doth not rife early never does a good day's work. He who hath good health is young, and he is rich who owes nothing. If young men had wit, and old men strength, enough, every thing might be well done. He who will have no judge but himself, condemns himself. Learning is folly unless a good_judgment hath the mangement of it. Every man 3 U3 loves loves justice at another man's house; no- fool. Large trees give more shade than Speaking without thinking is shooting without taking aim. He doth not lose his labour who counts every word he Speaks. One mild word quenches more heat than a whole bucket of water. Yes, good words to put off your rotten apples. Give every man good words, but keep your purse-ftrings close. Fine words will not keep a cat from starving. He that hath no patience, hath nothing at all. No patience, no true wisdom. Make one bargain with other men, but make four with yourself. There is no fool to a learned fool. The first degree of folly is to think one's felf wife; the next to tell others fo; the third to despise all counsel. If wife men play the fool, they do it with a vengeance. One fool in one house is enough in all confcience. He is not a thorough wife man who cannot play the fool on a just occafion. A wife man doth that at the first which a fool must do at the last. Men's years and their faults are always more than they are willing to own. Men's fins and their debts are more than they take them to be. Punishment, though lame, overtakes the finner at the last. He confiders ill, that confiders not on both fides. Think much and often, fpeak little, and write less. Confider well, Who you are, What you do, Whence you came, and Whither you are to go. Keep your thoughts to yourself, let your mien be free and open. Drink wine with pears, and water after figs, When the pear is ripe, it must fall of course. He that parts with what he ought, lofes nothing by the shift. Forgive every man's faults except your own. To forgive injuries is a noble and God-like revenge. 'Tis a mark of great proficiency, to bear eafily the failings of other men. Fond love of a man's self shews that he doth not know himself. That which a man likes well is half done. He who is used to do kindnesses, always finds them when he Bands in need. A wife lawyer never goes to law himfelf. A fluggard takes an hundred steps because he would not take one in due time. When you are all agreed upon the time, quoth the curate, I will make it rain. I will do what I can, and a little less, that I may hold out the better. Trust some few, but beware of all men. He who knows but little presently outs with it. He that doth not mind small things will never get a great deal. John Dolittle was the fon of Good-wife Spin-little. To know how to be content with little, is not a morsel for a fool's mouth. That is never to be called little, which a man thinks to be enough. Oftwo cowards, he hath the better who first finds the other out. The worst pig often gets the best pear. The devil turns his back when he finds the door shut against him. The wifer man yields to him who is more than his match. He who thinks he can do moft, is most mistaken. The wife discourses of a poor man go for nothing. Poor folks have neither any kindred nor any friends. Good preachers give their hearers fruit, not flowers. Woe to those preachers who listen not to themselves. He who quakes for cold, either wants money to buy him cloaths, or wit to put them on. Poverty is a good hated by all men. He that would have a thing done quickly and well, must do it himself. He who knows most is the least prefuming or confident. 'Tis more noble to make yourself great, than to be born fo. The beginning of an amour (or gallantry) is fear, the middle fin, and the end forrow or repentance. The beginning only of a thing iş hard, and costs dear. A fair promife catches the fool. He who is bound for another goes in at the wide end of the horn, and must come out at the narrow if he can. Promifing is not with design to give, but to please fools. Give no great credit to a great promifer. Profperity is the worst enemy men ufually have. Proverbs bear age, and he who would do well may view himself in them as in a looking-glass. A proverb is the child of experience. He that makes no reckoning of a farthing, will not be worth an halfpenny. Avoid carefully the first ill or mischief, for that will breed an hundred more. Reafon governs the wife man, and a cudgel the fool. Suffering is the mother of fools, reason of wife men. If you would be as happy as any king, confider not the few that are before, but the many that come behind you. Our religion and our language we fuck in, with our milk. Love, knavery, and necessity, make men good orators. There is no fence against what comes from Heaven. Good husbandry is the first step towards riches, A stock once gotten, wealth grows up of its own accord. Wealth hides many a great fault. Good ware was never dear, nor a mifs ever worth the money the costs. The fool's estate is the first spent. Wealth is his that enjoys it, and the world is his who scrambles for it. A father with very great wealth, and a fon with no virtue at all. Little wealth, and little care and trouble. The Roman conquers by fitting still at home. Between robbing and restoring, men commonly get thirty in the hundred. He is learned enough who knows how to live well. The more a man knows, the less credulous he is. There is no harm in defiring to be thought wife by others, but a great deal in a man's thinking himself to be so. Bare wages never made a servant rich. Lofing much breeds bad blood. Health without any money is half sickness. When a man is tumbling down, every faint lends a hand. He that unseasonably plays the wife man is a fool. He that pretends too much to wisdom is counted a fool. A wife man never fets his heart upon what he cannot have. A lewd batchelor makes a jealous husband. That crown is well spent which faves you ten. Love can do much, but scorn or disdain can do more. If you would have a thing kept fecret, never tell it to any one; and if you would not have a thing known of you, never do it. Whatever you are going to do or say, think well first what may be the confequence of it. They are always felling wit to others who have least of it for themselves. He that gains time gains a great point. Every ditch is full of after-wit. A little wit will serve a fortunate man. The favour of the court is like fair weather in winter. Neither take for a fervant him who you must entreat, nor a kinfman, nor a friend, if you would have a good one. A man never loses by doing good offices to others. He that would be well ferved, must know when to change his fervants. Ignorance and prosperity make them bold and confident. He who employs one fervant in any businesses, hath him all there; who employs two, hath half a fervant; who three, hath never a one. Either a civil grant, or a civil denial. When you have any business with a man give him title enough. The covetous man is the bailiff, not the master, of his own estate. Trouble not your head about the weather, or the government. Like with like looks well, and lafts long. All worldly joy is but a fhort-lived dream. That is a curfed pleasure that makes a man a fool. The foldier is well paid for doing mischief. A foldier, fire, and water, soon make room for themselves. A confidering, careful man is half a conjurer. A man would not be alone even in paradife. One nap finds out, or draws on another. Have good luck, and you may lie in bed. He that will maintain every thing must have his sword always ready drawn. That house is in an ill cafe where the distaff commands the sword. One sword keeps another in the fcabbard. He that speaks ill of other men, burns his own tongue. He that is most liberal where he should be fo, is the best husband. He is gainer enough who gives over a vain hope. A mighty hope is a mighty cheat. Hope is a pleasant kind of deceit. A man cannot leave his experience or wisdom to his heirs. Fools learn to live at their own cost, the wife at other men's. He is master of the whole world who hath no value for it. He who faith Woman, faith Wo to man. One enemy is too much for a man in a great poft, and an hundred friends are too few. Let us enjoy the present, we shall have trouble enough hereafter. Men toil and take pains in order to live easily at last. He that takes no care of himself, must not expect it from others. Industry makes a gallant man, and breaks ill fortune. Study, like a staff of cotton, beats without noise. Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are a tempeft and hail-florm. If pride were a deadly diseafe, how many would be now in their graves! He who cannot hold his peace will never lie at ease. A fool will be always talking, right or wrong. In filence there is many a good morsel. Pray hold your peace, or you will make me fall afleep. The table, a secret thief, sends its master to the hofpital. Begin your web, and God will fupply you with thread. Too much fear is an enemy to good deliberation. As foon as ever God hath a church built for him, the devil gets a tabernacle fet up for himself. Time is a file that wears, and makes no noise. Nothing is so hard to bear well as prosperity. Patience, time, and money, fet every thing to rights. The true art of making gold is to have a good eftate, and to spend but little of it. Abate two-thirds of all the reports you hear. A fair face, or a fine head, and very little brains in it. He who lives wickedly lives always in fear. А beautiful face is a pleasing traitor. If three know it, all the world will know it too. Many have too much, but nobody hath enough. An honest man hath half as much more brains as he needs, a knave hath rot half enough. A wife man changes his mind when there is reason for it. From hearing, comes wisdom; and from speaking repentance. Old age is an evil defired by all men, and youth an advantage which no young man underflands. He that would have a good revenge, let him leave it to God. Would you be revenged on your enemy? live as you ought, and you have done it to purpose. He that will revenge every affront, either falls from a good poft, or never gets up to it. Truth is an inhabitant of heaven. That which seems probable is the greatest enemy to the truth. A thousand probabilities cannot make one truth. 'Tis no great pains to speak the truth. That is moft true which we least care to hear. Truth hath the plague in his house (i. e. is carefully avoided). A wife man will not tell such a truth as every one will take for a lie. Long voyages occafion great lies. The world makes men drunk as much as wine doth. Wine and youth are fire upon fire. Enrich your younger age with virtue's lore. 'Tis virtue's picture which we find in books. Virtue must be our trade and study, not our chance. We shall have a house without a fault in the next world. Tell me what life you lead, and I will tell you how you shall die. He is in a low form who never thinks beyond this short life. Vices are learned without a teacher. Wicked men are dead whilst they live. He is rich who defires nothing more. To recover a bad man is a double kindness or virtue. Who are you for? I am for him whom I get most by. He who eats but of one dish never wants a phyfician. He hath lived to ill purpose who cannot hope to live after his death. Live as they did of old; fpeak as men do now. The mob is a terrible mon fter. Hell is very full of good meanings and intentions. He only is well kept whom God keeps. Break the legs of an evil custom. Tyrant custom makes a flave of reafon. Experience is the father, and memory the mother of wisdom. He who doeth every thing he has a mind to do, doth not what he should do. He who says all that he has a mind to say, hears what he hath no mind to hear. That city thrives best where virtue is most esteemed and rewarded. He cannot go wrong whom virtue guides. The sword kills many, but wine many more. 'Tis truth which makes the man angry. He who tells all the truth he knows, must lie in the streets. Oil and truth will get uppermost at the last. A probable story is the best weapon of calumny. He counts very unskilfully who leaves God out of his reckoning. No true. thing is of any great value but God only. All is good that God sends us. He that hath children, all his morfels are not his own. Thought is a nimble footman. Many know every thing else, but nothing at all of themselves. We ought not to give the fine flour to the devil, and the bran to God. Six foot of earth make all men of one fize. He that is born of a hen must scrape for his living. Afflictions draw men up towards heaven. That which does us good is never too late. Since my house must be burnt, I will warm myself at it. Tell every body your bufiness, and the devil will do it for you. A man was hanged for faying what was Do not all that you can do; fpend not all that you have; believe not all that you hear; and tell not all that you know. A man should learn to fail with all winds. He is the man indeed who can govern himself as he ought. He that would I've long, must sometimes change his course of life. When children are little they make their parents heads ach; and when they are grown up, they make their hearts ach. To preach well, you must first practise what you teach others. Ufe or practice of a thing is the best master. A man that hath learning is worth two who have it not. A fool knows his own bufiness better than a wise man doth another's. He who understands most is other men's master. Have a care of-Had I known this before. Command your fervant, and do it yourself, and you will have less trouble. You may know the mafter by his man. He who ferves the public hath but a scurvy master. He that would have good offices done to him, must do them to others. 'Tis the only true liberty to ferve our good God. The common foldier's blood makes the general a great man. An huge great house is an huge great trouble. Never advise a man to go to the wars, nor to marry. Go to the war with as many as yon can, and with as few to counsel. 'Tis better keeping out of a quarrel, than to make it up afterward. Great birth is a very poor dish on the table. Neither buy any thing of, nor fell to, your friend. Sickness or diseases are visits from God. Sickness is a personal citation before our Judge. Beauty and folly do not often part company. Beauty beats a call upon a drum. Teeth placed before the tongue give good advice. A great many pair of thoes are worn out before men do all they say. A great |