Commentary on RevelationKregel Publications - 736 páginas Revelation is one of the most difficult, widely argued book of the Bible. However Bullinger, an untiring scholar of God's word, treats Revelation not as a work to be interpreted by man, but as God's own interpretation of the future to us. Bullinger's vast knowledge of the Scriptures, his unique grasp of history, and his unusual interpretative ability will challenge you to rethink your views of interpretation. Refreshing in its literal acceptance of God's Word, this commentary is not merely a warmed over version of other men's views. Bullinger looks at every verse and devotes major discussions to key debated issues in the book of Revelation. E. W. Bullinger (1837-1913) was a direct descendant of Johann H. Bullinger, the Swiss reformer. Bullinger was a lifelong scholar and writer studying at King's College, London. In 1862 he was ordained in the Church of England. He is also the author of the notes and appendixes of The Companion Bible and the author of numerous works including Commentary on Revelation, Great Cloud of Witnesses, How to Enjoy the Bible, and Number in Scripture. |
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Resultados 1-5 de 80
... Israel's Espousals ( Exodus : " Thy First Love " ) . 73 Smyrna : The Period of Israel's Wanderings ( Numbers : Days and Years ) . 74 Pergamos : The Wilderness Period ( Numbers : " Balaam " ) . 75 Thyatira : The Period of Israel's Kings ...
... Israel's past and prophecy . The author will definitely , instructively challenge the reader's thinking to know what he believes concerning the time periods presented in the Revelation . Bullinger's vast knowledge of the Scriptures ...
... Israel . The same may be said of the judgments , which follow on the lines of the plagues of Egypt , and therefore are to be just as real : indeed they are to exceed in dread reality those which were executed in the Exodus from Egypt ...
... Israel . Its first occurrence is ( as usual ) most significant ( see 1 Sam . i . 3 , 11 ; and iv . 4 ) , when Israel was reduced to a low estate — oppressed by the Philistines . All had failed . The Judges had failed . The priests ...
... Israel is in low estate ? That Priests and people alike have failed , and there is " no king . " Does it not say that " the Captain of the Lord's host " is coming down as their judge and vindicator , to deliver them from their ...
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CXLI | 691 |
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