| Philip Schaff - 1877 - 948 páginas
...ARTICLE XXIII. Of the Authority of General Councils. General Councils (forasmuch as they be an assembly of men, whereof all be not governed with the Spirit and Word of God) may err, and sometimes have erred, not only in worldly matters, but also in things pertaining to God.... | |
 | 1675 - 314 páginas
...commandment and will of Princes. And when they be gathered together, (forasmuch as they be an Assembly of men, whereof all be not governed with the Spirit and word о God) they may erre, and sometime have erred, even in things pertaining untó God. Wherefore things... | |
 | Samuel Clarke - 1712 - 554 páginas
...believed for necejfity of Salvation : That even General Councils, (foraßnuch as they be a» dffembly of Men, whereof All be not governed with the Spirit and Word of God, ) may err, and fomettmes have erred, even in things pertaining unto God: Wherefore things ordained... | |
 | Uninterrupted succession - 1717 - 164 páginas
...Councils. General Councils — - when they be gathered together (for as much as they be an Aflembly of Men, whereof all be not governed with the Spirit and Word of God) they may err, and fometimes have erred in things ptirta'ating unto God j -wherefore things ft neceffary to Salvation... | |
 | Thomas Ward - 1719 - 558 páginas
...Commandment and Will of Princes and when they be gathered together (forafmuch as they be an Aflembly of Men, whereof all be not Governed with the Spirit and Word of God) they may err and fometimes have erred, even in thines pertaining unto God. Wherefore things ordained M by King ED w... | |
 | 1765 - 432 páginas
...Commandment and Will pf Princes. And when they.be gathered together (forafmuch as they be an aflembly of men, whereof all be not governed with the Spirit and Word of Cod) they may err, and fometimes have erred, even in things pertaining unto Cod. Wherefore things ordained... | |
 | Martin Madan - 1772 - 106 páginas
...Commandment and Will of Princes ; and when they be gathered together, z (forafmuch as they be an Aflembly of Men, whereof all be not governed with the Spirit and Word of God) they may err, and fometime have erred, even in Things pertaining unto God. Wherefore Things ordained by them as neceffary... | |
 | Thomas Rogers - 1776 - 78 páginas
...Councils. GENERAL Councils may not be gathered together without the Commandment and Will of Princes. And when they be gathered together (forafmuch as they...with the Spirit and Word of God), they may err, and fomeurnes have erred, even in things pertaining unto pod. Wherefore things ordained by them as neceflary... | |
 | 1779 - 688 páginas
...Princes. And when they be gathered together (forafmuch as ihtry be an Affirmbly of Men, whereof .ill be not governed with the Spirit and Word of God) they may err, and fometimes have erred, even in Things pertaining unto God Wherefore Things ordained by them as neccflary... | |
 | Sir Richard Joseph Sullivan (bart.) - 1794 - 540 páginas
...Rome, have erred, both in ceremonies and matter of faith ; " for as much as councils are assemblies of men, whereof all be not governed with the spirit and word of God, &c.";{: But the pious Doftor Scot, in his Life of Christ, still goes farther, and says, " that while... | |
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